
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Corridors are at least 6 feet wide

  • Dispensers are installed at least 4 feet apart

  • Dispensers are not installed over or adjacent to an ignition source such as electrical switches and/or outlets

  • Where hallways are carpeted, the building is 100% sprinkled

  • Dispensers do not exceed a capacity of 1.2 liters

  • Not more than 10 gallons in a single smoke compartment


  • Has any modification of more than 50% or 4,500 sq ft of the smoke compartment been done

  • Has any modification of less than 50% or 4,500 sq ft of the smoke compartment been done

  • Have any major LSC systems been replaced in the last 5 years (fire alarm, sprinkler system, generator, etc)

CORRIDOR WALLS / FIRE WALLS / SMOKE WALLS K-11, K-17, K-21, K-25, K-27, K-39

  • Corridors are separated from use areas by walls that form a barrier to limit the transfer of smoke and, for existing construction, required to have a fire resistance rating of 30 minutes.

  • Smoke Barrier / Fire Walls are constructed from outside wall to outside wall or other smoke/fire barrier and from floor to roof/floor deck above

  • Penetrations are sealed with rated materials. (No expanding foam unless fire rated)

  • Only products rated by UL and FM are used for penetrations

  • Fire rated ceiling tiles are replaced with fire rated ceiling tiles.



  • Linen carts, soiled utility carts, wheelchairs and lifts are not stored in hallways. (Isolation carts and crash carts are permissible in the corridors)

  • Furniture and plants are not placed in the hallway that may impede evacuation.

  • Decorations are not combustable and are flame resistant (review interior finish documents for flame spread documentation) <br>NOTE: Combustible decorations, such as photographs and paintings, in limited quantities that do not pose a fire hazard of fire development or spread is not present)

  • Linen carts, soiled utility carts, wheelchairs and lifts are considered stored if not in use for over 30 minutes in a corridor. <br>(When appropriate staff is around and using something, it is to be considered being in use)

  • "Stop Signs" attached to exit doors do not obstruct egress or cover door hardware.

DOORS K-18, K-21, K-25, K-27, K-28, K-29, K-38


  • Self Closing and Automatic devices are installed properly and are functioning

  • Smoke Doors and Doors opening into the corridor close properly and resist the passage of smoke

  • Gasket material used to correct door gaps is of a rated material (weather stripping is not allowed or rated)

  • Doors in corridors close freely, unobstructed and latch positively in the door frame. Doors open freely with door hardware

  • Door latches open with one motion

  • Doors protecting a hazardous area are self closing and latch positively in the door frame

  • Smoke barrier doors that swing in the same direction are required to have a coordinator to ensure doors close properly which allows one door to close first preventing the doors from hitting. (Astragal coordinator)

  • Magnetically locked or delay egress locking arrangements

  • Doors release appropriately

  • No more than one delayed egress locked door in the path of egress travel

  • Randomly selected staff are aware of how to bypass magnetically locked or delay egress locking arrangements

  • Doors do not reactivate if the fire alarm system is placed in silent mode. (Fire alarm must be reset for doors to relock)

  • Doors with magnetic locking devices without the delayed egress function shall unlock upon activation of the complete fire alarm system.

  • Self closing door hold opens

  • Doors in exit corridors, stairwell enclosures, horizontal exits, smoke barriers and hazardous areas are only held open by a device that automatically closes the door upon activation of fire alarm and/or local smoke detector and/or automatic sprinkler system

  • Exit doors or exit access doors are not painted/disguised in a manner that obstructs the use of the door

ELECTRICAL (K-106, K-145, K-146, K-147)

  • Power strips are not in use in resident rooms

  • Medical equipment including the residet bed are not plugged in a power strip

  • Includes iv, tube feeding pumps, oxygen concentrators, etc...

