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1.0 Employer Posting

  • 1.1 Is the required OSHA Job Safety and Health Protection Poster displayed in a prominent location where all employees are likely to see it?<br>

  • 1.2 Are emergency telephone numbers posted where they can be readily found in case of emergency?<br>

  • 1.4 Are signs concerning exit routes, room capacities, floor loading, biohazards, exposures to x-ray, microwave, or other harmful radiation or substances posted where appropriate?<br>

  • 1.5 Is the Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA Form 300A) posted during the months of February, March and April?<br>

4.0 Medical Services and First Aid

  • 4.1 Is there a hospital, clinic, or infirmary for medical care near your workplace or is at least one employee on each shift currently qualified to render first aid?<br>

  • 4.2 Have all employees who are expected to respond to medical emergencies as part of their job responsibilities received first aid training; had hepatitis B vaccination made available to them; had appropriate training on procedures to protect them from bloodborne pathogens, including universal precautions; and have available and understand how to use appropriate PPE to protect against exposure to bloodborne diseases?*<br>

  • 4.6 Are fully supplied first aid kits easily accessible to each work area, periodically inspected and replenished as needed?<br>

5.0 Fire Protection

  • 5.12 Are portable fire extinguishers provided in adequate number and type and mounted in readily accessible locations?<br>

  • 5.13 Are fire extinguishers recharged regularly with this noted on the inspection tag?<br>

6.0 Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing

  • 6.4 Are protective goggles or face shields provided and worn where there is any danger of flying particles or corrosive materials?<br><br>

  • 6.5 Are approved safety glasses required to be worn at all times in areas where there is a risk of eye injuries such as punctures, abrasions, contusions, or burns?<br><br>

  • 6.6 Are employees who wear corrective lenses (glasses or contacts) in workplaces with harmful exposures required to wear only approved safety glasses, protective goggles, or use other medically approved precautionary procedures?<br><br>

  • 6.7 Are protective gloves, aprons, shields, or other means provided and required where employees could be cut or where there is reasonably anticipated exposure to corrosive liquids, chemicals, blood, or other potentially infectious materials? See the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030(b), for the definition of "other potentially infectious materials."<br><br>

  • 6.8 Are hard hats required, provided and worn where danger of falling objects exists?<br><br>

  • 6.10 Is appropriate foot protection required where there is the risk of foot injuries from hot, corrosive, or poisonous substances, falling objects, crushing, or penetrating actions?<br><br>

  • 6.11 Are approved respirators provided when needed? (See 29 CFR 1910.134 for detailed information on respirators or check OSHA's website).<br><br>

  • 6.12 Is all PPE maintained in a sanitary condition and ready for use?<br><br>

  • 6.13 Are food or beverages consumed only in areas where there is no exposure to toxic material, blood, or other potentially infectious materials?<br><br>

  • 6.14 Is protection against the effects of occupational noise provided when sound levels exceed those of the OSHA Noise standard?<br><br>

7.0 General Work Environment

  • 7.1 Are all worksites clean, sanitary and orderly?<br>

  • 7.2 Are work surfaces kept dry and appropriate means taken to assure the surfaces are slip-resistant?<br>

  • 7.4 Is combustible scrap, debris and waste stored safely and removed from the worksite promptly?<br>

  • 7.12 Are the minimum number of toilets and washing facilities provided and maintained in a clean and sanitary fashion?<br>

  • 7.13 Are all work areas adequately illuminated?<br>

  • 7.14 Are pits and floor openings covered or otherwise guarded?<br>

8.0 Walkways

  • 8.1 Are aisles and passageways kept clear and marked as appropriate?<br>

  • 8.3 Are holes in the floor, sidewalk, or other walking surface repaired properly, covered, or otherwise made safe?<br>

  • 8.4 Is there safe clearance for walking in aisles where motorized or mechanical handling equipment is operating?<br>

