
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Johann Boshoff & Rickus Jansen van Vuuren

  • Location
  • Personnel

1. Workshop Facilities.

  • 1. Suitable concrete pad available?

  • 2. Air supply suitable?

  • 3. General housekeeping conditions?

  • 4. Workshop walkways demarcated?

  • 5. Tyre and rim "consumables" properly stored?

2. Equipment.

  • 1. Suitable Safety Stands are available?

  • 2. Safety Stand capacities are readily identifiable?

  • 3. A system to test Safety Stands is in place?

  • 4. Safety Stands are uniquely identifiable by suitable means?

  • 5. Wheel components suitably stored and identifiable?

  • 6. Tyre Handler suitable for task?

  • 7. Tyre Handler is fitted with a fallback stop on the lift arm?

  • 8. Tyre Handler is fitted with a load indicator or load chart?

  • 9. Safety inflation cage is available and suitable for task?

  • 10. Air line safety clips are used on correct air hose fittings used?

  • 11. Air lines are in safe condition?

  • 12. Lifting equipment is suitable for task and is in safe working condition?

  • 13. Electrical equipment tagging system is in place?

  • 14. Fastening / unfastening equipment is suitable for task and in safe condition?

  • 15. Light vehicle tyre stripping and bead breaking equipment suitable for task?

  • 16. Earthmover tyre stripping and bead breaking equipment suitable for task?

  • 17. Confirm no hard head hammers in workshop?

3. Training and Competency system.

  • 1. Drivers licenses for all vehicles are controlled?

  • 2. Relevant personnel are assessed as competent to operate the Tyre Handler?

  • 3. Minimum competencies for tyre fitters identified?

  • 4. Training matrix exists and is maintained?

  • 5. Training program exists and is implemented?

  • 6. Suitable training material / resources available?

  • 7. Program includes practical assessment of competencies?

  • 8. Tyre fitting competencies are assessed by a suitable assessor?

  • 9. Training includes hazard identification and assessment?

  • 10. The training program is appropriate for tyre fitters?

  • 11. Training includes hazards associated with tyres and rims?

  • 12. Authority to assemble / disassemble tyres and rims are clearly defined and implemented?

  • 13. Training and evaluation system to ensure contractors performing tyre and rim tasks are competent?

4. Maintenance.

  • 1. Fire fighting equipment is available, accessible and in good order?

  • 2. Rim life tracking is in place?

  • 3. Rim crack testing performed?

  • 4. Rim crack testing is performed by a suitable qualified person?

  • 5. Rim repairs are conducted by competent persons?

  • 6. Workshop inspections performed?

  • 7. Pre-start checks are performed?

  • 8. Tyre inflation pressure maintenance and monitoring program is in place?

  • 9. A policy for re-inflating under inflated tyres is in place? (No if pressure <80%)

  • 10. Is a tyre repair program (internal or external) in place?

  • 11. Tyre repair procedure available and applied?

  • 12. Repair criteria for injuries are specified?

  • 13. Repair materials and cure for injury specified?

  • 14. Repair materials are within shelf life?

  • 15. Repair material is correctly stored?

  • 16. Tyres with Major repairs are specified?

  • 17. System in place to ensure haul roads are correctly designed and maintained?

  • 18. Master pressure gauge is available and in calibration?

  • 19. Hand held pressure gauges are regularly checked?

  • 20. Torque equipment is within the calibration period?

5. Work Methods.

  • 1. Safe Work Procedures are readily available to tyre fitters?

  • 2. Safe Work Procedures are suitable and appropriate for use by tyre fitters?

  • 3. Pre-task hazard inspections (Take 5's / Personal Risk Assessment) are performed?

  • 4. Risk assessments are performed (e.g. JSA/JHA) for infrequent / non-standard tasks?

  • 5. Vehicles are correctly immobilized (chocked) before jacking?

  • 6. Vehicles is correctly tagged / locked out before work commences?

  • 7. Safety stands are used in conjunction with hydraulic lifting equipment?

  • 8. Tyre and rim components are cleaned and inspected before assembly?

  • 9. Inspection is performed to ensure no foreign objects inside tyre cavity?

  • 10. EM wheels are fitted and removed according to procedure?

  • 11. Inflation pressure not to exceed 140 KPa while fitting wheel assemblies?

  • 12. Rear dual wheels are matched within specified tolerance?

  • 13. Repaired tyre fitment policy in place? (No front fitment of MR. Only one per dual set.)

  • 14. EM tyres are mounted and demounted according to procedure?

  • 15. Rim stand used when performing horizontal mounting and demounting of tyres?

  • 16. All tyres, including both in a dual assembly, deflated to 35 KPa before removing wheels?

  • 17. Inflation "line of fire" demarcated and implemented during inflation?

  • 18. A restricted area is set up to prevent access by persons not associated with task?

  • 19. Tyre pressures are specified for all vehicles?

  • 20. EM tyres are inflated with a remote inflation device?

