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Inspection Checklist 检查要点

  • Each violation deduct 1 point UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Fail under 85 out of 100 points

EXTERIOR 餐馆外观 后门

  • Main store signs in good repair and in working condition. Timers are set for appropriate times. Adjust timers for day light savings. 招牌设计符合标准 灯箱自动调节时间准确 室外灯状况良好干净

  • Exterior building ceiling and walls in good condition. No light bulbs out. Outside lighting and sconce lighting must be in working order. 外部屋顶 墙壁保持清洁 确保所有的外部灯光正常工作

  • Landscaping maintained without weeds. Shrubs trimmed. Walkways free of gravel, mulch, cigarette butts and visible trash. Welcome mats are clean and swept. 户外绿化园环境良好,门口走道保持干净,并且,设有烟桶 欢迎光临门垫干净

  • Parking lot in good repair and trash free. Front walk way debris free, clean and shoveled and salt/icemelt if snow. 停车场保持清洁 停车位画线清晰,并备有雪盐

  • All window posters must be in good repair, up to date. Always in color and laminated. 大门上贴有公告,和店内的活动海报实时更新已经整洁

  • Windows and door glass clean and smudge free. Remove any left over tape. Must be clearly maintained. 保持玻璃和门整洁,进门处保持通畅

  • Hours of Operations Sticker/Signage must be posted and accurate and in good condition. 营业时间指示牌是干净准确

  • Trash drop and common areas are clean. Grease tank must be clean at all times no oil spills. No unnecessary debris visible. Garbage bin lids should be closed. 后门区域保持清洁 无烟头 垃圾桶和废油桶保持清洁

  • Door sweeps in good repair, check front and back doors this prevents critters from entering. Door handles are tight, Locks functional. 门扫状况良好防虫防鼠等作用 门把手锁紧,锁实

  • Front and Back Door must be closed at all times when not in use. 前后门在不使用时必须始终关闭

Cashier/Host Area

  • Guest is greeted quickly upon arrival. Smiles, looks sharp, friendly, upbeat and positive. Make eye contact. Host present and active and in complete uniform. 迎宾有礼 及时 友善 注意眼神交流

  • Quote proper table wait time. Anticipates Guest's special needs, like high chairs/boosters for small children, accessible tables for the disabled. 提供合适等位时间 询问客人特殊需求 例如小孩椅子 或行动不方便的就近座位

  • Hosts are escorting guests, not walking ahead. Introducing server and menu/specials as they make their way to the table. 带位时注意客人是否跟在身后,避免让客人跟丢。在他们上桌时介绍谁是他们的服务员和菜单/特色菜

  • Host stand neat, clean, and organized. Menus and tablets are clean. 带位台保持整洁 保持所有菜单清洁干净

  • Make sure phone is answered correctly with restaurant name, location, in a professional and friendly tone. Call restaurant while there. 确保餐厅前台接听电话时,以专业和友好的语气接听,并在电话内提供餐厅名称、所在的地点和接听员的名称。在餐厅打通电话测试

  • Phone is answered within 3 rings. Phone is not misplaced, unmonitored or unanswered by host. 电话必须在3声内接听。确保电话没有放错地方或无人接听

  • Correct amount of menus per table, menus are clean from previous use or new, no wasted menus. Host are gathering used menus that are reusable. 带位时分给每桌客人的菜单数量是正确,可重复使用的菜单不会浪费

  • Host are actively engaging customer and updating wait times. Encourage waiting customers to bar or other location to keep door clear. 带位主動跟客戶有互動并更新等待时间。鼓励等候的顾客在酒吧或其他地方宽敞的地方等位,以保持进出畅通

  • Guest thanked and invited to return when walking past Host/Cashier when leaving. 当用餐结束的顾客,经过我们身边时,要感谢顾客再度光顾


  • Appropriate temperature. Lighting. Music volume. Variety of sports being shown. Music: Rockbot only. 保持大厅的温度 灯光 音乐音量到舒适的状态, 电视频道播放多种类型的运动比赛事目 指定音乐: Rockbot

