
  • Contractor / Client

  • Project Name

  • Division (If Applicable)

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel participating in inspection.

1. Working at Heights

  • 1.1 Are all fall exposures over 6' protected with proper fall protection equipment and techniques? This includes guard rails, fall restraint, or fall arrest.

  • 1.2. Are all leading edges properly protected?

  • 1.3 Is proper overhead protection in place?

  • 1.4 Is fall protection being used properly?

  • 1.5 Are all fall protection items free from damage?

  • 1.6 Are all impalement hazards adequately protected? ( rebar, pipes, stakes)

  • 1.7 Are wall and floor holes properly covered, marked, and secured?(capacity of 2x intended load)

2. Fire Protection

  • 2.1 Are there Fire Extinguishers on site? ( adequate number, type, maintained, inspected)

  • 2.2 Are all hot work activities being managed properly to prevent fires? This includes fire extinguishers, hot work permits, and fire watches (If Applicable)

  • 2.3 Has Smoking policy been established and followed?

  • 2.4 Are Compressed Gas Cylinders being used properly, including: (storage, proper separation, use)?

  • 2.5 Fire Hydrants, standpipes, hoses, and fire fighting equipment accessible to Fire Dept?

3. Scaffolds

  • 3.1 Are scaffolds properly tagged and dated?

  • 3.2. Are scaffolds free from damage and are they complete?

  • 3.3. Are documented scaffold inspections being conducted?

  • 3.4. Are all scaffold components compatible?

  • 3.5 Is the scaffold properly anchored to the structures and sitting on an adequate base? (Mud sills, cribbage)

  • 3.6 Is the competent person present and able to to make decisions regarding scaffold safety?

  • 3.7 Are loads imposed on the scaffold within its Safe Work Load (SWL)? (tools, stored materials, number of persons)

  • 3.8 During Erection and Dismantling tasks are fall protection and proper procedures being used?

  • 3.9 Is there proper access to scaffolding? (Frame scaffolds over two frames high require a stair tower, ladders are not acceptable)

  • 3.10 If the scaffold is over 10' high, does it have an adequate top rail, mid rail, and toe board?

4. Cranes, forklifts and rigging

  • 4.1. Is all equipment on site free from damage and recognized hazards? ( including forklifts and cranes?

  • 4.2. Are loads lifted in a safe manner? Avoiding Loads lifted over persons, close proximity to obstacles incl. overhead power lines? (20' cranes)

  • 4.3. Are proper maintenance and documented inspections being conducted on the cranes and forklifts on site?

  • 4.4 Are loads being rigged properly using the correct type and configuration of rigging for the load?

  • 4.5 Are all pieces of rigging safe, properly labeled and undamaged? (Ex. wire ropes, shackles, slings, chains, spreader bars, hooks)

  • 4.6 Is the crane's swing radius adequately protected?

  • 4.7 Do all crane and forklift operators have proper training and certifications for the equipment they are using?

  • 4.8 Are there proper LOTO procedures for cleaning, servicing and maintenance?

  • 4.9 Are seat belts being worn?

  • 4.10 Are tag lines being used on all loads?

  • 4.11 Do riggers and signal persons have documentation of qualifications?

5. Equipment (boom lifts, scissor lifts, loaders, excavators, etc.)

  • 5.1 Is all equipment including boom lifts, scissor lifts, and excavation equipment free from recognized hazards and free from damage?

  • 5.2 Is equipment being operated properly and in a safe manner?

  • 5.3 Are seat belts being worn on all equipment that requires seat belts?

  • 5.5 Are all employees operating equipment properly trained or certified?

  • 5.4 Are all lights, mirrors, back up alarms and safety systems working properly?

6. Ladders/ Stairs

  • 6.1 Are all ladders on site safe and free from damage?

  • 6.2 Are all ladders onsite being used in a safe manner that is consistent for the use they were intended?

  • 6.3 Are all Ladders properly secured?

  • 6.4 Does the ladder meet minimum OSHA requirements? (Proper weight rating for the work being done)

  • 6.5 Are all stairs on the project safe and free of recognized hazards?

  • 6.6 Are the stairs on site properly constructed? ( Metal pan stairs filled, hand rails, proper rise to run, properly secured, and slip resistant)

  • 6.7 Are stairs free from materials and debris?

7. Power and hand tools

  • 7.1 Are all power and hand tools in proper working order and without damage?

  • 7.2 Are all tools properly guarded?

  • 7.3 Are all tools being used properly?

