VGS Worksite Safety Audit
Audit Location
Description of Work Being Performed
Worksite Personnel
Audit Conducted on
Audit Conducted by
General Photograph(s) of the Work Site
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Documentation & Qualification
Pre-Job Observation (Safety Tailboard) Completed? If yes, attach photo of completed form below.
Employees performing pipeline functions wearing hard hat sticker verifying OQ/D&A status?
Pipeline Drug Program - No apparent evidence of impaired behaviors?
If working within a VELCO right-of-way, employee(s) observed have participated in appropriate training (VELCO sticker on Hard Hat)?
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Document(s) Photos
Traffic Control & Worksite Setup
Signage, cones and barricades are utilized and adequate?
Traffic control personnel are appropriately equipped and performing well?
Pedestrian & vehicular traffic monitored for safe passage?
Police utilized to direct traffic at traffic lights and busy intersections?
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Noteworthy photos:
Personal Protective Equipment
Hard hats worn at all times?
Proper footwear worn?
Appropriate high visibility apparel worn?
Eye and face protection worn or readily available?
Hearing protection used when noise exposure exist?
Other Comments:
Noteworthy photos:
Excavations & Trenching
Utilities located before excavating begins?
Trench box, sloping and/or benching utilized if excavation is 5 or more feet deep?
Spoil pile is at least 2 feet from the edge of the excavation?
Ladder used if the trench is deeper than 4 feet deep?
Water within excavation monitored and controlled?
Surface encumbrances identified and secured?
A competent person is on scene monitoring trench conditions?
Atmosphere monitored for O2 and flammability when a potentially hazardous atmosphere is likely to exist?
Other Comments:
Noteworthy photos:
Tools & Equipment
Chains and slings used for lifting have safe working load tags on them?
Air tools and hoses are secured with clips?
Ground fault circuit interrupters are available and/or in use?
Extension cords are in good shape and without taped splices, etc.?
Hand tools are in good condition (pipe wrench teeth, etc.)?
Guards on power tools are being used as required by the manufacturer?
Ladders in good shape and non-conductive?
Welding leads are in good shape and undamaged?
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Noteworthy photos:
Fire Protection & First Aid
A charged and functional dry chemical extinguisher is readily available ?
Flammable liquids are stored in approved containers?
CGI's are utilized to monitor the atmosphere when performing live gas operations?
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Hazardous Materials
Containers are labeled?
SDS (Safety Data Sheets) on site or readily accessible?
Compressed gas cylinders are appropriately secured during storage and transport?<br>
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Noteworthy photos:
Housekeeping & General Site Safety
Jobsite is maintained in a neat and orderly fashion?
Pipe is chocked or otherwise secured to prevent accidental movement?
Tag lines used whenever pipe is being moved above shoulder height?
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Motor Vehicles & Mechanized Equipment
Seat belts, where provided, are being utilized?
Back up alarms are functional?
Vehicle wheels are chocked as required?
Employees remain clear of the backhoe boom swing radius while it is operating?
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