  • Power strips are not used in typically wet locations

  • Hair dryers, refridgerators are not plugged into power strips

  • Heat producing appliances are not plugged into power strips

  • Appliances used for cooling are not plugged in to power strips

  • Maintain 3 foot clearance around all electrical panels

  • All electrical equipment is in good repair

  • Electrical cords and plugs do not have frayed or exposed wires

  • Electrical outlets have appropriate cover plates

  • Light switches have appropriate cover plates

  • Junction boxes have appropriate cover plates


  • Emergency battery lighting is tested for 30 seconds every month

  • Monthly testing information is maintained on a log

  • Emergency battery lighting is tested for 1.5 hours annually

  • Annual testing information is maintained on a log

  • Exterior emergency lighting is either battery powered or generator supplied

  • Exterior emergency lights have either two lamps in one fixture or two fixtures

  • Exit discharge emergency lighting functions for a minimum of 1.5 hours

  • Rooms that exceed 1,000 sq ft in area have illuminated exit signs

  • Exit signs in rooms that exceed 1,000 sq ft in area provided emergency power for 1.5 hours

EXITS (K-38, K-47, K-72)

  • Exit and directional signage properly provide direction for egress path

  • Exit signs provide continuious illumination

  • Exit signs area serviced by emergency power and appropriately tested with documentation

  • Exit access are readily accessable at all times and the means of egress is free of obstructions or impedments to full instant use

  • Exit discharges outside the building have a hard surface to the public way

  • Exit discharges outside the building are usable in inclement weather (snow, rain) without impediments

  • Exit discharges outside of the building are illuminated along the path or egress to the public way

  • Doors leading to courtyards that DO NOT provide egress to the public way are appropriately marked "NO EXIT"

FIRE ALARM SYSTEM (K-51, K-52, K-54, K-60, K-107)

  • Fire alarm system is maintained in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code, 1999 Edition

  • Fire alarm testing and maintenance records are available for inspection

  • Fire alarm panel is installed in a supervised location

  • Annual fire alarm testing documentation is complete, accurate and documents test results for all initiating devices

  • Annual fire alarm testing documentation is complete, accurate and documents test results for all supervisory devices

  • Verify that the fire alarm system is connected to the sprinkler system

  • There is documentation that indicated that the fire alarm activates if the sprinkler system is activated

  • Date fire alarm last checked and necessary maintenance provided

  • Name of licensed contractor providing inspection / service

  • If Michigan, is contractor Act 144 certified and documentation of contractors certification is available at the community


  • There is a plan in place for the protection of all persons in the event of fire

  • Fire drills are conducted, One drill, per shift, per quarter (drills at shift change count as ONE drill)

  • Fire drill records include documentation that transmission of an alarm was sent to the monitoring station

  • Third shift fire drills





  • First shift fire drills





  • Second shift fire drills





  • Fire drill records contain the following information

  • Differing times for drills on each shift (at least 2 hour variation)

  • Varying conditions of drills (a drill conducted at meal time is a varying condition)

  • Differing days of the week, including weekends

  • Involvment of all departments

  • Documented observations of staff responses

  • Documentation of equipment function (release of locked or delayed egress doors, magnetic hold opens, etc…)

  • Documentation of the time the monitoring agency received the alarm notification

  • Fire drills are compliant (Held quarterly, per shift, at unexpected times and under varying conditions


  • Portable fire extinguishers are inspected monthly

  • By facility staff

  • By outside vendor

  • Portable fire extinguishers are maintained annually

  • Dry chemical extinguishers have the chemicals changed every six (6) years

  • Hydrostatic testing of vessels every twelve (12) years

  • Hydrostatic testing of CO2 vessels every five (5) years

  • Extinguishers do not exceed a gross weight of 40 lbs

  • Extinguishers exceed a gross weight of 40 lbs are not mounted more than five (5) feet above the floor at the top of the extinguisher

  • Extinguishers having a gross weight of more than 40 lbs are installed so that the top of the extinguisher does not exceed 3.5 feet above the floor

  • No extinguisher shall be mounted more than 4 inches from the bottom of the extinguisher to the floor


  • Last date reviewed

  • The fire safety plan includes the following items:

  • Use of alarms

  • Transmission of alarms to forces (fire department)

  • Response to alarms

  • Isolation of fire

  • Evacuation of the immediate area

  • Evacuation of the smoke compartment

  • Preperation of floors and building for evacuation

  • Extinguishment of fire


  • The community has a policy for impairment of the automatic sprinkler system and/or fire alarm system if it is unavailable more than 4 hours in any continuious 24 hour period