  • All shades, booth tops, partitions are free of dust and in working condition. All blinds raised to the same level. 窗帘状况良好干净 尽量保持同一高度

  • No gum visible under the tables.Tables are leveled no shaking, chairs in good repair and not wobbly, booths in good condition no tears. Keep proper space in between. Check highchairs for cleanliness and in good repair no loose screws chair must be firm and straps must be working for child safety. 桌椅 沙发 小孩高椅状况良好干净 不摇晃 摆位保持适当距离空间

  • Proper table set ups. Correct number of plates, napkins, chopsticks, and spoons in correct position. Condiments are refilled, logo facing forward, in correct position, both tray and condiments container looks clean. 适当的桌子设置。 将正确数量的盘子、餐巾、筷子和勺子放在正确的位置。 调味品已重新填充,徽标朝前,位置正确,托盘和调味品容器干净。

  • Floor Baseboards, partition walls, and corners must be clean. Booths have been swept and wiped down after customer leave. 客人离开后要第一时间保持地板,墙壁和角落清洁,桌椅 沙发 状况良好干净

  • Flooring, tiles and walls display no damage. 地板墙壁无损坏 无油渍

  • Walls clean from spills, splashes, handprint, and floors clear of stains NOT sticky. 保持墙壁干净 没有脚印 油渍

  • Interior decor and signage turned on and in good condition, dust free. With correct brand and logo. 室内装饰品 标示牌是公司标志,且保持干净

  • Ceiling,vents and lighting must be clean and free of dust and cobwebs. 天花板,通风口和空调口保持干净 没有蜘蛛网

  • Emergency light in working order push test button if possible, not while customers present. All Exit sign visible and in working order bathroom sign and directional signs posted. 紧急灯状况良好 粘贴好出口 洗手间等指引性标示


  • Server does proper introduction, including name and asking "Is this your first time at Ugly Dumpling? Follow the SOP in recommending drinks, appetizers, XLB and follow up with dessert near end of the meal. 服务员会进行适当的介绍,包括姓名和询问“这是您第一次来Ugly Dumpling吗?按照SOP推荐饮料、开胃菜、XLB,并在餐后享用甜点。

  • Server can describe food and beverage items properly and without hesitation. Servers recommend one specific bubble tea drinks and XLB dish if asked. Ask a server to do intro and ask food and drink questions. 企台热情介绍推销食物和饮品给客人

  • Server are following up on table to ensure all food has arrived in a timely manner. 服务员正在跟进餐桌,以确保所有食物均及时到达。

  • When delivering drinks, grilling food or bringing utensils, servers ensure guests have everything they need before departing from the table. 在提供饮料、烧烤食品或携带餐具时,在企台离开餐桌前确保客人没有其他需求或疑问

  • Performing satifaction check backs in timely fashion after drinks and foods are brought. 送完餐品及饮品后,企台须确保客户满意后在离开

  • Server does review of check before bringing to table (all prices correct and all items charged). Enroll Guest to leave a Google/Yelp review for guests that had a positive experience. 企台给客人账单前需要检查所有价格费用都正确。请求客人在Google/Yelp评论给满意的留言

  • Is uniform standard being adhered to? NameTags, Black Pants no tears and frays, Well groomed, Aprons for servers, NonSlip Shoes, Black Socks, no nail extension or nail polish, Earrings quarter size no large loops, facial piercing. All hair tied back, Branded UD Shirt. 企台是否遵守统一标准?名字牌、黑色裤子没有撕裂和磨损、围裙、防滑鞋、黑色袜子、没有假长甲或指甲油、四分之一尺寸没有大环的耳环, 面部穿孔。所有头发都系在脑后,穿UD品牌 的上衣

  • Is the no cell phone policy being enforced and followed by staff? Also staff is in designated section and not cogregating in back. 员工上班时没有用手机也不在餐厅后面聊天。

  • Employee drinks have lids and straw. All drinks/food in designated area, all personal items stored in lockers or assigned place. 员工饮料带盖子和吸管 放在指点区域和架子

  • Service team is consistently removing items not in use. Pre bussing in place and followed remove items not being used at all times. 经常整理和清理桌上已使用完的餐具和垃圾

