Title Page
Audit date :
Audit reference :
Auditor :
Auditee :
Mandatory Audit Questions
Are procedures being audited meeting the requirements of the where applicable e.g., ISO 9001:2015 and customer-specific codes of practise?
Are documents accessible and readily available on the master register?
Are documents in use the correct revisions?
Have the relevant staff been trained on these documents?
Are training records up-to-date with the current documents?
Previous Audit Reviewed
Any NC Raised in Previous Audit Closed
Audit Specific Questions
Has the organisation determined the risks and opportunities to be addressed
Evidence :
Has the risks and opportunities considered the context of your organization & any interested parties
Evidence :
Has risk identification methodology been assigned – is it realistic
Evidence :
Does risk methodology include probability or likelihood and risk impact
Evidence :
Is their evidence that methodology is used consistently and effectively
Evidence :
Where risks are identified are controls in place
Evidence :
Has the organisation identified response actions to improve control measures
Evidence :
Are actions planned to address identified risks and opportunities recorded e.g mitigation plan
Evidence :
Does the organisation evaluate & review effectiveness of actions at addressing the risks
Evidence :
Is the action taken proportionate to the risk or opportunity
Evidence :
Does the risk & opportunity register record the date that risks are identified or modified
Evidence :
Is risk identification conducted by knowledge, competent persons
Evidence :
Does the organisation includes all sources of risk, including those beyond our organization’s control e.g acts of god, political risk etc
Evidence :
Does the organisation identify all significant risks that could impact our organization from all risks.
Evidence :
Is a risk owner established for development of the response
Evidence :
Is a response action owner for each action established
Evidence :
Is a response strategy to treat, terminate, tolerate or transfer the risk identified
Evidence :
Is there evidence that the risk is reassessed to reflect any newly introduced control measure
Evidence :
Are risk and opportunities monitored to determine whether they are current or updated when new emerging issues are identified.
Evidence :
Are clear objectives defined for relevant functions, levels and processes within the management system?
Evidence :
Where group objectives are in place, are these understood & communicated at site level?
Evidence :
Are objectives established throughout the organization?
Evidence :
Do objectives support the quality policy?
Evidence :
Has the organizations established and maintained one or more management improvement programme for achieving their objectives
Evidence :
Are the objectives documented, include targets with clear measures of success? S.M.A.R.T
Evidence :
Has a designated responsible person from the relevant function/level of the organization to support in the achievement of the objective been defined.
Evidence :
Is an action plan describing how each target will be achieved documented?
Evidence :
Has a time-frame or a schedule for achieving each target been defined?
Evidence :
Are objectives clearly communicated to staff?
Evidence :
Are objectives monitored
Evidence :
Is progress against targets reviewed & reported to site senior management
Evidence :
Are sufficient resources available to realise objectives
Evidence :
Is there a system for determining changes to Processes and procedures
Evidence :
Is there a system for determining changes to Quality manual
Evidence :
Is there a system for determining changes to Documented information
Evidence :
Is there a system for determining changes to Infrastructure
Evidence :
Is there a system for determining changes to Tooling & Process equipment
Evidence :
Is there a system for determining changes to Employee training
Evidence :
Is there a system for determining changes to Supplier evaluation
Evidence :
Is there a system for determining changes to Stakeholder management
Evidence :
Is there a system for determining changes to Interested party requirements
Evidence :
Are quality management system changes that affect processes communicated to personnel
Evidence :
Are changes monitoring to ensure that changes are effectively implemented
Evidence :
Where changes that impact the management system are made are records available
Evidence :
Is organizational knowledge reviewed before changes are made
Evidence :
Has the organisation considered the potential consequences of the change (risk and opportunities)
Evidence :
Has the organisation consider how the change effects the current process
Evidence :
Are resources allocated to affect change
Evidence :
Where required by the change are allocation or reallocation of responsibilities and authorities assigned?
Evidence :
Opportunity For Improvement
Number of OFI raised :
Have the OFI details been added to HubSpot
Number of Non-conformances raised :
Have the Non-conformance details been added to the HubSpot