Take 5: Lifesaving Behaviors
Prepared by
Conducted on
Customer Name:
Location City/State
Take 5 Assessment
For any failed response (noted in red) please explain in the box below the question. i.e. Can I put controls in place to manage this hazard? Attachments may be added if necessary, to better explain the situation.
PAUSE and ask for help from your Manager if a condition is not safe, or you cannot take action to eliminate the hazard. If a near miss occurs, report it in a timely manner to your Manager.
When troubleshooting, ensure that hazardous energy is controlled as soon as the problem is identified and a repair is going to take place.
1. I wear my seat belt when driving vehicles?
Wearing your seatbelt is a Terex Life Saving Behavior. You must change your habit!
2. Do I have the proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to do my job safely?
3. Did I check in with the onsite representative?
4. Can I position myself in a safe zone in relation to moving equipment?
5. Can I protect myself against falls from height?
6. Can I verify isolation, by an authorized person, - lock, tag, and try - when work involves hazardous energy?
7. Can I effectively secure equipment from accidental movement (i.e. stable ground conditions for outriggers, chock or block wheels, cribbing, blocking raised jibs)?
8. Can I stand clear of the danger Zone from unstable / suspended loads?
11. Can I work safely in the present weather conditions (weather, heat, etc.)?
12. My work area is clear of any obstructions (power lines, extension cords, air hoses, proper clearance for extending boom or scissor, etc.)?
13. Do I know where to go in the event of a facility emergency and I have access to assistance in case of an emergency for myself?
14. Can I prevent spills and other environmental hazards (oil spills, aerosols, etc.)?
15. This job requires entry into a confined space?<br>
Confined Space entries are not allowed, you must Pause the Job. Contact your supervisor.
If additional hazards are present or possible, please explain hazard and how to manage it: