Client: Visionstream / Broadsprectrum / Any Other
Site Code: eg XXX FFPxx
Prepared by
Conducted on
Tube Remedials
Initial Testing
Tube being re-tested
Pressure test microduct at 4Bar
Take photo of gauges after pressure testing for 60 seconds
Does this still fail?<br>If the microduct does not fail then stop here. If it does fail then continue with audit.
Is there an end cap on the end of the boundary drop?
Take photo showing condition of the end of the boundary drop.
If there was no end cap on the Boundary Drop or the microduct is leaking from the 5mm endcap.
Fit an end cap or refit the end cap on the Boundary Drop and pressure test again. Does it now pass?
Take photo of the gauges showing microduct holding pressure
Take photo showing condition of the end of the boundary drop.
If the 5mm end cap is well fitted and the microduct still leaks. Open boundary joint and check.
5mm end cap is well fitted and microduct still leaks.
Take photo of the hole where you dug up the boundary drop.
Take photo of opened boundary joint.
Did you find any problem in the boundary joint?
Take photo of the problem located in the joint.
Take photo of the repair to the microduct.
Take photo of the gauges showing microduct holding pressure
If still fails after end-capping and checking the boundary joint.
Remove the end cap and blow a fibre from the customer end to the ABFFP. <br>Does the fibre get to the ABFFP?
Provide a photo of the fibre reaching the customers premise.
If the fibre does not reach the ABFFP from the customer boundary
Investigate any joints to see if they are failing. Write your results here.
Provide photos of additional work you have undertaken
Dome Remedials
Initial Testing
Pressure test dome at 2Bar
Take photo of gauge after pressure testing for 2 minutes
Does this still fail?<br>If the dome does not fail then stop here. If it does fail then continue with audit.
Is the air leaking from the collar? If yes clean the o-ring and both sides of the collar and refit and retest. Does it now PASS?
Take photo showing gauge holding pressure.
Check all possible areas where leaks could occur using soapy water and a paint brush. Can you see any bubbles leaking from any area? Can you repair the leak?
Take photo showing gauge holding pressure.