Document No.
Prepared by
Client / Site
Conducted on
1. Working at Height
Working at Height
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
2. Asbestos
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
3. Demolition - Soft Strip
Demolition - Soft Strip
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
4. Edge Protection
Edge Protection
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
5. Excavations
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
6. Traffic Management (segregation of vehicles and people)
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
7. Access to Site Working Areas
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
8. PPE
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
9. Manual Handling
Manual Handling
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
10. Protection of the Public
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
11. Noise and Vibration
Noise and Vibration
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
12. Hazardous Substances (COSHH)
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
13. Fire Prevention
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
14. Mobile Plant, Tools and WOrk Equipment
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
15. Electricity
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
16. Housekeeping
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
17. First-aid
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
18. Environment and Waste Controls
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
19. Office and Welfare Facilities
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
20. Health and Safety Plan - RAMS requirements
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
21. Induction - Signing in / out
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
22. Training Records
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
23. Site registers and inspections
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
24. Consultation (TBT) - Meetings - Open Door
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
25. Permits (dig - enter- hot work)
Permits to Work
Identify action areas / Identify good practices
Close out timescales:
Summary and Site statistics
Identify areas of good practice
Identify areas for improvement: (identify key action areas by number)
Sub-contractors of note:
Brief details of accidents, incidents, near misses.
Project programme week: ___ of. ___ Numbers on site at time of inspection:
Inspection carried out by: Dave Thompson