
  • Document No.

  • Business Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Address
  • Personnel

  • Thurston-Walnut Township Fire Department 8474 High Street P.O. Box 217 Thurston, Ohio 43157 Business 740-862-6542 Fax 740-862-9982

  • Thurston-Walnut Township Fire Department
    8474 High Street
    P.O. Box 217
    Thurston, Ohio 43157
    Business 740-862-6542
    Fax 740-862-9982

  • All codes are a refrence to the Ohio Fire Code as set forth in rule 1301-7-7 of the Administrative Code and enforceable by the Ohio Revised Code chapters 3701, 3731, 3737, 3741, 3743, 3781, and 3791.

  • Inspection Type

  • If this is a Re-Inspection, List violations that needed addressed


  • Name

  • Title

  • Phone

  • EMAIL (optional)


  • Construction Type

  • Occupancy Use Group

  • Fire Alarms/Smoke detectors connected to alarm company?

  • Are fire alarms present and operational where required? 907.1, 907.6, NFPA 72

  • Stories Above Grade

  • Stories Below Grade

General Fire Prevention

  • Are there any changes of use, alterations, or renovations since last inspection? 101.2, 101.3

  • If yes was selected, describe.

  • Does Occupancy have a Knox Box? 506.1

  • Does building waste accumilation create a fire hazardwithin the building or premisis? 304.1, 304.1.1

  • Is storage/housekeeping orderly and separated from heaters or heating devices by distance or shielding? (minimum 30") 305.1

  • Is storage clearance below ceiling adequate? (minimum 24" unsprinklered, 18" sprinklered below deflectors) 315.2.1

  • Is combustible/flammable storage present in means of egress? (prohibited in exits or enclosures) 315.2.2

  • Is combustible storage present in the attic, under floor, condealed spaces? ( 1hour FR, self closing assemblies required) 315.2.4

  • Is combustible storage present in equipment rooms? (prohibited in boiler, mechanical, or electrical rooms) 315.2.3

  • Are no smoking signs posted? ( posted in conspicuous location, As may be required by fire code offical) 310.2, 310.3

  • Is fireblocking and draft stopping being maintained to provide continuity and integrity of construction? 703.1

  • Are smoke barriers being maintained to prevent passage of smoke? (smoke barrier doors, smoke dampers) 703.1

  • Is combustible/flammable liquid storage within code? (safety cans, flammable liquid storage cabinets, quanity on floor) 2703.9

  • Aerosol can storage according to code? (secured metal cabinets, hazmat cabinets, or fenced containment areas) 2804.1

  • Are saferty cans and hazardous materials cabinets properly labeled and identifiable? 3404.1

  • Are compressed gasses properly secured, labeled and identified? 3003.4, 3003.5

  • Are the utilities in good working order? (HVAC, water, plumbing ect.) 601.1

  • Is storage blocking access to fire protection systems or fire protectiin equipment? (storage creates a nuisance or hazard) 304.2

  • Are emergency evacuation plans/diagrams posted in conspicuous locations throughout the building? 404.1, 404.2

  • Are MSDS sheets redily available on premises? 407.2, 2703.4

Liquid or LP Gas Refueling

  • Is refueling ( liquid fuel or LP gas) being conducted outside of buildings or in areas specifically approved? 309.5

  • Are warning signs present? ( No smoking, shut off motor ect.) 2205.6

  • Is there an emergency shutoff present for dispensers? 2206.7.4

  • Is proper security precautions being utilized? ( fence, locking devices) 2206.3

  • Is there physical protection to guard against vehicle impact? 2206.4

  • Is spill protection present? 2206.2.6

Fire extinguishers

  • Are fire extinguishers present? (where required, proper type per use group) 906.1

  • Do fire extinguishers need serviced? (inspection, testing, maintenance in accordande with NFPA 10) 906.2

  • Are extinguishers unobstructed and in a conspicuous location? 906.5, 906.6

  • Are the fire extinguishers properly located on hangers , brackets , or in fire extinguisher cabinets? (no less than 18" off the ground, no morevthan 48" high) 906.7, 906.8

Exit Signage, Exits, Emergency Egress Illumination

  • Are exit signs working and properly maintained? 1011.1

  • Is proper means of egress illumination present? (required at all times, including exit discharge, remote egress lighting) 1006.1, 1027.3

  • Is exit signage obscured by storage, furnishings or decorations? 1027.4

  • Is means of egress illumination lighting level adequate? ( minimum 1 foot candle at floor level) 1006.2

  • Is emergency and exit lighting tested monthly and yearly? ( 60 second monthly, 90 minute yearly, log on premisis)

  • Is exit access or egress being done through intervening spaces? (prohibited) 1013.2

  • Are fixtures and displays arranged to allow free, immediate, unobstructed access to exits? 314.2

  • Is there means of egress continuity ? ( furnishings and decoration obstructions placed in egress path prohibited) 1003.6, 1030.6

  • Are occupancy load postings present? (assembly areas or occupancies) 1004.3


  • Are means of egress doors redily distinguishable? ( no mirrors or reflective surfaces) 1008.1

  • Are egress doors being blocked by storage of materials? 315.2.2

  • Is proper egress door hardware present? ( shall not require tight grasping, tight pinching, twisting of ghe wrist to operate) 1008.1.9

  • Is panic and fire exit hardware present and functioning properly? (where required) 1008.1.9

