Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
CoW Audit Form
Permit Audit
Permit Number:
Audit Date:
Specification of Work
Is the task description full and clear?
Has the correct location and area been identified?
Is the correct type of permit utilized for the task being carried out?
Planning & Risk Assessment
In the view of the Auditor(s), have all the potential hazards been identified?
In the view of the Auditor(s), have all appropriate controls been identified?
Was the correct level of Risk assessment used?
Was the need for COSHH, Manual Handling and / or LOLER assessment correctly identified?
Has the need for a written instruction / procedure been correctly identified?
Authorisation & Issue
Have all the correct authorisations been identified and given for this Permit?
Have any fire and gas inhibits been recorded?
Have all the Prerequisite Controls specified been put in place?
Job Execution (Worksite Audit)
Has the Authorised Technician held a prejob toolbox talk with the work party?
Do the work party demonstrate an adequate level of awareness of the task?
Is there an up to date copy of the Permit at the worksite signed by all members of the work party ?
Can the work party demonstrate an adequate level of awareness of the hazards associated with the task ?
If the work party have identified any further Hazards and / or controls associated with the task have they stopped the job and consulted with the AA to update the Permit?
If a COSHH assessment is in use do the members of the work party understand what to do in an accidental release / spillage of the product?
If any PPE has been specified in the Risk Assessment or COSHH assessment is it in use and in good condition?
Is safety equipment (Including Gas Detector) defined in the Risk Assessment available at the worksite?
Is the risk assessment displayed at the work site?
Have any personnel, who have joined the work party in addition to the original members, been briefed to the same level of understanding of the task and its associated Hazards and Control measures?
Confined space entry specific extra audit points
Are the atmospheric tests completed and valid within the laid down time scales?
Is all safety equipment and PPE fully operational and being used correctly?
Is the entry register up to date?
Is any debris to be removed being controlled as per disposal regulations?
Has the standby man an information card for "Vessel and confined space entry" in his possession?
Is there a valid and accurate rescue plan in place?
Supplementary Certificates
Have any supplementary certificates been properly referenced?
Have any supporting Method Statements or procedure been reviewed prior to use?
Do the work party demonstrate and adequate understanding of any supplementary certificates, method statements or procedures?
Signature - TK PC Rep