  • Sidework structure is updated and posted. Store specific customization is necesary. 在空闲间隙的时候补齐所有服务所需物品


  • Area is organized and stocked. Floors cleaned and maintained throughout shift. 地面保持清洁

  • Drinks are made by counts, jiggers, and pour sets at all times. 调料使用量杯

  • Coolers and Refrigerators are neat, clean and organized. Containing a secondary Dial Thermometer, at proper temperature, under 40F degrees and well stocked. FIFO being followed with open and receive dates visible. 冰箱保持清洁 附有温度计 保持适当温度 存货齐全

  • Soda guns in working order, no syrup build up visible. Dishwasher is clean, working, and filter and catch tray empty and cleaned daily. Check for mold and dirt buildup. 汽水枪工作正常,没有可见的糖浆堆积。 洗碗机干净、工作正常,过滤器和收集盘是空的,并且每天进行清洁。 检查是否有霉菌和污垢堆积。

  • No prestaging of fruit in cup to prevent cross contamination 无预先将水果放入杯中,以防止交叉污染

  • Beverage Master Recipe Guide is printed in color, laminated and available. Bobarista are making drinks to recipe specifications. Ask Bobarista to describe a few drinks. 按照调茶谱调茶 Bobarista 按照配方规格制作饮料。 Bobarista描述几种饮料。

  • Approved glassware as noted in beverage guide must be used for designated Cocktails. Glassware must be clean and spot free. 按照指引使用酒杯 保持干净

  • If three bay sinks are being used it must be set up properly. Wash, Rinse and Sanitize. Most will be using Dishwasher, but Bartender should still know how to set up incase washer is broken etc. Talk with Bartender on shift. 洗碗池设置齐全,三眼水池必须贴有用途标识

  • Tongs available and cutting board used to cut fruit only. Fruit caddy clean and not over stocked. 使用小夹子夹水果和柠檬

  • Ice scoop are placed in a designated container when not in used. 冰勺不使用时放置在指定容器中

  • Performs proper staion set up leaving no unnecessary items. Making sure bar top is wiped cleaned and sanitized. Station setup properly with straws and napkins. 酒吧区东西摆放整齐 干净 无私人物品


  • Floors are clean and dry . Trash can and receptical are clean with plastic bag. Wet floor sign available. 地面干净不湿滑 垃圾桶保持清洁 装有塑料袋

  • Water at proper temperature 100F check temp. Soap and paper supplies stocked. 洗水池的水温保持(100度以上) 洗手液 干手设备齐全

  • Mirrors immaculate. Hand sink, air dry machine, paper towel dispenser stocked. No light bulbs out. 镜子保持干净 洗手池 干手机 干手纸盒机 墙壁保持干净 灯光充足

  • Toilet seat hinges tight to keep seat from moving. Toilet seat clean, base and tank in good condition. Baby changing table clean. No graffiti visible. 马桶座螺丝不脱松 马桶盖 底座 水箱状况良好 小孩换尿片台保持干净

  • Air freshener in place and in working order. 定期更换空气清洗剂

  • Proper rotation and accountability of the bathroom signoff sheet, all cleaning done on time. Employees must wash hands sign present. 定时检查清洁洗手间 负责人清洁后签名


  • Management team are ServSafe certified or similar Local Mandatory standard. Also check for valid Tax receipt, and Business license. Review the previous health inspection as well. This is Mandatory. 管理人需持有卫生牌、执行食品安全卫生达到当地卫生局要求。另需检查有效的许可证、税单和营业执照。同时需检查之前的健康检查情况。这是强制性的

  • Revenue that is steady or trending upwards Last month net? Two month ago net? 店收入稳定或呈上升趋势?上个月营业额?近两个月的营业额?