  • 8.5 Are materials or equipment stored in such a way that sharp projections will not interfere with the walkway?<br>

  • 8.8 Are aisles or walkways that pass near moving or operating machinery, welding operations, or similar operations arranged so employees will not be subjected to potential hazards?<br>

  • 8.10 Are standard guardrails provided wherever aisle or walkway surfaces are elevated more than 6 feet above any adjacent floor or the ground?<br><br>

9.0 Floor and Wall Openings

  • 9.2 Are toeboards installed around the edges of permanent floor openings where persons may pass below the opening?<br>

  • 9.3 Are skylight screens able to withstand a load of at least 200 pounds (90.7 kilograms)?<br>

10.0 Stairs and Stairways

  • 10.1 Are there standard stair rails or handrails on all stairways have at least four risers?<br>

  • 10.2 Are all stairways at least 22 inches wide?<br>

  • 10.3 Do stairs have landing platforms not less than 30 inches in the direction of travel and extend 22 inches in width at every 12 feet or less of vertical rise?<br>

  • 10.5 Are stairs of hollow-pan type treads and landings filled to the top edge of the pan with solid material?<br>

  • 10.6 Are step risers on stairs uniform from top to bottom?<br>

  • 10.7 Are steps slip-resistant?<br>

  • 10.8 Are stairway handrails located between 30 inches and 34 inches above the leading edge of stair treads?<br>

  • 10.9 Do stairway handrails have at least 3 inches of clearance between the handrails and the wall or surface they are mounted on?<br>

  • 10.10 Where doors or gates open directly on a stairway, is a platform provided so the swing of the door does not reduce the width of the platform to less than 21 inches?

  • 10.11 Are stairway handrails capable of withstanding a load of 200 pounds, applied within 2 inches of the top edge in any downward or outward direction?<br>

  • 10.12 Where stairs or stairways exit directly into any area where vehicles may be operated, are adequate barriers and warnings provided to prevent employees from stepping into the path of traffic?<br>

11.0 Elevated Surfaces

  • 11.1 Are signs posted, when appropriate, showing the elevated surface load capacity?<br>

  • 11.2 Are surfaces that are elevated more than 30 inches provided with standard guardrails?<br>

  • 11.3 Are all elevated surfaces beneath which people or machinery could be exposed to falling objects provided with standard 4-inch toeboards?<br>

  • 11.4 Is a permanent means of access and egress provided to elevated storage and work surfaces?<br>

  • 11.5 Is required headroom provided where necessary?<br>

  • 11.6 Is material on elevated surfaces piled, stacked, or racked in a manner to prevent it from tipping, falling, collapsing, rolling, or spreading?<br>

12.0 Exiting or Egress-Evacuation

  • 12.1 Are all exits marked with an exit sign and illuminated by a reliable light source?<br>

  • 12.2 Are the directions to exits, when not immediately apparent, marked with visible signs?<br>

  • 12.3 Are doors, passageways or stairways that are neither exits nor access to exits, but could be mistaken for exits, appropriately marked "NOT AN EXIT," "TO BASEMENT," "STOREROOM," etc.?<br>

  • 12.4 Are exit signs labeled with the word "EXIT" in lettering at least 5 inches (12.70 centimeters) high and the stroke of the lettering at least l/2inch wide?<br>

  • 12.5 Are exit doors side-hinged?<br>

  • 12.6 Are all exits kept free of obstructions?<br>

  • 12.7 Are at least two means of egress provided from elevated platforms, pits, or rooms where the absence of a second exit would increase the risk of injury from hot, poisonous, corrosive, suffocating, flammable, or explosive substances?<br>

  • 12.12 Where ramps are used as part of required exiting from a building, is the ramp slope limited to 1 foot vertical and 12 feet horizontal?<br>

13.0 Exit Doors

  • 13.1 Are doors that are required to serve as exits designed and constructed so that the path of exit travel is obvious and direct?<br>