  • Are the fire doors operating properly? ( close from full open or partially open position and latch automatically) 703.2.2, 703.2.3

  • Are the fire doors self-closing? ( readily of openable from egress side, no use of key, special knowledge, effort) 1008.1.9

  • Are the fire door self-latching? ( door locks and latch requirements) 1008.1.9

  • Are the fire doors / smoke barrier doors being maintained? ( shall not be blocked, obstructed, inoperable or damaged) 703.1, 703.2

  • Are unapproved and prohibited hold open device is such as wedges, doorstops rocks, rope being used? 703.2

  • Have any modifications been made to the fire door assembly? (modifications prohibited) 703.2


  • Are electrical hazards present? (improper/damaged electrical wiring, damage devices / appliances, shock, or fire hazard) 605.1, 605.6

  • Are proper working spaces and clearance is maintained? ( minimum 30" W 76" H 36" D, no storage with in workspace) 605.3

  • Are electrical panel doors, switches, panel box is properly labeled, plainly visible and legible? 605.3.1

  • Are multiplug devices in use? ( cube adapters, unfused plug strips, or any other unapproved device is prohibited) 605.4

  • Do relocatable power tabs have overload protection? (directly connected to permanently installed receptacles) 605.4.1, 605.4.2

  • Do relocatable power taps or extension cords extend through walls, ceilings, floors, under doors/floors coverings? 605.4.3

  • Are extension cords being used as a substitute for permanent wiring? (prohibited) 605.5

  • Do extension cords plug directly into a receptacle or Powertap, and serve only one appliance or device? 605.5.1

  • Are extension cords being maintained in good condition? (no splices deterioration or damage) 605.5.3

  • Are electrical motors being maintained free of excessive accumulations of oil, dirt, waste, debris? 605.8


  • Required systems ( inspection ,testing,maintenance ( table 901.6 - NFPA 10 ,12 ,12A,17, 17A, 25, 72, 750, 2001) 901.6, 901.4.1

  • Non-Required systems ( inspection ,testing,maintenance ( table 901.6 - NFPA 10 ,12 ,12A,17, 17A, 25, 72, 750, 2001) 901.6, 901.4.1

  • Are commercial cooking systems being properly tested, inspected, and maintained? (UL 300 listed) 904.11

  • Are there non functioning fire protection devices or systems present? (if present they must be fully functional) 901.6, 901.4.4

  • Are fire protection systems test/maintenance records being maintained on premises ? (required minimum 3 years) 311.2.2, 901.6.2


  • Is the fire pump system properly protected against interruption of service? (in accordance with NFPA 20) 913.2

  • Is the fire pump room temperature be maintained at a temperature > 40 degrees Fahrenheit? 913.3, 913.5

  • Are the fire suppression system control valves supervised? (fire pump, suction, discharge, bypass, isolation valves) 913.4

  • Is the emergency generator for the fire pump periodically tested in accordance with NFPA 110? (see documentation) 913.5.2

  • Are the generator transfer switch is periodic test in accordance with NFPA 110? (see documentation) 913.5.3


  • Is the emergency generator installation being properly maintained? (NFPA 70 ,110 ,111 see documentation) 604.3

  • Do the emergency systems function properly? ( exit signs, exit illumination shall operate within 10 seconds of failure) 604.4

  • Are written inspections ,testing and maintenance records maintained on premises and available for review? 604.4

  • Was an operational inspection and testing performed under load in accordance with NFPA 110 ,111? 604.4


  • Does the fire department have access to equipment? (proper signage required FD approved) 509.1

  • Does the fire department connection have a minimum 3' clearance around FDC? ( immediate access required) 912.3

  • Does the fire department connection have address identification signage present on FDC? ( required) 912.2.2, 912.4

  • Does the fire department connections have locking Knox caps? 912.3.1

  • Is the fire department connection maintained? ( inspection ,testing, maintenance in accordance with NFPA 25) 912.6

  • Is the fire apparatus access road properly maintained and identifiable? 912.6

  • Are there obstructions to the fire apparatus access road? ( prohibited) 503.1

  • Is fire lane signage be maintained in a clean and legible manner? 503.4

  • Are the fire hydrants being maintained bi-annually tested, bi-annually inspected, flow tested every 5 years? 507.5.2

  • Are fire hydrant obstructions present? ( minimum clear distance 3' around fire hydrant) 507.5.4, 507.5.5

  • Is vehicle impact protection for fire hydrants /FDC present and maintained? (when required by fire official) 507.5.6

  • Are occupancy address numbers of adequate size, height, and readily visible from the street? ( minimum 4" lettering) 505.1


  • Due to the extent of the Ohio Fire Code, it is not possible to list all potential violations. Any violations listed in this section are still subject to enforcement.

  • Are there other hazards or considerations noted that were not expressed in other fields?

  • If yes, Explain


  • Any violation of the Ohio Fire Code is a 1st degree misdemeter with fines up to $1, 000 per day ( Ohio Revised Code 3737.51)

  • Is the building in compliance with the Ohio Fire Code?

  • Are there violations that need to be addressed?

  • Violations found need to be addressed as soon as possible. The re-inspection date will be

  • Notes

  • A copy of this inspection was recieved by owner/occupant

  • Inspection reviewed with

  • Inspector

  • Inspector Certification Number

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