  • Food cost/food sales % Cost? Sales? (Check last month’s figures) % 食品成本/食品费用与销售额百分比是否低于 % (查看上个月的食品成本数据)

  • Beverage cost/beverage sales % is under % Cost? Sales? (Check last month’s figures) % 奶茶成本/奶茶销售额百分比低于 % 成本?销售量?(查看上个月的数据)

  • Labor cost/sales % is under 35%? FOH under 13% BOH under 23% including managment 工资总额/销售额百分比低于 35% (工资数据包括每一位 FOH/BOH 员工和经理的工资)

  • Void/Comp is under 2% (Disregard military/birthday discounts) % (Check last two week’s figures) 减免/折扣额度 低于 2%(不包括虑军人折扣/生日折扣比例) (需参考最近两周的数据)

  • 7shifts onboarding/scheduling is complete Review last two week’s 7shifts; This includes FOH, BOH, salary, scheduling, and onboarding 7shifts中的入职/排班是否完成 (查看过去两周的排班;包括 FOH、BOH、工资录入是否正确、排班和入职培训是否完成)

  • All FOH/BOH employees clock inclock out (Check POS login for last week) 所有FOH/BOH员工是否完成打卡(包括上班/下班) 检查POS中设置是否正确

  • Are Management scheduled for full weekly shifts of 5 complete days per week ? (Check 7shifts last week to verify) 经理是否有有排班:需至少一周工作5天 (检查上周7shifts中是数据)

  • Management clocking in/out? (Check POS last 4weeks to verify) 店经理是否有正确打卡 (检查至少最近4周的打卡记录)

  • Bubble tea inventory checklist is available and used (有正确使用奶茶库存清单检查奶茶库存)

  • Regular marketing campaign awareness (Check manager's awareness of marketing campaign) 定期营销活动意识 (检查经理对营销活动的认识

  • 7shift manager log book used properly and daily? 每天正确使用7shift 班经理日志?

  • What is the last secret shopper score? NA if there is not one, Yes for 90 and above, No for 89 and below Last score: 最近的一次神秘访客分数:

  • Post Health department and Labor department required documents. Ensure local labor posters are posted for current year. (Dowload State/Local Checklist from Department of Labor). 检查卫生部和劳工部门需要的文件。确保张贴当年的劳工部海报(从劳工部网站下载或购买/要求为本州或当地劳工局)。

  • Security system is working. All Cameras are working and back up is at least 90 Days. 确保最近90天的摄像头 报警系统 防盗系统正常运作


  • All hand washing stations have hot and cold running water, stocked with soap and singleuse towels and are easily accessible (not blocked); team members demonstrate proper hand washing technique. Team members wash hands at appropriate times as required. No debris in hand sinks. Hand washing sign posted. 洗手池提供冷热水,池内垃圾需要定时清理, 员工勤洗手保持卫生

  • 3compartment sinks with signs indicating Wash, Rinse, Sanitize. Any 2 or 3 bay sinks used for Food prep must be clearly marked. "FOR PREP ONLY" Must be clean after use no left over particles in the sink. Floor Drains well maintained and clean. 3格水槽有指示清洗、漂洗、消毒的标志。任何准备食物的2或3格水槽都必须清楚标记。使用后必须清洁,水槽中没有残留颗粒。地漏维护良好及干净。

  • Bare hand contact with ready to eat food (RTE) not observed. Food handler gloves are available and accessible. Gloves used on BOTH HANDS at all times in kitchen. 厨房员工戴手套 不能徒手接触食物

  • Proper uniform with hat, hair net, beard net, nonslip shoes. No headphone. No cellphone. No ear buds. 整齐服装 戴帽子 发网 胡子网 和防滑鞋 不戴私人耳机 工作时间不玩手机

  • Working and calibrated digital foodservice thermometer. All cold holding units including the Walk in Refridgerator and Freezer have an independent working secondary dial thermometer. Check all refridgeration units are in good repair (door handle, locks, floor panels, etc.). 配有温度计查看冷热食物温度

  • Proper hot food cooling procedures are followed. Proper frozen food thawing procedures are followed. Seafood must only be thawed in colandar with running water or thawed in walkin on trays. Food cooked should be held 135F or higher. Cold food should be 41F or below. 所有的冷冻食品需保温在41F以下,热食品须保温在135F以上,并严格遵守食物解冻守则 使用流动的冷水解冻

