Title Page

  • Site conducted

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About Me

  • Age

  • Gender


  • How self aware are you? These self awareness questions will help you further assess your current self.

Take the test!

  • How am I feeling today?

  • What am I feeling, then?

  • Am I using my time wisely?

  • Am I living true to myself?

  • Do I lie to myself to feel good?

  • Do I enjoy pleasing other people?

  • Am I thinking negative thoughts before I fall asleep?

  • What did I recently thought of?

  • Am I taking care of myself physically?

  • Do I eat junk foods often?

  • Do I go to the gym regulary?


  • On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, how would you rate your self based on the following:

  • How is my overall mental health?

  • Constantly reflecting my past actions

  • Look in the mirror before going out

  • Always worried about the future

  • Conscious how my mind works

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.