Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Temporary Stop (a stop of up to one hour during a vehicle journey
Long Stop (a stop of more than one hour during a vehicle journey ie overnight)
Follow the Flow Chart and specify remarks where required
Can the vehicles be parked in accordance with the AEC
Is the stop necessary to comply with the requirements of any law (ie Fatigue rest break)<br><br>YES Complete the Risk assessment tool and take all reasonable practical steps to mitigate the risk while parking vehicles as far from public works as possible avoiding close proximity to other placarded vehicles<br><br>No If all members of the convoy have sufficient driving hours available and are able to do so, continue to the next appropriate parking area and re- evaluate next location
Contact the on call supervisor for guidance if unable to comply with this checklist
Add photo if required.
Other DG laden vehicles (including EO vehicles)
Combustible material
LPG Gas Storage
Main road or rail line
Ignition sources within 10 metres
Any form of fuel within 5 metres
Protected works
Convoy under Attendant Supervision
Person conducting risk assessment.
Precautions to be followed during temporary stops and long periods. Extract - AEC 3rd Edition 8.3