Title Page
Name of Engineer
Ticket Reference
Name of QA Specialist
Evaluation Date
Ticket Evaluation
Ticket Management
Was the ticket actively progressed within a maximum of 4 working hours?
Are client updates responded to within a maximum of 8 working hours?
Are ticket updates clear, detailed and where necessary, resolution focused? Updates should look professional and within reason, free from Grammar and Spelling issues
Are updates few, rather than scattered across multiple short entries?
Have we used the Ligththouse Callback feature?
Where applicable and/or expected, have attachments been added to the ticket?
If the Engineer opened a remote session, has the Serial Number/Computer Name been detailed in Internal Notes?
Have we managed expectations around next steps?
Have we seemingly contacted the customer to confirm resolution?
Do the Resolution Notes accurately detail the steps taken to Resolve?
Customer Service
Where applicable, has the ticket priority been upgraded to reflect the urgency?
Have we kept to promises made to the customer?
Has appropriate language been used through the ticket lifecycle? (No Jargon/Slang)
Have we understood the client needs and delivered as expected?
Where applicable, have we added/made arrangements to update the clients Contact Number?
Ticket Summary
Did the engineer suitably represent Ekco?
Additional Comments