  • 13.3 Are exit doors able to be opened from the direction of exit travel without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort when the building is occupied?<br>

14.0 Portable Ladders

  • 14.1 Are all ladders maintained in good condition, joints between steps and side rails tight, all hardware and fittings securely attached, and moveable parts operating freely without binding or undue play?<br>

  • 14.2 Are non-slip safety feet provided on each metal or rung ladder, and are ladder rungs and steps free of grease and oil?<br>

  • 14.3 Are ladders placed in front of doors opening toward the ladder unless the door is blocked open, locked, or guarded?<br>

  • 14. Are ladders placed on boxes, barrels, or other unstable bases to obtain additional height?<br>

  • 14.5 Are employees facing the ladder when ascending or descending?<br>

  • 14.7 Are employees instructed not to use the top step of ordinary stepladders as a step?<br>

  • 14.8 When portable rung ladders are used to gain access to elevated platforms, roofs, etc., does the ladder always extend at least 3 feet above the elevated surface?<br>

  • 14.14 Are the rungs of ladders uniformly spaced at 12 inches center to center?<br>

15.0 Hand Tools and Equipment

  • 15.1 Are all tools and equipment (both company and employee-owned) used at the workplace in good condition?<br>

  • 15.7 Are appropriate safety glasses, face shields, etc., used while using hand tools or equipment that might produce flying materials or be subject to breakage?

  • 15.10 Are tool cutting edges kept sharp so the tool will move smoothly without binding or skipping?<br>

16.0 Portable (Power Operated) Tools and Equipment

  • 16.2 Are power tools used with proper shields, guards, or attachments, as recommended by the manufacturer?<br>

  • 16.5 Are rotating or moving parts of equipment guarded to prevent physical contact?<br>

  • 16.6 Are all cord-connected, electrically operated tools and equipment effectively grounded or of the approved double insulated type?<br>

  • 16.7 Are effective guards in place over belts, pulleys, chains and sprockets on equipment such as concrete mixers, air compressors, etc.?<br>

  • 16.8 Are portable fans provided with full guards or screens having openings 1/2 inch or less?<br>

  • 16.9 Is hoisting equipment available and used for lifting heavy objects, and are hoist ratings and characteristics appropriate for the task?<br>

  • 16.10 Are ground-fault circuit interrupters provided on all temporary electrical 15 and 20 ampere circuits used during periods of construction?<br>

19.0 Machine Guarding

  • 19.4 Is all machinery and equipment kept clean and properly maintained?<br>

  • 19.10 Are foot-operated switches guarded or arranged to prevent accidental actuation by personnel or falling objects?<br>

  • 19.17 Are machine guards secure and arranged so they do not cause a hazard while in use?<br>

  • 19.24 Are fan blades protected with a guard having openings no larger than l/2 inch when operating within 7 feet off the floor?<br>

20.0 Lockout/Tagout Procedures

  • 20.1 Is all machinery or equipment capable of movement required to be de-energized or disengaged and blocked or locked out during cleaning, servicing, adjusting, or setting up operations?<br>

  • 20.2 If the power disconnect for equipment does not also disconnect the electrical control circuit, are the appropriate electrical enclosures identified and is a means provided to ensure that the control circuit can also be disconnected and locked out?<br>

  • 20.4 Are all equipment control valve handles provided with a means for locking out?<br>

  • 20.6 Are appropriate employees provided with individually keyed personal safety locks?<br>

  • 20.11 Is there a means provided to identify any or all employees who are working on locked-out equipment by their locks or accompanying tags?<br>

  • 20.13 When machine operations, configuration, or size require an operator to leave the control station and part of the machine could move if accidentally activated, is the part required to be separately locked out or blocked?<br>

26.0 Industrial Trucks-Forklift

  • 26.2 Are only trained personnel allowed to operate industrial trucks?<br>

  • 26.3 Is substantial overhead protective equipment provided on high lift rider equipment?<br>