  • The community has a policy on approved fire watch

  • Approved fire watch must include the following elements:

  • Involves at least one person with fire watch responsibility beyond normal staffing assignment(s)

  • Individuals in fire watch are trained in fire prevention and in occupant and fire department notification of fire

  • Notification of local forces of the impariment

  • Notification of the AHJ (Authority having jurisdiction) of the community

  • Notification of any other licensing authority having jurisdiction

  • Addresses separate situations in which the sprinkler system and/or fire alarm system is out of service for more that 4 hours in any 24 hours

  • A log is available to document and review fire watch

GENERATORS (K-105, K-108, K-144)

  • Generator(s) are inspected weekly

  • Generator(s) are exercised under load for 30 minute per month (Startup and cool down time are not part of the 30 minutes)

  • Under operating temperature conditions at least 30% of the EPS nameplate rating

  • Loading that maintains the minimum exhaust gas temperatures as recommended by the manufacturer

  • DIESEL GENERATORS, that do not meet the above requirments are exercised monthly with the available EPS load

  • DIESEL GENERATORS, that do not meet the above requirments are load banked tested annually

  • Inspection records include all of the following:

  • Date of inspection

  • Time of inspection

  • Generators general condition (leaks, hoses, fuel supply, oil, belts, battery, cooling system transfer switch)

  • Start and End times of the load test including start-up time and cool down time

  • Generator output readings during load test

  • Signature of individual conducting the inspection, testing and/or repairs

  • Battery powered emergency lighting is available at generator set location inside building

  • Verify battery powered emergency lighting is check monthly for 30 seconds and annually for 1.5 hours

  • Is there at least a 90 minute fuel supply

  • Contingency plan in place and written agreement for the resupplying of fuel in an emergency situation

  • Remote generator annunciator panel is attended in a area staffed 24/7, 7 days per week

  • EPS transer switch activates and provides power within 10 seconds to critical branch circuits

  • Natural Gas generators must comply with the following:

  • There is a letter of reliability on file in the community from their natural gas provider that contains the following:

  • Description supporting the reasonable reliability assertion

  • Statement that the fuel source is reliable

  • Statement of the low likelihood of an interruption

  • Description supporting the low interruption assertion

  • Signature from technical personnel


  • Hazardous areas have a solid wood core door with automatic self closing device

  • hazardous areas doors latch positively

  • Mechanical rooms are clean and orderly

  • Mechanical rooms are not used for combustable storage

  • Clearance of 3 feet is maintained around all heat producing equipment such as a gas furnace


  • Fire dampers are inspected every two years to ensure no rusting or blockage, noting hinges and other moving parts

  • Fire dampers fuseable links are changed and damper exercised every 4 years

  • Fire dampers are cleaned and lubricated as necessary and documentated


  • Hood is inspected and documentation that the hood, ducts and suppression system nozzles are free of grease and dirt buildup

  • Hood suppression system is maintained and inspected in accordance with NFPA 96

  • Fuel sources are automatically disconnected when the extinguishing system is activated

  • Hood suppression system activator is located in the path of egress

  • Activation of the hood suppression system initiates the communitys alarm system

  • The hood suppression system is UL 300 compliant

  • Dining services staff are versed in activation of the hood suppression system

  • Is deep fryer at least 16 inches from stove

  • If fryer is less that 16" away from stove, then a eight (8) inch shield is installed on the tallest appliance

INTERIOR FINISH, FURNISHINGS & DECORATIONS (K-14, K-15, K-16, K-72, K-73, K-74, K-130)

  • Finishes meet Class A, B or C ratings in sprinklered buildings

  • The community has documentation of flame spread and smoke ratings of all their interior finishes

  • Curtains have labels or tags indicating non flammability rating

  • Records are maintained of any community treated fire resistance materials

  • Combustable decorations are flame retardant (Photographs, paintings, etc…)

  • Decorations are not hung from fire sprinker heads and/or pipes

  • Highly flammable decorations are not used in the community (Hay bales, straw, fine tinsel, live christmas trees, etc…)

LAUNDRY / TRASH (K-29, K-75)

  • Soiled linen and trash are stored in rooms protected as hazardous areas

  • Soiled linen and trash are stored in room doors have automatic closers and positively latch

