Title Page

  • Site Audited

  • Audit Date

  • Auditor name

  • Auditor job title


  • Are Infection prevention and control (IPC) policies/guidelines available?

  • Is there a designated Infection Prevention and Control Lead?

  • Is Infection prevention and control included in induction training?

  • Are staff offered immunisation following local risk assessments in line with current guidelines and accurate records kept?

  • Is there a local risk assessment detailing any challenges to effective IPC?

  • Are comprehensive cleaning schedules available and up to date records kept?

  • Is there evidence that the cleanliness of the environment and equipment is monitored?

Hand Hygiene

  • Are all hand washbasins accessible and free of extraneous items?

  • Are hand wash basins, splashbacks and tiles in a good state of repair, visibly clean and free from limescale and extraneous items?

  • Are hand hygiene products in appropriate dispensers and visibly clean?

  • Do staff adopt a bare below the elbow approach? (one plain banded ring only)

  • Are laminated hand hygiene technique posters displayed?

  • Are annual hand hygiene assessments undertaken on all staff within the practice?

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Is personal protective equipment stored appropriately, available and accessible in clinical areas? (gloves, plastic disposable aprons, face masks and eye protection)

  • Are hands decontaminated immediately after removal of personal protective equipment?

Waste Disposal

  • Are waste bins enclosed, lidded, foot operated, clean, with bin liners in place and in a good state of repair?

  • Is clinical waste stored in a locked designated area which is not accessible to unauthorised people or to animals?

  • Is there documentary evidence to demonstrate that all clinical waste (including sharps boxes) is disposed of by a registered waste collection company?

Sharps Handling & Disposal

  • Are sharps boxes discarded to a designed clinical waste collection area when two thirds full or after three months of assembly?

  • Are sharps disposed of safely, bins labelled, stored appropriately, temporary closures in place and only contain appropriate items?

  • Are safer sharps devices routinely used?

  • Do staff know what action to take in the event of a needlestick injury - randomly question staff members?

Clinical Equipment

  • Can staff describe the symbol used to indicate single use items?

  • Are all instruments required to be sterile at the point of use available pre-packed and sterile?

  • Are all reusable items examined for wear and tear?

  • Is the examination couch/chair visibly clean, impervious to fluid and in a good state of repair?

  • Are dressing trolleys clean and in a good state of repair?

  • Are pillows covered in an impervious material to prevent moisture seepage?

  • Are examination specula disposable?

  • Is frequently used patient equipment visibly clean, and in a good state of repair (stethoscopes, BP cuffs and machines, oxygen pleth, doppler machine auorcscopes etc)?

  • Is nebuliser equipment is designated single use?

  • Are volumatics used in clinics single patient use only?

  • Are peak flow mouth pieces single use?

Clinical Practice

  • Is a biohazard spill kit available to deal with blood or body fluid spillage?

  • Are appropriate transport containers available for pathology specimens?

  • Are specimens stored appropriately awaiting collection (Not in vaccine or food fridges)?

  • Are sterile products are stored above floor level?

  • Are clinical supplies in date and undamaged?

  • Is disposable couch roll changed between patients?

  • Are tourniquets single use?

General Environment

  • Is the general environment visibly clean, free of clutter and in a good state of repair?

  • Are all floor coverings intact, visibly clean and free from tears or damage?

  • Is all furniture visibly clean and in a good state of repair?

  • Are walls are intact and have smooth, washable surfaces?

  • Are walls are intact and have smooth, washable surfaces?

  • Is vinyl flooring in place in all clinical areas including all consulting and treatment rooms?

  • Is equipment such as computer terminals and keyboards within clinical areas visibly clean?

  • Are privacy curtains changed on a six monthly basis?

  • Are all high and low horizontal surfaces visibly clean, free from dust, accessible and uncluttered for ease of cleaning?

Dirty Utility & Toilets

  • Does the dirty utility have a separate designated hand wash basin?

  • Is the dirty utility door kept closed and locked?

  • Is the dirty utility free from extraneous items?

  • Are toilets visibly clean and in a good state of repair?

  • Are toilets free from extraneous items?

  • Are toilet brushes and holders visibly clean and in good condition?

  • Are baby changing facilities visibly clean and in a good state of repair?


  • Is cleaning equipment colour coded?

  • Are single-use disposable gloves that meet the appropriate standards available and worn by cleaning staff?

  • Is there a dedicated room for storage of cleaning equipment?

  • Is all cleaning equipment stored appropriately, visibly clean and in a good state of repair?

  • Are mops-heads disposable?

  • Is general purpose detergent available for cleaning? (surface wipes and liquid)

  • Are diluted products prepared correctly, labelled and discarded after 24 hours?

  • Are COSHH Data Sheets available for all cleaning products used within the practice?

Cleaning Compliance Audit

  • Is agreed cleaning schedule available to all staff?

  • Is there a cleaner’s book or another way of dealing with any cleaning issues as they arise and do staff use it?

  • Does the equipment used for cleaning meet the requirements of Infection Prevention and Control Policy?

  • Is the equipment used for cleaning stored in accordance Infection Prevention and Control Policy?

  • Does cleaning meet contracted standards for clinical areas (assess 3 rooms and note any concerns)

  • Does cleaning meet contracted standards for non-clinical areas (assess 1 area and note any concerns)

  • Does cleaning meet contracted standards for toilets (assess 2 toilets and note any concerns)

Cleaning Cupboard Audit

  • Sink clean and free of clutter

  • Mops inverted, stored on a wall rack and heads clean

  • Mop buckets stored inverted

  • Mop bucket clean and unsoiled

  • Are appropriate gloves in use?

  • Adequate cleaning supplies in stock

  • Cleaning products stored correctly and off the floor

  • Evidence of colour coding for cleaning items

  • Floor space clear and clean

  • Designated area for disposal of dirty water

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.