Name of Enumerator
Phone Number
Name of Community
- Gafang
- Lyoh Gyel
- Sot
- Tahei
- Tanchol
- Rahwol Kak
- Raku Sot
- Rankyeng
Respondent role in the family
Phone Number of the Head of Household
Number of persons in the household
Occupation of Household
Type of water source
Means of water supply
Where is the water source located?
How long does it take to go there, get water, and come back?
Where do you defecate?
What is the state of the toilet facility?
- Private/Shared improved facility
- Private/Shared unimproved facility
What is the type of facility (toilet/latrine) in the HH?
Does the pan have a return cover or water separator?
Does the latrine have a cover?
Is there a superstructure (toilet building)?
Is the superstructure well ventilated?
Does the superstructure have installed doors, windows, and a roof? (Select all applicable)
- has a window
- has a door
- has a roof
Does the toilet facility hygienically separate waste?
Does the toilet facility have containment?
Is there a slab covering the containment (pit)?
Does it have a manhole for evacuation when filled up?
Is the toilet facility clean?
Does the toilet facility itself have any issue?
Take pictures of the toilet facility
Does the facility have a handwashing station?
Is there water at the station?
Is there soap at the station?
Take pictures of the handwashing station.
GPS of survey location
Take picture
Add location
Take picture
Add location