Title Page
Audit date :
Audit reference :
Auditor :
Auditee :
Mandatory Audit Questions
Are procedures being audited meeting the requirements of the where applicable e.g., ISO 9001:2015 and customer-specific codes of practise?
Are documents accessible and readily available on the master register?
Are documents in use the correct revisions?
Have the relevant staff been trained on these documents?
Are training records up-to-date with the current documents?
Previous Audit Reviewed?
Any NC Raised in Previous Audit Closed?
Audit Specific Questions
Does the organisation seek to continually improve & enhance customer requirements and customer satisfaction – how is this achieved
Evidence :
Does the organisation have a system in place to improve products and services to meet requirements – e.g investing in latest technology and innovation, improving reliability, improving yield, reducing cost, and improving on-time delivery
Evidence :
Improving the performance and effectiveness of the QMS by acting on process performance results,
Evidence :
Is there evidence that quality system documentation is revised & updated
Evidence :
Have any changes occurred in the production process since last audit & is there evidence that documentation has been updated & implemented
Evidence :
Is data used to develop improvement opportunities
Evidence :
Does the organisation monitor underperformance of the management system
Evidence :
Is data analysis and evaluation used to identify continuous improvement & improve the performance and effectiveness of the QMS
Evidence :
Are improvement systems planned
Evidence :
Does the organisation measure the effectiveness of processes / QMS improvements
Evidence :
Does it in turn improve the organization’s overall performance, efficiency, and effectiveness
Evidence :
Are changes documented properly according to the documentation requirements.
Evidence :
Where improvements are affected reactively through corrective actions is improvement realized
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- N/A
Evidence :
Is root cause analysis used in correcting, preventing or reducing undesired effects
Evidence :
Is there evidence that the organisation acts on customer feedback and/or in service reports
Evidence :
Are audit findings reviewed & understood
Evidence :
Is there a document procedure for managing non-conforming products
Evidence :
Does the procedure include the requirement for staff to identify & report potentially non-conforming product
Evidence :
Is there clear identification of non-conforming product
Evidence :
Are defined responsibilities for making final decisions on use, reworking, use by concession etc at the appropriate level
Evidence :
Are records available showing decisions made
Evidence :
Is there a document procedure for the handling & correcting identified failures
Evidence :
Is there clear documentation of the non-conformity
Evidence :
Is immediate action [correction] taken to eliminate a detected nonconformity or defect taken
Evidence :
Does root-cause address the nonconformity
Evidence :
Is there evidence that the action relates to the address the identified root-cause
Evidence :
Has responsibility for the necessary action been identified
Evidence :
Is appropriate timescale for corrective action determined
Evidence :
Is there evidence that the proposed action was actually implemented
Evidence :
Is there evidence that the action was effective in preventing recurrence of the problem
Evidence :
Is there evidence that the necessary systems, policies, practices and procedures to prevent recurrence were updated & retraining completed
Evidence :
Does the organisation monitor effectiveness of corrective actions
Evidence :
Do management review meetings attended by senior management include review of incidents, corrective actions & non-conforming materials
Evidence :
Opportunity For Improvement
Number of OFI raised :
Have the OFI details been added to HubSpot
Number of Non-conformances raised :
Have the Non-conformance details been added to HubSpot