Title Page

  • Template Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Taxi Plate/ CVL Plate

  • Odometer Reading

  • Was vehicle returned on Time?

  • Fuel Status

  • Has Taxi been vacuumed?

  • Does the vehicle need a detail clean?

  • Does it need to be charged to the driver?

Exterior Inspection

Exterior Inspection

  • Front Bumper - Front Bonnet - R & L Front Headlights

  • Front Windscreen

  • RH Side Mirror - RH Front Door - RH Front Window - RH Front Quarter Panel

  • RH Rear Window - RH Rear Door - RH Rear Quarter Panel - RH Tail Light

  • Rear Windscreen - Rear Boot-Lid - Rear Bumper - Roof Panel

  • LH Side Mirror - LH Front Door - LH Front Windscreen - LH Front Quarter Panel

  • LH Rear Window - LH Rear Door - LH Rear Quarter Panel - LH Tail Light

  • Tyres and Rims + Boot Interior

  • LH Passenger Tyre and Rim

  • LH Passenger Rear Tyre and Rim

  • RH Driver Tyre and Rim

  • RH Passenger Rear Tyre and Rim

  • Spare Tyre

  • Car Jack - Tyre Lever - Boot Inside

Interior Inspection

  • Seats

  • Driver Seat

  • Rear Seat

  • Passenger Seat

  • All Door Trims/Panels - Dashboard - Centre Console

  • Dashboard and Centre Console

  • Driver Door Trim/Panel

  • RH Rear Door Trim/Panel

  • Passenger Door Trim/Panel

  • LH Rear Door Trim/Panel

  • Roof Lining

  • Vehicle Carpets

  • ID Holder

  • All Equipment installed into the Taxi/CVL:

  • Roof Sign

  • Printer, Eftpos and Meter

  • Camera

  • Which Dispatch System:

  • MDC Box

  • Radio

  • Screen

  • Remote

  • MTI Tablet

  • Is Tablet Locked (Blue part on cradle not moving, if it is moving contact VTS ASAP to lock)


  • Camera

Damage Report

  • Is there any items damaged?

  • Please specify what is damaged:

  • Please provide photos:

Completed Sign Off:

  • Inspector Signature:

  • Driver ID:

  • Driver Signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.