  • 26.6 Does each industrial truck have a warning horn, whistle, gong, or other device that can be clearly heard above normal noise in the areas where it is operated?<br>

  • 26.7 Are the brakes on each industrial truck capable of bringing the vehicle to a complete and safe stop when fully loaded?<br>

  • 26.8 Does the parking brake of the industrial truck prevent the vehicle from moving when unattended?<br>

  • 26.9 Are industrial trucks that operate where flammable gases, vapors, combustible dust, or ignitable fibers may be present approved for such locations?<br>

  • 26.10 Are motorized hand and hand/rider trucks designed so that the brakes are applied and power to the drive motor shuts off when the operator releases his or her grip on the device that controls the truck's travel?<br>

  • 26.11 Are industrial trucks with internal combustion engines that are operated in buildings or enclosed areas carefully checked to ensure that such operations do not cause harmful concentrations of dangerous gases or fumes?<br>

  • 26.17 Are loads handled only within the rated capacity of the truck?<br>

  • 26.18 Are trucks in need of repair removed from service immediately?<br>

28.0 Entering Confined Spaces

  • 28.1 Are confined spaces thoroughly emptied of any corrosive or hazardous substances, such as acids or caustics, before entry?<br>

  • 28.2 Are all lines to a confined space that contain inert, toxic, flammable, or corrosive materials valved off and blanked or disconnected and separated before entry?<br>

  • 28.3 Are all impellers, agitators, or other moving parts and equipment inside confined spaces locked out if they present a hazard?<br>

  • 28.4 Is either natural or mechanical ventilation provided prior to confined space entry?<br>

  • 28.5 Are appropriate atmospheric tests performed to check for oxygen deficiency, toxic substances and explosive concentrations in the confined space before entry?<br>

  • 28.6 Is adequate illumination provided for the work to be performed in the confined space?<br>

  • 28.7 Is the atmosphere inside the confined space frequently tested or continuously monitored during work?<br>

  • 28.8 Is there a trained and equipped standby employee positioned outside the confined space, whose sole responsibility is to watch the work in progress, sound an alarm if necessary and render assistance?<br>

  • 28.9 Is the standby employee appropriately trained and equipped to handle an emergency?<br>

  • 28.11 Is approved respiratory equipment required if the atmosphere inside the confined space cannot be made acceptable?<br>

  • 28.12 Is all portable electrical equipment used inside confined spaces either grounded and insulated or equipped with ground fault protection?<br>

  • 28.15 If employees will be using oxygen-consuming equipment such as salamanders, torches, furnaces, etc., in a confined space, is sufficient air provided to assure combustion without reducing the oxygen concentration of the atmosphere below 19.5 percent by volume?<br>

  • 28.16 Whenever combustion-type equipment is used in a confined space, are provisions made to ensure the exhaust gases are vented outside of the enclosure?<br>

29.0 Environmental Controls

  • 29.4 Are employees aware of the hazards involved with the various chemicals they may be exposed to in their work environment, such as ammonia, chlorine, epoxies, caustics, etc.?<br>

  • 29.12 Has there been a determination that noise levels in the facilities are within acceptable levels?<br>

  • 29.14 Are proper precautions being taken when handling asbestos and other fibrous materials?<br>

  • 29.15 Are caution labels and signs used to warn of hazardous substances (e.g., asbestos) and biohazards (e.g., bloodborne pathogens)?<br>

  • 29.23 Are restrooms and washrooms kept clean and sanitary?<br>

  • 29.18 Is vacuuming with appropriate equipment used whenever possible rather than blowing or sweeping dust?<br>

  • 29.24 Is all water provided for drinking, washing and cooking, potable?<br>

  • 29.25 Are all outlets for water that is not suitable for drinking clearly identified?<br>

  • 29.30 Are employees working on streets and roadways who are exposed to the hazards of traffic required to wear bright colored (traffic orange) warning vests?<br>