  • Linen containers in hallways or other areas do not exceed a combined 32 gallon capacity in a 64 sq ft area. Approx 8' x 8'

OXYGEN STORAGE (K-76, K-77, K-141, K-143)

  • Storage areas are secured against unauthorized entry

  • Storage area doors are equipped with self closing devices

  • Storage area doors are positive latching

  • Oxygen cylinders are seperated from combustible materials by a minimum distance of five (5) feet of the storage area is protected by an automatic sprinkler system

  • Cylinder and container storage locations meet temperature limitations (Cylinders are protected from reaching temperatures that could exceed 130 degrees ferinheit)

  • Storage area electrical wall fixtures are installed in fixed locations not less than 5 feet above the floor to protect from physical damage

  • Cylinders are protected to prevent damage to cylinders, valve, regulators or safety devices

  • Cylinders are not stored near elevators or locations where heavy objects could strike or fall on the cylinder

  • Freestanding cylinders are properly chained or supported in an appropriate cylinder stand or cart

  • Full and empty cylinders are are stored seperately

  • Community ensures that smoking, open flames, electrical heating elements and other sources of ignition do not occur in storage locations

  • Smoking, open flames, electrical heating elements and other sources of ignition do not occur within 20 feet of an outside storage location

  • Oxygen storage areas are properly identified (CAUTION - OXIDIZING GAS(ES) STORED WITHIN - NO SMOKING)


  • Liquid oxygen is transferred in an area separated away from resident sleeping rooms

  • Liquid oxygen is transferred in an area seperated by 1-hour fire resistive construction

  • Liquid oxygen is transferred in an area seperated by 1-hour fire resistive construction has a door rating of 3/4 hour fire rating

  • Liquid oxygen transfering area is mechanically ventilated

  • Liquid oxygen transfering area has either a concrete or ceramic tile floor

  • Liquid oxygen transferring area is posted with signage indicating oxygen transfering is occuring and smoking is prohibited in the immediate area


  • There are no portable space heaters used in resident sleeping areas


  • Smoke detectors are tested annually to ensure each detector is operative and produces intended results

  • Smoke detector sensitivity is checked within one year of installation and every 2 years after that

  • Date of last sensitivity testing

  • Records are available showing the past two sensitivity testing by a qualified firm

  • Testing company name

  • Smoke detector sensitivity testing shows the exact response of each detector as it relates to the manufactures sensitive rating for that model detector

  • Smoke detectors are maintain and calibrated in accordance with NFPA 72

  • Smoke detectors are not placed within three (3) feet of a direct airflow supply or return air vent

  • Single station smoke detectors (Battery operated)

  • Inspected and tested monthly according to manufacturers instructions

  • Replace batteries according to manufacturers instructions (at least yearly)

  • Inspection and testing is documented and available


  • Metal containers with self closing cover devices which ashtrays can be emptied area available and used

  • Required Oxygen in Use - NO SMOKING signage is posted on all exterior doors

  • Community enforces its no smoking regulation

  • There are no cigarette butts visible on the ground or in areas where smoking is prohibited

SPRINKLER SYSTEMS (K-56, K-58, K-61, K-62)

  • The sprinkler system is inspected and maintained according to NFPA 25

  • Inspection records for the past 12 months are available for inspection

  • Inspection recommendations have been addressed from previous inspections

  • There are no gaps in celing and/or tiles adjacent to sprinkler heads (escussions are used)

  • High pile storage is a minimum of 18" below and away from sprinkler heads

  • Cubicle curtains are installed to prevent interference with the sprinkler system

  • There are at least two (2) replacement sprinkler heads for each type of sprinkler head used in the facility

  • There is a sprinkler head wrench kept with the spare sprinkler heads

  • Each compartment has the same type of sprinkler head in use

  • Sprinkler heads are clean, dust free and clear of paint or other obstructions

  • Note source of water supply for sprinkler system

  • Date sprinkler system last checked and necessary maintenance provided

  • If Michigan, is contractor Act 144 certified and documentation of contractors certification is available at the community

  • Gauges have been replaced or calibrated once every five (5) years

  • Date performed


  • Record any waivers and expiration dates



The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.