Contractor's Name
Conducted on
Front Cover Title (Contractor Entity Name)
Party Id
Bus System
Service Description
Service Name
Contract Number
Contract Type
- TRM - Cluster
- Aboriginal Education
- Short Term
- Other
Type of Service
Does a Bus Aide travel on this service?
Is the bus currently carrying students that travel in a wheelchair?
Is this service operated in a remote location of WA?
Is this service operated remotely from the Contractor's main place of business?
Role of the person responding to the questionnaire?
- Main Driver
- Safety Manager/Officer
- Depot Manager
- Relief Driver
- Other
What is the role of the respondent?
Name of respondent?
Vehicle Checking and Roadworthiness
Vehicle Daily Checks
Scope (Information for Assessor)
Confirm whether a driver or a suitably qualified individual undertakes the vehicle pre-start checks. -
Are vehicle pre-start checks done before the bus is used each day?
How are vehicle checks completed?
Vehicle Pre-start Checklist - completed example
How do you know the vehicle is safe to drive?
Vehicle Defect Reporting
Scope (Information for Assessor)
Determine if a system of vehicle defect checking, reporting and tagging out of unroadworthy vehicles is in place.
Note: Tagging out of vehicles is normally used where a person other than the allocated driver can have access to the vehicle., e.g. the vehicle is in a depot. Therefore, it may not be necessary for single operator to have a formal tagging out process. -
Do you (driver) report vehicle defects?
How do vehicle defects get reported?
Where a vehicle is unsafe to use, how would you (the driver) know not to use the vehicle?
How do you know when repairs have been completed and it's safe to use?
Evidence - Defect Notice
How would you (the driver) know the bus is safe to drive?
Are there any recommendations?
Vehicle Checking and Roadworthiness - Managed Appropriately?
Corrective Actions Required
Corrective Action
Action Date
- Specify date
- Immediate
- 1 week
- 2 weeks
- 1 month
- On going
Select date
Passenger Management
Scope (Information for Assessor)
Determine if Bus Staff are able to readily access information on students to enable them to manage individual circumstances of the students that travel on the service. -
Type of Service
Do you have a passenger list for the service / each of the services you operate?
How do you know who travels on your bus each day?
How do you / drivers manage student information? Particularly, contact details and the individual needs of students.
How do you / drivers keep the passenger list up to date?
Evidence - Passenger List
Do you check the bus at the end of each run?
Where is the bus checked?
If other, where is the bus checked at the end of each run?
Are students checked on and off the bus each day using a checklist?
Evidence - student checklist
How do you know all of the students have left the bus/es and are not at risk of being left on the bus?
Are there any students who travel on the school bus/es that have medical conditions?
If yes, how do you manage students with medical conditions?
Evidence - Medical Action Plan
What action would you take if you were advised that a student was diagnosed with a medical condition?
Do you carry students who have special needs?
What special requirements do these students have while travelling on the bus?
- Education Support
- Physical Mobility
- Hearing Impairment
- Visual Impairment
- Other
Details of impairment:
Have you been given instructions on how to manage the circumstances of these students?
If you haven't been provided with instructions on how to manage these students, how do you know what to do?
Evidence - Integrated Care Plan
Do you have a passenger list for the service / each of the services you operate?
How do you know who travels on your bus each day?
How do you (driver) keep the passenger list up to date?
Evidence - Passenger List
Do you check the bus at the end of each run?
Where is the bus checked?
If other, where is the bus checked at the end of each run?
Do you check students on and off the bus each day using a checklist?
Evidence - student checklist
How do you know all of the students have left the bus/es and are not at risk of being left on the bus?
Are there any students who travel on the school bus/es that have medical conditions?
How do you manage students with medical conditions?
Evidence - Medical Action Plan
What action would you take if you were advised that a student was diagnosed with a medical condition?
Do you carry students who have special needs?
What special requirements do these students have while travelling on the bus?
- Education Support
- Physical Mobility
- Hearing Impairment
- Visual Impairment
- Other
Details of impairment:
Have you been given instructions on how to manage the circumstances of these students?
If you haven't been given instructions on how to manage these students, how do you know what to do?
Evidence - Integrated Care Plan
Do you have a passenger list that contains current contact details?
How do you keep the passenger list information up to date?
Do you check the bus at the end of each run?
Where does the bus get checked?
If other, where is the bus checked at the end of each run?
How do you know all of the students have left the bus and are not at risk of being left on the bus?
Do you have Integrated Care plans for the students that travel on your bus/es?
Evidence - Instructions / Care Plans
How do you manage these students and their needs?
Are there any recommendations?
Student Management - Is it managed appropriately?
Corrective Actions Required
Corrective Action
Action Date
- Specify date
- Immediate
- 1 week
- 2 weeks
- 1 month
- On going
Select date
Service Contingency Planning
Scope (Information for Assessor)
Issues that may interrupt the provision of the service have been identified and appropriate instructions have been provided to the driver.
