Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Site Presentation and Security

  • Is the work area internal or external?

  • Is the external work area restricted from unauthorised access?

  • Is there suitable external signage demarcating the site area?

  • Are the surrounding external areas leading to the site clean and clear?

  • Is the internal work area restricted from unauthorised access?

  • Is there suitable internal signage demarcating the site area?

  • Are the surrounding internal areas leading to the site clean and clear?

  • Is a signing in and out procedure completed?

  • Is a site induction provided to operatives and visitors to site?

Access and Egress

  • Are access routes around site clean and clear?

  • Are exit routes and exits clearly marked?

Traffic Management and Vehicle/Pedestrian Segregation

  • Are vehicles and pedestrians suitably segregated?

  • Are vehicle movements controlled by a banksman?

  • Is there a suitable traffic management plan in place and being followed?

Welfare Facilities

  • Are the facilities in accordance with Schedule 2?

  • Are the facilities suitable for the amount of persons likely to use them?

  • Are the facilities clean and tidy?

  • Is there suitable space for persons to undertake site administration?

Control of Pests

  • Are there any signs of pests present?

  • Is food waste suitably disposed of?

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Are the site wide PPE requirements prominently displayed?

  • Are all persons on site adhering to the PPE requirements?

  • Are there any activities that require PPE over and above the site wide requirement?

  • Is the task specific PPE required noted within a risk assessment?

  • Is the task specific PPE being worn?

Working at Height

  • Is there any work at height being undertaken off of ladders?

  • Are the ladders in use commercial grade?

  • Are the ladders in good visible condition?

  • Is there a process for checking the condition of ladders and is it being followed?

  • Is there any work at height being undertaken off of MEWPS?

  • Are operators suitably trained?

  • Are certificates for the MEWPS available on site?

  • Are the certificates in date?

  • Are the MEWPS on site in good visible condition?

  • Is there any work at height being undertaken off of scaffold towers?

  • Have the scaffold towers been erected by competent personnel?

  • Are the tower(s) in good visible condition?

  • Is there any work at height being undertaken off of a fixed scaffold?

  • Is the scaffold built to a design?

  • Has the scaffold been checked by a competent person in the last 7 days?

  • Is the scaffold in good visible condition?

Lifting Operations and Materials Handling

  • Is cranage required within the project?

  • Is there a lifting plan available, that includes means of rescue?

  • Is the ground make-up suitable?

  • Is there a suitable exclusion zone in place?

  • Are there any hoists, winches or telehandlers in use?

  • Are there suitable exclusion zones in place?

  • Are loads being lifted in the correct manner?

  • Are Safe Working Loads being observed?

Manual Handling

  • Are there any Manual Handling operations being undertaken on site?

  • Are there Risk Assessments in place to cover the manual handling?

  • Are the manual handling operations being carried out in line with the risk assessment?

  • Are the manual handling operations being carried out in a safe manner?

Control of Substance Hazardous to Health

  • Are there any CoSHH substances being used or stored on site?

  • Are there CoSHH and/or DSEAR Risk Assessments available on site to cover the substances being used or stored?

  • Are the material data sheets available on site?

  • Are the substances stored correctly?

  • Are the substances being used properly?

  • Are operatives using the correct PPE for the substance they are using?


  • Was the building built after the year 2000?

  • Is there a Refurbishment and Demolition Survey that covers the working areas available on site?

  • Are there any works being undertaken on or around asbestos?

  • Are the works being undertaken in a safe manner?

Environmental Protection

  • Is the site using or producing substances that may pollute the atmosphere, ground or watercourse?

  • Are the potential pollutants adequately controlled?

  • Are there any noisy works being undertaken on site?

  • Are the noisy works adequately controlled to reduce the effect on neighbouring persons?

  • Are operatives adequately protected from the noisy works?

  • Are there any dust generating activities being undertaken on site?

  • Is dust generation being kept to a minimum?

  • Are operatives protected from dust exposure?

  • Is waste being handled by the Principal Contractor?

  • Are Waste Transfer Notes being issued?

  • Are waste streams being segregated?

  • Are skips / bins suitably positioned and secure to prevent unauthorised use or arson?

Fire Safety

  • Is there a fire risk assessment in place / Has the current fire risk assessment for the area been updated to incorporate the works?

  • Are suitable fire precautions in place?

  • Are hot works permits in place and being adhered to?

Services - Electric, Gas, Water and Telecoms

  • Are there suitable Lock Off Tag Off procedures in place?

  • If exclusion zones are required are they in place and are they suitable for the works being carried out?

Pressurised systems

  • Are pressurised systems present within the work area?

  • Are there suitable Lock Off Tag Off procedures in place?

  • If works are being carried out near pressurised systems is there suitable protection in place?

Buried or Overhead Services

  • Are works being undertaken where buried services may be affected?

  • Is a service diagram available on site?

  • Have services been traced, located and marked?

  • Are works being undertaken where overhead services may be affected?

  • Has a suitable exclusion zone been set up for the overhead services?

  • Has the exclusion zone been communicated? (Markings, Signage, On-site communication)


  • Are excavations present on site?

  • Are the sides of the excavation suitably supported?

  • Is there suitable access and egress to the excavation?

  • Is there suitable edge protection to prevent persons, vehicles or materials from falling in to the excavation?

  • If there is a likelihood of gases entering the excavation is there suitable detection in place to allow for emergency evacuation?

  • Is the excavation protected from unauthorised access when the site is closed?

Mobile Plant

  • Is mobile plant being used on site?

  • Are keys restricted to the mobile plant?

  • Are the operators suitably qualified?

  • Is suitable PPE being worn by the operators?

  • Are pre-use checks being carried out for the plant available on site?

  • Is the plant and the charging cables in good visible condition?

Hand Arm Vibration

  • Are vibratory tools in use on site?

  • Have the magnitudes been noted and tools assessed?

  • Do the operators of the tools know how long they are allowed to use the tool in an 8 hour day?

Confined Space Working

  • Are confined spaces required to be accessed as part of the works?

  • Are the relevant control measures in place to reduce the risk of Confined Space Working?

Work Over or Near Water

  • Are any of the works being undertaken over or near water?

  • Are operatives wearing suitable PPE for their position in relation to the water?

  • Is a rescue plan in place?

  • Are items checked more regularly due to being affected by tidal movement?

Accidents / Incident Reports

  • Have there been any accidents reported?

  • Have the accident(s) been investigated and a conclusion made on the root cause?

  • Have the remedial actions from the investigation been put in to place to prevent recurrence?

First Aid Provision

  • Is the first aid provision suitable for the works being undertaken and the number of persons on site?

  • Is the first aid provision easily accessible from the work area?

  • Are there trained first aiders available on site?

Site Administration

  • Is paperwork easily accessible?

  • Is paperwork complete and legible?

  • Does the site noticeboard contain all necessary information?

  • Has all inspected documentation been updated to account for recent changes?

Health and Safety File

  • Is information being retained by the Principal Contractor for inclusion in to the health and safety file?

  • Are there any residual risks likely to be left after construction has completed?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.