  • Food Contact surfaces are clean, in good condition, and stored properly (cutting boards, slicers, dicers, table tops, etc.). 所有摆放食物的桌面以及储存架必须保持干净

  • Complete chemical guide on hand (Usually posted close to dispensing station). Chemicals and cleaning supplies are properly stored away from food. All chemical Spray Bottles are labeled. 化学清洁用品齐全

  • When in use, the 3compartment sink is properly set up; and/or dish machine sanitizing rinse is at proper temperature at plate level or sanitizer solution is at proper concentration. Multiquat Sanitizer and/or Dish Sanitizer Test Strips are available. 在使用时,三格水槽必須正确设置;和/或洗碗机消毒漂洗在盘子水平和正確的温度或消毒剂溶液处于适当的浓度。能提供多季铵盐消毒剂和/或餐具消毒检试纸。

  • Proper dish washing procedures are being followed. All containers should be flipped upsidedown and no standing water in containers. All utensils hanging in their designated areas. All surfaces clean. 正确使用洗碗程序 温度和洗碗机

  • Wiping cloths are stored properly, submerged in sanitizer solution. A sanitizer bucket with submerged cloth must be in each station. (ex. Host, Bar, Busser/Expo,line , prep). Must be changed regularly. 抹布配合使用消毒剂

  • All line/walkin coolers are clean and at proper temperature. 41F and below. 所有冷冻设备保持合适温度 配有温度计

  • All items in kitchen, walkins, freezers organized. Store all items 6 inches above floor on shelves. No product stored directly on floor. FIFO being followed. All items should be labeled/dated when received. Including Dry Goods. 所有存货摆放整齐 物品放在架子上 距离地板6寸

  • Prevent cross contamination. Raw food cannot be above cooked ready to eat food. Top to Bottom: Fish/Seafood, Beef, Pork, Poultry/Eggs 防止食物交叉感染 ,按照卫生局摆放食物标准,生和熟食分开摆放 ,熟食不可放在生食下面

  • Check fryer tempurature is set properly at 350F, ask chef. also see if oil is clean and not smoking. 设置油锅温度在350华氏度 每天清洗油锅 保持食用油新鲜

  • All kitchen cooking equipment clean and well mantained. Woks: Blue flame, burner tip and under stoves drawer in good condition. 保持炉头区域清洁 保持蓝色火焰 火嘴无堵塞 底盘干净

  • Professional Hood Cleaning at leasted 1 time every 3 months. State/Local Certified. Keep hood, lights and vents clean. Wash Hood Filters/baffles deep clean weekly. No light bulbs out. Note Hood Cleaning Certification date! 保持抽风机 过滤网 照明灯 通风口清洁 每三個月做深度清洁

  • Check food warmer for rib are clean, free of grease and water changes daily. 检查食物加热器的肋骨是否干净、无油脂,每天更换水。

  • Label all prep and cooked foods in walkin in and thaw areas. Label must be legible, include date and contents. 标签所有食物备货 写上食物名称 日期 和时间

  • Soda Fountain Machine and BIB Bank must be spotless. Nozzels are clean with no build up 汽水枪状况良好

  • Keep ice machine clean. In and out. Check inside for beige, pink, or black mold. Have professionaly serviced and cleaned every year. 保持制冰机内外干净 保持备货工作台干净

  • Proper food inventory on hand and correct prep amout per day. Food being properly rotated first in first out. ARE ORDER GUIDES USED? 根据生意额保持适当交货周期 货存 备货 货物先进先出原则

  • All floors are clean and grease free. 保持地面清洁

  • Ensure food is not expired, utilize FIFO methodology. 確保 货存 备货 货物没有过期先进先出原则

  • Master Recipe Binder available and up to date. 严格按照食谱做餐

  • Ticket times appropriate and BOH operations flow smoothly. Food runners are expediting tickets correctly. Quality, quantity,and presentation of food is to UD standard. 保持畅顺做餐流程 控制合适出餐时间

  • Employee Locker Area is clean and available. All employees getting required break time and clocking out. 所有员工都按规定的休假时间;所有员工上班,午休及下班必须按公司规定打。

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.