Contact details for individuals and/or organisations that may be needed in the event of a service delay/interruption have been identified, recorded and are easily accessible in the school bus. -
Have you been given information and instructions on what actions to take if delays or interruptions occur during the bus run?
What contingency issues have been identified that specifically relate to this service?
- Vehicle Breakdown
- Student Medical Emergency
- Vehicle Accident
- Bush FIre
- Fire on the Bus
- Student Behaviour Incident
- Environmental Incident: Cyclone/Flood etc
- Other
Other identified contingencies:
How do you know what actions to take?
Do you have the contact details for people that may need to be contacted if the service is delayed?
How do you advise people that you're delayed?
Evidence - Contact List
Are there any recommendations?
Contingency planning appropriate for the type and location of the service?
Corrective Action Required
Corrective Actions
Action Date
- Specify date
- Immediate
- 1 week
- 2 weeks
- 1 month
- On going
Select date
Student Behaviour Management
1. Confirm the PTA's Behaviour Management Guidelines have been implemented and specifically in context of the types of students that travel on the school bus,
2. Behaviour Management Notices are used appropriately, and
3. families are effectively communicated with as a result of a student's poor behaviour.
Type of Service
Do you use the PTA's Behaviour Management Guidelines to manage student behaviour?
How are student poor behaviours managed?
Evidence of alternative instructions
What areas of the BMGs are being used?
Are Behaviour Management Notices issued?
Evidence - Behaviour Management Notice
How are student/s poor behaviours reported?
Evidence - Alternative Behaviour Management Notice (if any)
Are Behaviour Management Notices issued for these students?
Evidence - Behaviour Management Notice
How are the poor behaviours of student/s reported?
Evidence - Alternative Behaviour Management Notice (if any)
Do you use the PTA's Behaviour Management Guidelines to manage student behaviour?
How are the poor behaviours of students managed?
Evidence of alternative instructions
Are Behaviour Management Notices used to report poor performance?
Evidence: Behaviour Management Notice
What forms do you use to report students' poor behaviours?
Do you communicate with parents/carers in relation to students' poor behaviours?
What types of special needs do the students on your bus have?
- None
- Education Support
- Medical Condition
- Physical Mobility Issue
- Hearing Impairment
- Vision Impairment
- Other
Details of Other Impairments:
How do you adjust your behaviour management strategies to manage these students?
Are there any recommendations?
Is Student misconduct managed appropriately?
Corrective Actions Required
Corrective Action
Action Date
- Specify date
- Immediate
- 1 week
- 2 weeks
- 1 month
- On going
Select date
Incident and Hazard Management
Determine if appropriate systems are in place for bus staff to record, report and manage incidents and hazards. -
Have you been given instruction and training on managing and reporting incidents and hazards?
Do you report incidents, hazards and near misses?
Do you have forms for reporting incidents, hazards or near misses?
Incident or Hazard Report Form
After you report incidents/hazards/near misses are you advised of the outcome of the investigation and any necessary control measures?
How is feedback provided?
How do you know if the hazard has been managed and whether control measures have been implemented?
Are there any recommendations?
Incident and Hazard Management systems in place and appropriate for use in this service?
Corrective Action Required
Corrective Action
Action Date
- Specify date
- Immediate
- 1 week
- 2 weeks
- 1 month
- On going
Select date
Bus Staff Instructions
Do you have a current set of instructions regarding your role?
When things change, are you advised what to do?
Evidence of Job Description Statements
Prior to commencing work, were you inducted into your role?
How do you know what to do?
Are you required, before commencing work, to sign off that you are fit for work, specifically that you are not affected by fatigue, are impaired by the use of medication (prescribed or otherwise) and have a BAC of zero?
Evidence - 'Fitness for Work' sign off
Have you been given information on the requirements to be fit for work as a driver of a school bus?
What do you do to manage your fatigue?
Do you know how to report a workplace injury, and who to report to?
Are there any recommendations?
Do the bus staff have the appropriate instructions and information to undertake their roles safely?
Corrective Action Required
Corrective Action
Action Date
- Specify date
- Immediate
- 1 week
- 2 weeks
- 1 month
- On going
Select date
Emergency Planning
To determine whether all potential emergency situations have been considered and that bus staff have been given appropriate instructions and training in emergency procedures. -
Have you developed and provided your staff with instructions on what actions you expect them to take in the event of an emergency?
How do you know they will know what to do?
What are the potential emergencies that have been identified?
- Vehicle Breakdown
- Student Medical Emergency
- Vehicle Accident
- Bush FIre
- Fire on the Bus
- Student Behaviour Incident
- Environmental Incident: Cyclone/Flood etc
- Other
What are the other emergencies that have been identified?
Do you undertake emergency drills or give instructions on the various types of emergencies to your passengers?
How often do you do this?
Who is involved in any practice drills?
How do you know what to do?
Are there any recommendations?
Emergency planning is appropriate for the type and location of the service provided
Corrective Actions Required
Corrective Actions
Action Date
- Specify date
- Immediate
- 1 week
- 2 weeks
- 1 month
- On going
Select date
Overall Comments
Follow Up Actions - Assessor
Assessor's signature