Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Established Certified Safety Committees (Section 1)
Does the agency/local level health and safety committee have sufficient employees to justify a committee with the current membership posted on the TVA Safety Website?
Does TVA Safety Programs update both the agency and local level committee membership annually?
Does the agency/local level health and safety committee have an equal representation of management and non-management employees? <br><br>Explanation:<br>The official committee membership will consist of one representative from each union with represented employees in the work group for which the committee is established plus appointed management members not to exceed the number of non-management members.
Do the committee members serve two year terms?
Does the safety professional who supports the committee notify TVA Safety Programs when a vacancy occurs or is pending involving non-management members?
Does the chairperson only serve one term?<br><br>Explanation:<br>The chairperson is not permitted to serve consecutive terms.
Train Committee Members (Section 2)
Have all committee members completed training within 90 days of appointment?<br><br>Explanation:<br>ATIS number -----
Develop Committee Charter (Section 3)
Does TVA Safety Programs ensure that a current Agency level charter is maintained?
Does the MOIC ensure that the local committee charter is maintained?
Does the local committee charter contain the ‘core text’?<br><br>Explanation:<br>Found in Appendix of the procedure
Support Committee Operation (Section 4)
Do managers provide or make available technical documents, reports, procedures, rules, work practices, and other information necessary for committees to carry out their duties and responsibilities?
Conduct Committee Meetings (Section 5)
Do committees meet at least quarterly?
Does management ensure that union appointed representatives are free to attend the meetings or reschedule if necessary?
Is there a prepared agenda for the meetings?
Are the meeting minutes distributed to each member and the MOIC?
Does the MOIC communicate the meeting minutes to all employees at the site via bulletin board or electronic media?
Does TVA Safety Programs post the Agency level meeting minutes on the Safety Home Page website?
Are all meeting minutes filed for OSHA review?
Perform Duties (Section 6)
Does the Agency level committee’s duties include:<br><br>Monitoring performance of TVA’s safety program and making policy recommendations to the TVA Board on its structure and operation<br><br>Monitor and assist in the operation of the local committees<br><br>Reviewing issues referred by the local committees and make recommendations when needed<br><br>Monitor and recommend changes in resources allocated to TVA’s safety program<br><br>Contact OSHA if half the committee members determine there are deficiencies in TVA’s safety program, or if they are dissatisfied with TVA’s investigation of reprisals and/or employee complaints
Does the duties of the Local level committee’s include:<br><br>Monitor the site/facility safety program and make recommendations to the MOIC<br><br>Monitor findings and reports of workplace inspections to confirm all corrective measures have been implemented<br><br>Participate in site/facility compliance inspections, discuss unsafe or unhealthful conditions, and attend post inspection meetings during formal inspections<br><br>Review internal and external evaluation reports and make recommendations concerning site/facility safety programs<br><br>Review and recommend changes to procedures for handling employee safety suggestions<br><br>Monitor and make recommendations in the level of resources allocated and spent on site/facility safety programs<br><br>Comment of federal, TVA, organizational, and site/facility safety regulations, standards, rules, procedures, and work practices when the committee deems it necessary<br><br>Review responses to reports of hazardous conditions, safety program deficiencies, and allegations of reprisal<br><br>Contact OSHA if half of the committee members determine there are deficiencies in the site/facility safety program or if they are dissatisfied with TVA’s investigation of reprisals<br><br>Request OSHA to conduct an evaluation or inspection if half the members of record are not satisfied with TVA’s response to a report of hazardous working conditions<br><br>Refer issues that cannot be resolved by the local committee to the TVA Joint Union/Management Health and Safety Committee
Evaluate Process (Section 7)
Is the process effectiveness assessed at all organizational levels through periodic evaluations?
Does TVA Safety Programs request the following information annually for each local committee:<br><br>A current membership list<br><br>Names, appointment dates, and initial training dates of any members appointed to the committee in the past 12 months<br><br>Verification that the charter is accurate<br><br>A list of recommendations submitted to management by the committee and status of corrective actions
Does the DASHO/TVA Safety Programs periodically evaluate the process effectiveness as needed and provide reports to the appropriate management regarding the effectiveness of implementation