Title Page

  • Vehicle Inspection Report

  • Conducted on

  • Driver

  • Licence No.

  • Noel Moran

  • Location

Vehicle Information

  • Vehicle Registration

  • Vehicle Model

  • Vehicle Make

  • Odometer / Milage Reading

Vehicle Inspection

  • Do you wish to check the exterior of this vehicle in this inspection?

External Check

  • Windscreen free from damage?

  • Vehicle sitting square and not leaning to one side?

  • Tax, insurance and transport discs present and valid. Number plates clearly visible?

  • Wheels in good condition and secure. Tyres undamaged with correct inflation?

  • All lights and refelctors fitted, clean and in good condition?

  • Exhaust secure with no excess noise or smoke?

  • Vehicles access, doors, steps and bodywork in good condition?

  • Fuel cap seal in place and not leaking?

  • Engine oil, water, windscreen washer reservoir and fuel levels checked and no leaks?

  • Front Lights free from damage?

  • Front Bumpers and bodywork / paintwork in good condition?

  • Drivers Side bodywork / paintwork in good condition from front to rear?

  • Rear Lights are free from damage?

  • Rear Doors, Bumpers bodywork/paintwork in good condition?

  • Passenger Side bodywork / paintwork in good condition from front to rear?

  • Is the exterior of the vehicle clean?

  • Do you wish to check the interior of this vehicle in this inspection?

Internal Check

  • Is inside the vehicle in a clean and tidy condition?

  • Good visibility for driver through all cab windows and mirrors. All required mirrors fitted and adjusted correctly?

  • Driving controls, seats and driver safety belts adjusted correctly?

  • Windscreen washer, wipers, demister and horn operating correctly?

  • All instruments, gauges and other warning devices operating correctly?

  • Inside of vehicle clean with no obstructions or loose materials?

  • High visibility jacket/vest accessible inside?

  • Is there a First Aid Kit on board?

  • Is there a Fire Extinguisher on board?

  • Are any warning lights illuminated on dash?

  • Are all vehicle indicators working?

  • Are all vehicle stop/brake lights working?

Maintenance Check

  • Do you wish to conduct a maintenance check of this vehicle in this inspection?

  • Are windshield washers in working order, with water filled?

  • Are engine oil levels within acceptable ranges?

  • Are coolant levels within acceptable ranges?

  • Are brake fluid levels within acceptable ranges?

  • Are transmission fluid levels within acceptable ranges?

  • Is battery working and the vehicle starts?

  • Does the car horn function correctly?

  • Are all doors and door locks operational?

  • Is the air conditioning operational?

  • Is the vehicle free of fuel leaks?

Documentation Check

  • Do you wish to review vehicle documentation in this inspection?

  • Owner and/or Operation Manual present in vehicle?

  • Vehicle Service History or Maintenance Report present in vehicle?

  • Is Accident Report Form present in vehicle?

  • Emission Test for vehicle is recorded and up-to-date (where applicable)?

Defect and Damage Log

  • Please log all damages and defects noted on the vehicle

  • Defect
  • Attach photos of this defect (if applicable)

Prior to Leaving Depot

  • Steering and brakes operating correctly?

  • Load within limits, secured and weight distributed correctly?

Sign Off

  • I, the undersigned, hereby certify that all information is accurate and that an actual inspection was conducted.

  • Name and Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.