Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Activity Details
Team undertaking works, ARTC or Contractor?:
Key Personnel:
Photos of worksite:
Has a TBEIA been completed?
If not, list alternative environmental control or reasons.
Is the TBEIA (or another appropriate document) available on site?
Are there any impacts outside of State limitations? (i.e. out of hours, work in waterways etc.)
Activity Review
Are the following controls in place?
Flora and Fauna:
Use existing access roads to minimise disturbance to vegetated areas.
Avoid parking vehicles, storing construction materials and placing stockpiles within the drip zone of trees (generally provide at least 5 metres distance) or as far as is practicable in order to avoid disturbance to the root zone.
Do not disturb or harm fauna on site.
If native fauna is present works should avoid the fauna until the fauna has relocated away from the site.
Soil and Water contamination:
Do not perform maintenance of equipment of vehicles on site. If unavoidable use drip trays or catch trays beneath equipment / vehicles being maintained.
Do not conduct refueling or other chemical use within 40 metres of a waterway or drainage channel.
If spoil material / ballast is to be reused or stored within the rail corridor, consideration is to be given to the relevant state waste criteria to determine suitable placement / storage locations.
Reuse and disposal options for contaminated soil and other solid waste are determined by their classification.
Soil Erosion and damage:
Sediment controls installed on the downslope side of any disturbed areas including excavated, graded and stockpile sites where erosion may result in impact to the surrounding area.
Sediment controls may include sand bags, sediment fencing, sediment traps, straw bales, temporary vegetation cover or the use of v trains channeled to vegetated areas.
Sockpiles of ballast or other construction materials are a suitable distance from the water body and drains, and appropriate containment measures provided around the stockpiles, so as to prevent impact from any contaminated runoff.
Stockpiles are restricted to 2 metres in height and are located away from waterways / drainage lines.
Stockpiles are located away from sensitive receivers as to reduce risk of visual impacts.
Maintaining and monitoring erosion and sediment for risk of erosion or sedimentation.
Communicating to the relevant corridor maintenance team the ongoing monitoring and maintenance requirements of the erosion and sediment controls.
All waste generated onsite is segregated, stored and disposed of appropriately.
Only using waste transporters who hold an appropriate license to transport that type of waste.
Ensuring the waste receiving facility is appropriately licensed to accept the waste type being disposed.
Activity Review
Air (Dust and emissions):
Activities involving excavation or disturbance of soils or vegetation must implement controls to prevent and/or minimise the generation of dust (i.e. using water sprayers or water carts for dust suppression as required).
Minimising vehicle movement and speed on unsealed tracks and access paths.
Covering vehicles and trailers when transporting bulk materials.
All plant and equipment must be serviced regularly to ensure exhaust emissions generated are within the specified plant and equipment standards.
Turning off idling plant and equipment when not in use.
Noise and Vibration:
Plant used intermittently is throttled down or shut down.
Where possible, minimising the duration of simultaneous operation of noisy plant within discernible range of sensitive receivers.
Consider shielding if loading/unloading areas are close to sensitive receivers.
Loading and unloading of materials / deliveries occurs as far as possible from sensitive receivers.
Maximising the offset distance between plant and sensitive receivers.
Noise-emitting plant is orientated away from sensitive receivers.
Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Heritage:
Do not perform works on potential heritage items, including bridges, culverts and tunnels without approval.
If a suspected indigenous or non-indigenous heritage item or site is identified, stop any works that may impact the item or site, demarcate and isolate the item, and contact the ARTC Project Manager and Environment Advisor for further instruction.
Materials Handling and Storage:
Spill kits kept onsite, and must be available and in sufficient quantities for the materials being stored.
Spill kits are clearly signed and maintained near work zones, chemical, oil and fuel storage or within vehicles.
All liquid chemicals, oils, fuels and liquid wastes are stored in a sealed and bunded storage area that has a volume of 110% of the largest container being stored.
Are there any other environmental controls in place? If yes, explain.