Conducted on
Prepared by
OSHA, DOL and all mandatory posters posted?
Emergency phone numbers posted?
Hospital / clinic information posted?
OSHA 300 forms completed and posted from February 1 to April 30?
TCC Tailgate meetings up to date?
Sub contractors tailgate meetings up to date?
Safety inspections up to date?
Sub contractors MSDS filed?
Site safety / evacuation plan posted?
Code of safe work practices / General safety rules posted?
Most recent copy of all OSHA / Mancomm books present?
All permits current (trench, scaffold, confined space, EPA, hot work etc)
TCC first aid kit stocked ?
Sub contractors first aid kits, stocked?
Site contact person postings posted?
Perimeter fence in good condition, gates closed, graffiti removed?
Pedestrian walk areas clear of all hazards?
Exterior storm drains protected from contaminants?
All scaffold inspected by competent person daily?
Scaffold footings and mud sills visible? Footing nailed to the mud sills? Mud sill not being undermined.
Scaffold tied to structure as required?
Guardrails, mid rails and toe boards in place and at the right height?
Any unsafe or incomplete scaffold?
Planks been inspected, split and damaged planks removed?
Proper access provide to all levels?
Employees below protected from falling objects?
Trash and materials being stored on scaffold?
Competent person identified and present?
Trench inspections being conducted? Do we have a copy of inspections?
Trench properly identified (A,B,C)?
Trench shored, benched, or slopped properly?
Access ladders present within 25' of workers or every 50' apart from each other
Materials are stored at least 2' away from trench?
Equipment operating at a safe distance from trench or excavation?
Are all oxygen cylinders stored 25' apart from fuel gas or in a cart that has a 5' firewall rated for 30 min.?
Is there a flash arrestor on the fuel gas? (regulators do not have built in arrestors)
Are cylinders secured from movement (tied up)?
Are all confined spaces identified and labeled?
Air samples provided to support the designation of non-permitted / permitted confined space? Are those samples on file?
If the space has been labeled as permit required confined space, does the trade have a permit?
Ventilation properly set up? Employed?
JSA / entry plan on file? Crew entering the confined space following their IIPP and JSA
Rescue team trained, equipment set up and being utilized?
Certificates of insurance filed, TCC listed as certificate holder?
Certified riggers and signalmen identified and copy's of cards on file?
Lift plan on file?
Pre-lift inspection conducted and a copy on file?
Outriggers extended on a firm surface and swing radius barricade in place?
Employees kept from under loads?
Tag lines used to guide loads?
Slings and cables inspected and tagged as required?
Work areas clear of obstructions?
Paths of travel clear of all trash, materials, and debris
Access and egress, ladders and stairs clear of all hazards?
Trash cans provided and has been emptied recently?
Staging / lay down areas orderly?
Projecting nails / screws bent over or backed out?
Sufficient lighting, temp. lights off the floor, tied up by non-metallic material?
Floor holes greater than 2" covered and identified?
Floor hole covers are of materials that can handle at a minimum of 2 times the intended load?
Trash being removed on a daily basis?
Ramps are secured / tied down to assure ramps do not move?
Ramps made of material that can handle 2 times the maximum intended load?
*** Are the dumpsters on a secondary containment? Are the dumpsters being covered at night or when chance of rain?
*** Are materials being stored off the dirt ( on plastic or pallets )
*** Subcontractors dumping contaminates into appropriate containment and not directly into the soil?
*** Are concrete washouts in a secondary containment?
*** All fugitive dust and or water being contained on site?
Work being performed over 6' protected? (windows, balconies, roof etc.)
Trades working above 6' protected from fall (other than iron workers and roofers)
Iron workers / roofers utilizing fall protection per Cal-OSHA standards?
Skylights, roof holes and openings covered or protected AT ALL TIMES, and properly identified?
Implement hazards ( rebar, flat stakes etc) protected?
No smoking being enforced? Signs posted.
Fire extinguishers present, inspected and accessible? (Every 3000 sq' or 75' of work)
Fire extinguishers present during hot work?
Cords are free of damage and repairs?
Electrical cords have ground posts?
All cords (extension and bull cords) protected from roll over
Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) being used when plugged directly into structures?
All outlets and panel boxes are covered with an approved cover?
All live panels being protected and properly labeled?
All outlets being used correctly and not overloading?
All powerstrips are rated for construction?
A LOTO procedure in place?
All electrical lines minimum distance being maintained?
Tools are being used per manufacturers specifications?
Tool guards in place and being used correctly?
The correct tool being used for the job?
All P.A.T operators are certified? Operator has the certificate on them?<br>
Proper signage being used for PAT operation?
Tools are unaltered, no repairs and maintain ground posts on cords?
Are extension ladders 3' above landing and tied off?
Are A frame ladders being used per manufacturer specifications? Open with spreaders locked?
Employees are refraining from utilizing the top two steps of an A frame ladder?
Employees are using proper height ladders for the job?
Employees are using like new ladders free of damage?
Site specific PPE's requirements being maintained?
Face shields being used when cutting block or using chop saw?
Hearing protection being used when required / necessary
Foot protection being used while using jack hammer or soil compactor?
Equipment operators qualified? Completed a daily equipment inspection.
Traffic control being used correctly when on streets? Flaggers have been trained?
Operators driving at a safe speed? Adhering to job site posted speed limit?
Equipment being used in good condition? Equipment does not have any modifications.
Seat belts being used when applicable?
Fall protection (harness) being used when operating man lifts
Are scissor lifts being overloaded with materials?
Are the scissor lift operators staying in the basket? Operators staying off mid rails or guardrails?
Site maintaining dust control
Are welders using welding screens?
Are all spaces have adequately ventilated, lighted and noise controlled?
List any imminent danger conditions
General notes on conditions
Please draw any clarifying pictures