Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Reference 'Testing, Inspection and Shipment Release' QMSP

  • Ref ISO 9001 QMS Requirements - Clause 8.4.1 a and b/Clause 8.6 a and b/Clause 9.1.3 a

Goods-In Inspection

  • Ref ISO 9001 QMS Requirements - Clause 8.4.1 a

  • Reference 'Primary Goods in Inspection & Quality Control 'SOP

  • Reference 'CHU Goods In' SOP

Untitled Page

  • Are reagents awaiting inspection appropriately labeled

  • Is the goods-in inspector wearing appropriate PPE

  • Have all Primary QC checks been implemented and entered into the Reagent Database

  • Has lot/batch expiry date been entered if applicable

  • Have H&P phrases been checked against the reagents database

  • Is the Inspector aware of the secondary QC Quarantine on receipt protocol

  • Are CHU and the goods-in inspector aware of the procedure for handling QC failed material

  • are QC passed reagents appropriately labeled

Good-In Inspection

  • Reference 'Secondary Quality Control' SOP'

  • Can chemists demonstrate the ordering process for reagents that require secondary QC

  • Are compounds for secondary QC correctly labeled and Quarantined

  • are reagents destined for secondary QC assigned allocated a Quarantine location in the reagents database

  • are secondary QC passed reagents appropriately labeled

  • are secondary QC failed reagents appropriately labeled and quarantined

  • are analytical results appropriately annotated 'QC Passed'

COA Requests and Non Urgent Purity Checks

  • Reference 'Analytical samples' SOP

  • are compounds correctly labeled and Quarantined

  • are the results of the checks recorded and actioned

Goods-Out Quality Control

  • Ref ISO 9001 QMS Requirements - Clause 8.6 a and b

  • Reference 'Order Packing, Goods Out & Quality Control 'SOP

  • Reference 'Order Processing' SOP'

  • Are CHU staff checking compound appearance and state during the order picking process

  • are shipment release checks carried out by CHU prior to handing to Customer Services for shipping

  • is the shipment release form completed by CHU

  • are CHU pre-shipping checks completed

  • are office pre-shipping checks completed

  • is all pre-shipping paperwork complete and stamped 'QC Passed'


  • are staff aware of the procedure for reporting QC fails using the CRM Cases procedure

  • are Chemistry staff aware that QC Passed labels should be on containers received via the Primary and Secondary QC procedures

Finished Product Inspection

  • Ref ISO 9001 QMS Requirements - Clause 9.1.3.a

  • Reference 'Analytical Dept Quality Control' SOP

  • Reference 'Analysis for COA' SOP'

  • Reference 'Analytical Batch Data' SOP

  • Is QC passed NMR data annotated 'QC passed' by the Analytical Dept

  • are test results stored in the correct locations

  • do CHU check test results are annotated 'QC passed'

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.