Title Page

  • Document No.


  • Conducted on

Observer Information


  • Observer ID #

  • Select date

  • Number of People Observed:

  • Coached:



  • Rodney Smith / WEST - FAX (423) 751-9697 PHONE (423) 653-8320 rjsmith0@tva.gov
    Jeff Burcham / WEST - PHONE (423) 702 1015 jgburcham1@tva.gov
    Wayne Crisp / EAST - FAX (423) 751-9818 PHONE (423) 280-4180 swcrisp@tva.gov
    Lou Johnson / EAST - PHONE (423) 664-2469 lejohnson0@tva.gov

Body Position


  • 1.1 LINE OF FIRE : <br>(Does the person place all parts of their body so they will not be pinned, crushed, struck, sprayed or trapped by energy release of any kind?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 1.2 PINCH POINTS : <br>(Does the person keep body parts from area between stationary or moving parts that are closing or might close together?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 1.3 EYES ON PATH : <br>(Does the person look in the direction they are moving, walking, cycling, operating mobile equipment?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 1.4 EYES ON TASK / HANDS : <br>(Does the person keep their eyes on the work being performed?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 1.5 Ascending / DESCENDING : <br>(When ascending / descending steep stairs and ladders does the person face stairs / ladder and maintain three-point contact?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

Body Use / Ergonomics


  • 2.1 LIFTING AND LOWERING : <br>(Does the person use legs and keep back straight.)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 2.2 TWISTING : <br>(Does the person pivot feet to keep upper torso aligned with legs when doing task?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 2.3 PUSHING / PULLING : <br>(Does the person maintain a balanced body position while pushing / pulling?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 2.4 OVEREXTENDED / CRAMPED : <br>(Does the person position self to prevent stretching to full arm or body length when performing tasks?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 2.5 RESPONSE TO ERGO RISKS : <br>(Does the person deliberately break up the stress by changing positions, moving, stopping activity or stretching?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

Tools / Equipment


  • 3.1 SELECTION / CONDITION : <br>(Does the person select the correct tool for the job?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 3.2 USE : <br>(Is the person using the tool as it was designed to be used?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 3.3 Vehicle Selection : <br>(Is the person selecting the best vehicle for the job?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.



  • 4.1 LOCKOUT / TAGOUT : <br>(When working on energized equipment does the employee ensure others do not have access to equipment controls and hazard zone(s)?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 4.3 COMMUNICATION : <br>(Do people communicating about work being performed and the potential hazards?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.



  • 5.1 HEAD : <br>(Is appropriate rad protection being worn for the task being performed?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 5.2 EYES AND FACE : <br>(Is the appropriate eye and face protection being worn for the task being performed?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 5.3 HEARING : <br>(Is hearing protection worn in high noise areas?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 5.5 HAND : <br>(Is the appropriate hand protection being worn for the task being performed?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 5.6 BODY : <br>(Is the person wearing body protection suitable for the task being performed?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 5.7 FALL : <br>(Is the person working at heights wearing body harness? Is it worn correctly?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 5.8 FOOT : <br>(Is appropriate foot protection for the work area being worn?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

Work Environment


  • 6.1 WALKING / WORKING SURFACE : <br>(Is the surface which a task is being performed stable, level, solid, and provide good traction?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

  • 6.2 HOUSEKEEPING / STORAGE : <br>(Is the work area kept clear of debris and loose objects?)

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.


  • 9.1 OTHER

  • Aware

  • Agree

  • Control

  • WHILE : Describes clearly the task or situation.

  • WAS (At-Risk) : Describes clearly the potential injury.

  • BECAUSE : Describes clearly the barrier or obstacle to doing the behavior safely.

  • SUGGESTION : Are solutions offered.

  • COMMITMENT : What the employee intends to do differently in the future.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.