
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Premise Picture

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Premise Lead:

  • Hours of Operation Monday to Friday:

  • Hours of Operation Sat & Sun

Summary of Activities: Please provide brief details of the activities carried out on site

Staff Information:

  • Normal No. of Staff regularly working on site during normal working hours:

  • Normal No. of staff working on site during out-of-hours times:

  • Maximum No. of Staff on site during normal working hours (Estimate as necessary):

  • Maximum No. of staff working on site during out-of-hours times:

  • Do you have any staff who require a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)?

  • Have the PEEP(s) been reviewed within the last 12 months?

  • Have all staff completed Fire Safety Training as per the organisation’s Fire Policy?

  • Has your organisation nominated Fire Marshals for the area you occupy?

  • When was the last Fire Evacuation Drill carried out involving your staff?

Patient Information:

  • Do you have In-patient Facilities?

  • Please provide details of In-patients facilities - Total No. Beds

  • Average No. occupied

  • Do In-patients need assistance to evacuate?

  • Do you have out-patients?

  • Do out-patients need assistance to evacuate?

  • Please provide any other patient-related information that may be relevant in the event of an evacuation:

  • Is there any Dangerous Substances/ Environmental Risks?

  • Item - Quantity - Brief Usage and - Date of COSHH Assessment

Fire Hazards relating to your Organisation

  • Have Portable Appliances been tested within the last 12 months (spot check)?

  • Have COSHH assessments been completed for all relevant substances?

  • Does this identify any other Fire Hazards that have not previously been covered?

  • If ‘Yes’, provide details below and attach your action plan:

Fire Policy

  • Does your organisation have a Fire Policy?

  • Do your activities follow the requirements laid down by your Fire Policy?

  • If No, provide details:

Please provide details of any other activities or information relevant to Fire Safety:

As a tenant in a multi-occupied site, our organisation agrees to:

  • Adopt the Landlord’s Fire Risk Assessment assessing the Fire risks relating to the fabric of the building

  • Action any findings required as a result of the Landlord’s Fire Risk Assessment

  • Ensure that operational changes are risk assessed for Fire and the Landlord is informed, as necessary to allow the Fire Risk Assessment can be updated

  • Ensure Fire-related Risk Assessment(s) are carried out for any specific hazards/ activities identified

Sign Off

Sign Off:

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.