  • 7.4 Are tools properly grounded or labeled as double insulated?

8. Hazardous Chemicals (including fuel and oil)

  • 8.1. Are chemicals stored in a safe location? (flammables away from ignition sources, spills would not enter stormwater drains, etc)

  • 8.3. Is there spill containment equipment on site?

  • 8.4. Are Safety Data Sheets accessible on site?

  • 8.7. Is there sufficient ventilation from potential fumes?

  • 8.9. Are containers suitable for the products in it?

  • 8.10 Are all containers properly labeled.

9. Emergency Response

  • 9.1 Are clinics identified and posted on the project?

  • 9.2. Emergency procedures are defined and readily available for review?

  • 9.3 Is there a fully stocked first aid kit available for use?

  • 9.4 Is there access to formally trained First Aiders for all shifts?

10. Traffic Management

  • 10.1. Is there a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) in place for work being conducted in the roadway?

  • 10.2. Are flaggers properly trained?

  • 10.3. Do controls for TMP function properly and are free from damage? (physical barriers, bollards, speed limits, flashing lights, spotters, etc)

11. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • 11.1 Are all employees following company PPE requirements? (I.E. Hard hats, Safety glasses, High Vis, Work boots, Gloves)

  • 11.2. If needed based on task, is specialty PPE being used properly? (Face shields, hearing protection, gloves etc.)

  • 11.3. Is all personal protective equipment in use safe and free from recognized hazards?

  • 11.4 Is there hearing protection available and in use where needed?

12. Work Environment

  • 12.1. Does the project have an adequate number of amenities? (toilets, wash areas, potable water, etc)

  • 12.2. Is lighting sufficient for the tasks being performed?

  • 12.3. Is housekeeping adequate?

  • 12.4 Are workers free from exposure and/or not exposing others to harmful or hazardous substances? ( Silica, Lead, Flammable gases)

  • 12.5 Are all structures secure and stable? (Masonry walls, false work, steel etc.)

  • 12.6 (Hospitals). Are infection control procedures and protection in place properly?

  • 12.7 Are all potential silica exposures are being properly mitigated? ( use of water or point of operation vacuums)

  • 12.8 Have health hazards such as asbestos or lead been mitigated prior to starting general construction?

  • 12.9 (Masonry) Limited access zone is in place on the non scaffold side and is back 4' plus the wall height.

13. Electrical Hazards

  • 13.1. Are all electrical cords free from any and all damage?

  • 13.2. Is there GFCI protection?

  • 13.3 Are employees maintaining safe distance away from live electrical lines unless properly trained and protected (PPE)?

  • 13.4 Are outlets and circuits free from overloads

  • 13.5 Are electrical cords protected from being placed on sharp ground or hung by conductive metal?

  • 13.6 Are electrical cords and equipment in a safe location, not near flammables, or lying in water?

  • 13.7 Is electrical work being conducted on de energized locked and tagged equipment. (LOTO)

14. Excavations

  • 14.1 Is there proper access to the excavation?

  • 14.2 Is cave in protection needed and properly installed?

  • 14.3 Is the excavation safe?

  • 14.4 Are utilities or other underground items properly marked and protected?

  • 14.5 Are utility locates current and undisturbed?

  • 14.6 Are spoils set back 2' from edge of excavation.

15. Documentation

  • 15.1. Is there a copy of the site safety plan readily available for review?

  • 15.2. Are permits being used for permit required work? Such as: (Excavation, Hot Works, Confined Space etc)

  • 15.3. Is a site safety orientation conducted and documented for employees and subcontractors?

  • 15.4. Is there adequate supervisory arrangements for the project?

  • 15.5 When required, do all employees have the needed training, licenses, skills, experience?

  • 15.6. Are Pre Task plans being conducted and documented on a daily basis?

  • 15.7 Are weekly tool box talks being performed and documented?

  • 15.8 Are weekly project field safety audits being performed and documented?

  • 15.9 Is all signage present and posted (OSHA poster, PPE, SDS, etc)

16. Confined Space

  • 16.1 Has space been evaluated? (Atmosphere test completed and documented - permit or non permit required)

  • 16.2 Proper permit documentation complete?

  • 16.3 Proper entry protocol in practice?

Other Observations?

  • Please describe in detail any other safety observations that were found during the inspection that are not covered in the categories above.

Corrective Actions

  • Enter any corrective actions that will be undertaken

Sign Off

  • On site representative

  • Auditor's signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.