  • 21. Inflation not to exceed 35 KPa until lock ring is seated?

  • 22. LV tyres are inflated inside a safety cage?

  • 23. Valve cores are removed (in a safe manor) during inflation?

  • 24. Deflation muffling system used?

  • 25. Lock ring is removed with tyre levers, not fingers?

  • 26. A system to torque and re-torque wheel fasteners is in place?

  • 27. Wheel torque settings are specified for all vehicles?

  • 28. Tyre and rim inspections and rejection is specified?

  • 29. The locking bar is engaged before jacking articulated vehicles?

  • 30. Procedure for the installation and maintenance of tyre chains implemented?

  • 31. A program to monitor chain wear and damage is in place?

6. Safety Awareness and Risk Assessments.

  • 1. Safety meetings are held regularly?

  • 2. Toolbox meetings are held regularly?

  • 3. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available?

  • 4. Safety is promoted through posters, incident notices, instructions, policies?

  • 5. Hazards are identified for job tasks by performing risk analysis (JSA/JHA/JHEA)?

  • 6. Safety plan identifies tyres as a hazard?

  • 7. Suitable PPE is supplied and worn?

  • 8. Tyre awareness training is delivered to management, planners and stores personnel?

  • 9. Tyre awareness training is delivered to rubber wheeled vehicle operators?

  • <br>10. Are tyre fitting hazards and risks regularly reinforced?

  • 11. Has the risk been identified for crushing?

  • 12. Has the risk been identified for sudden ejection of parts?

  • 13. Has the risk been identified for tyre explosions?

  • 14. Has the risk been identified for tyre fires?

  • 15. Has the risk been identified for truck electrification?

  • 16. Has the risk been identified for tyre failure in a critical situation?

7. Purchasing.

  • 1. Technical specification for tyre and rim components are determined and approved?

  • 2. Is there a documented process for determining the correct tyre selection?

  • 3. Planned duty of tyres are properly considered? (load/studies and TKPH used)

  • 4. Changes to specifications and applications are suitably controlled?

8. Handling and Storing.

  • 1. Tyre storage area is located away from traffic and the proximity of oils and grease?

  • 2. Tyre storage area demarcated on level ground and tyres are safely stacked?

  • 3. Tyres stacked horizontally are less than 3 meters high?

  • 4. Tyres and rims are stored safely so that they cannot roll or fall?

  • 5. Chains are adequately stored to reduce risk of injury or equipment damage?

  • 6. Lubricants are adequately stored to reduce risk of injury or equipment damage?

  • 7. Tyre and rim components are stored by type and comparability?

  • 8. Two-piece tyres are stored to prevent dirt entering between the tread and casing?

  • 9. System to inspect and verify that tyres and rims received are correct and fit for use?

  • 10. Serial numbers and dates received are recorded for all EM tyres and rims?

  • 11. A weight chart for separate and combined wheel assemblies is available in load area?

  • 12. Slings and other lifting devices are tagged and clearly indicated?

  • 13. Tyre handling equipment is annually inspected / certified?

  • 14. OTR multi piece wheels are stored with Max inflation pressure of 140 KPa?

  • 15. Defective components are effectively prevented from being used in error?

  • 16. Volume of stored scrap tyres within limits? (200 square meters x 3m high.)

  • 17. Tyre disposal policy / procedures in place?

9. Emergency Response.

  • 1. Tyre emergency procedures (fire, electrification) are in place?

  • 2. Are water carts used to manage tyre fires?

  • 3. Are water carts suitably equipped for fighting tyre fires?

  • 4. Emergency personnel are competent to respond to tyre and rim incidents?

10. Record Keeping.

  • 1. Tyre life is recorded?

  • 2. Rims are uniquely identifiable?

  • 3. Rim life is recorded?

  • 4. Periodic rim inspections / crack testing is recorded?

  • 5. Calibration records maintained?

  • 6. Training and competency records maintained for tyre fitting employees?

  • 7. Training and competency records maintained for tyre fitting contractors?

  • 8. Minutes of safety and toolbox meetings are maintained?

11. Tyre Management.

  • 1. Has a person been designated to approve tyre technical specifications?

  • 2. Are load studies regularly performed?

  • 3. Are heat studies regularly performed?

  • 4. Are TKPH studies regularly performed?

  • 5. TKPH monitoring system in place?

  • 6. Are tyre pressures adjusted to compensate for temperature during hot pressure checks?

  • 7. Is tyre life monitored?

  • 8. Are tyre failure modes monitored?

  • 9. Is a performance based warranty system in place?

  • 10. Is a material and workmanship warranty system in place?

  • 11. Are periodic tyre statistic reports issued?

  • 12. Are performance of brands and specifications within brands analyzed?

  • 13. Is axle bias removed when comparing between brands / specifications?

  • 14. Are tyre and rim component stocks monitored?

  • 15. Are objectives in contract spec plan being met?

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