  • 29.31 Are exhaust stacks and air intakes located so that nearby contaminated air will not be recirculated within a building or other enclosed area?<br>

  • 29.32 Is equipment producing ultraviolet radiation properly shielded?<br>

30.0 Flammable and Combustible Materials

  • 30.1 Are combustible scrap, debris and waste materials (oily rags, etc.) stored in covered metal receptacles and promptly removed from the worksite?<br>

  • 30.2 Is proper storage practiced to minimize the risk of fire, including spontaneous combustion?<br>

  • 30.3 Are approved containers and tanks used to store and handle flammable and combustible liquids?<br>

  • 30.9 Are "NO SMOKING" signs posted on liquefied petroleum gas tanks and in areas where flammable or combustible materials are used or stored?<br>

  • 30.15 Are fire extinguishers selected and provided for the types of materials in the areas where they are to be used?<br>

  • 30.17 Are extinguishers free from obstructions or blockage?<br>

  • 30.19 Are all extinguishers serviced, maintained and tagged at intervals not to exceed one year?<br>

  • 30.20 Are all extinguishers fully charged and in their designated places?<br>

  • 30.22 Are safety cans used for dispensing flammable or combustible liquids at the point of use?<br>

31.0 Hazardous Chemical Exposure

  • 31.3 Are eye-wash fountains and safety showers provided in areas where corrosive chemicals are handled?<br>

  • 31.4 Are all containers, such as vats, storage tanks, etc., labeled as to their contents, e.g., "CAUSTICS"?<br>

  • 31.6 Are flammable or toxic chemicals kept in closed containers when not in use?<br>

32.0 Hazardous Substances Communication

  • 32.1 Is there a list of hazardous substances used in your workplace and an MSDS readily available for each hazardous substance used?<br>

33.0 Electrical

  • 33.7 Do extension cords have a grounding conductor?<br>

  • 33.9 Are ground-fault circuit interrupters installed on each temporary 15 or 20 ampere, 120 volt alternating current (AC) circuit at locations where construction, demolition, modifications, alterations, or excavations are being performed?<br>

  • 33.10 Are all temporary circuits protected by suitable disconnecting switches or plug connectors at the junction with permanent wiring?<br>

  • 33.11 Do you have electrical installations in hazardous dust or vapor areas? If so, do they meet the National Electrical Code (NEC) for hazardous locations?<br>

  • 33.12 Are exposed wiring and cords with frayed or deteriorated insulation repaired or replaced promptly?<br>

  • 33.16 In wet or damp locations, are electrical tools and equipment appropriate for the use or location or otherwise protected?<br>

  • 33.17 Is the location of electrical power lines and cables (overhead, underground, under floor, other side of walls, etc.) determined before digging, drilling, or similar work is begun?<br>

  • 33.20 Are all disconnecting switches and circuit breakers labeled to indicate their use or equipment served?<br>

  • 33.24 Are all energized parts of electrical circuits and equipment guarded against accidental contact by approved cabinets or enclosures?<br>

  • 33.25 Is sufficient access and working space provided and maintained around all electrical equipment to permit ready and safe operations and maintenance?<br>

  • 33.26 Are all unused openings (including conduit knockouts) in electrical enclosures and fittings closed with appropriate covers, plugs, or plates?<br>

  • 33.27 Are electrical enclosures such as switches, receptacles, junction boxes, etc., provided with tight-fitting covers or plates?<br>

35.0 Fueling

  • 35.4 Are fuel tank caps replaced and secured before starting the engine?<br>

  • 35.8 Are open lights, open flames, sparking, or arcing equipment prohibited near fueling or transfer of fuel operations?<br>

  • 35.9 Is smoking prohibited in the vicinity of fueling operations?<br>

  • 35.10 Are fueling operations prohibited in buildings or other enclosed areas that are not specifically ventilated for this purpose?<br>

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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.