Title Page

  • Contract Number

  • Job Number

  • Location
  • Date of inspection

  • Prepared by

  • Team Supervisor

  • Additional personnel on site

  • Brief description of work activity

  • Client

Health and Safety

  • Daily Risk Assessment (DRA) available and signed off by all relevant staff?

  • All persons signed in/out of site?

  • Site Managers briefing Instruction completed and briefed to all relevant Safety critical staff in advance of works?

  • All site operatives inducted?

  • Staff appropriately trained for the works they are carrying out?

  • Method Statement & Risk Assessments (RAMS) available and signed by all relevant staff?

  • NI10 form available?

  • Permit to Work in place?

  • Correct PPE being worn? (Behaviour/Compliance)

  • Seat belts being worn when operating plant?

  • Suitable site access and egress?

  • Site security adequate? E.g. fencing, locked gates etc.

  • Housekeeping adequate? (Slips, trips, falls, adequate lighting)

  • Traffic management (signing / lighting / guarding) in place where applicable?

  • Excavations safely guarded / battered back?

  • Underground services identified? HSG47

  • Weekly inspection of excavations completed?

  • Overhead lines protected? GS6

  • Is there an appropriate lift plan in place?

  • Work at height properly planned?

  • Aluminium tower fit for purpose and appropriate inspections carried out?

  • Scaffolding fit for purpose and appropriate inspections carried out?

  • Work on or near water properly planned?

  • Measures in place to manage and control temporary works safely?

  • Asbestos Refurbishment & Demolition Survey Report / Register available?

  • Are toolbox talks being carried out weekly?

  • Are good catches being recorded?

Kit & Equipment

  • Tools and Equipment have reflective tape and clearly visible?

  • Weekly LOLER inspections completed?

  • Weekly PUWER inspections completed?

  • Thorough examination certs (TEC) available for all plant & equipment?

  • Thorough examination certs (TEC) available for all lifting equipment?

  • Daily plant inspections completed?

  • CAT & Genny available and calibrated?

  • Fire fighting equipment available?

  • First Aid Kit (FAK) & Eye Wash stations available?

  • Trained first aider on site and known to workers?

  • Welfare facilities in place and adequate?

  • Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) in place and up to date?

  • Any hazards that require immediate intervention not stated above?

  • Please state below any other observations identified on site

  • Please state below any other observations identified on site

  • Please state below any other observations identified on site


  • All hazardous substances stored correctly? e.g. drip trays

  • All hazardous substances labelled correctly?

  • Spill kits available?

  • Waste disposed of correctly?

  • Dust and noise controls in place?

  • COSHH Assessments available?

  • Please state any other observations identified on site


  • Quality of works to an acceptable standard?

  • Company insurance policy available and in-date?

  • Company forms used in line with ISO procedures?

  • Company procedures adhered too?

  • Sub-contractors used for the works approved in line with company procedure?

  • Verification sub-contractor has implemented a modern slavery policy and were not in place has agreed to work under ACPL policy?


  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.