
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Gaming Entrance

  • Is the entrance to the gaming room clean, well presented, clearly signed and well lit?

  • In regards to the previous question: Clearly signed, well presented - 10 pts Clearly signed, not well presented - 5 pts Not clearly signed, well presented - 5 pts Not clearly signed, not well presented - 0

  • Does the venue have a WELCOME mat?

  • Is there a rubbish bin and smokers tray provided?

  • Are trading hours prominently displayed? <br>

  • Is all regulatory signage and carpark signage clearly visible and correct?

  • Is ALH security signage displayed on the gaming room door?


  • Is the ATM operational and the surrounding area clean, with a rubbish bin provided.

  • Is the location of the ATM clearly indicated when you enter the venue and when you are in the gaming room?

  • In regards to the previous question: Clearly signed when entering venue and from inside gaming room - 10 Not clear when entering but clear from inside gaming room - 5 Clear when entering venue, not clear from inside the gaming room - 5 Not clear when entering venue, not clear from inside the gaming room - 0

  • Does the ATM have appropriate regulatory signage?

Staff Presentation

  • Are all staff in correct uniform and is uniform clean and ironed? Staff should have a tie or scarf

  • Are all staff wearing name badges?

  • Are all staff well presented? Hair neat and tidy, men shaved, beards neatly maintained and wearing minimal jewellery?

  • Yes, all well groomed/presented - 10 pts A couple well groomed/presented - 5 pts Most not well groomed/presented - 0 pts

Service Standards (double weighting)

  • Were you offered mints or lollies, or were they readily available next to your machine?

  • Were you offered a drink when you were seated at your machine?

  • Yes, within 5 minutes - 20 points Between 6 and 8 minutes - 14 points Between 9 and 10 minutes - 10 points No, I was not offered a drink - 0 points

  • Did you observe staff members offering service to patrons seated at their machines?

  • Did you receive prompt attention when requesting a payout, with service from the attendant within 1 minute

  • Yes, within 1 minute - 20 points Yes, between 1 and 2 minutes - 10 points No - 0 points

  • Are the staff members actively servicing all sections of the gaming area?

  • Did you observe staff regularly cleaning the machines and the gaming room area?

  • Is the room free from used glasses or coffee cups, or did you observe a staff member clearing them way?

  • Did you observe any prepared food being offered to players? (Eg sandwiches, hot food). Not muffins, biscuits.

  • In regards to previous question: Staff offering food on a tray? Score - 20 pts Prepared food located on coffee station and was fresh Score - 10 pts Prepared food located at coffee station and was old/stale Score - 0 points No evidence of prepared food provided to patrons (excl coffee station snacks) 0 points


  • Are all machines operational? (If not, a logged service call and professional "out of order" sign on screen will suffice to redeem points)

  • Is the colour of screens clear and not out of focus and the picture fits in the screen

  • Is each machine number clearly displayed and in sequence?

  • Are all machines clean and free from fingerprints and all excess tape, glue etc been removed from machines?

  • Cleanliness of machines Very clean - score 10 pts Reasonable, only a few finger prints - 7 pts Some were clean, others weren't - 5 pts All were dirty and needed cleaning - zero

  • Are all machines fitted with machine advertisers, on left hand side and at same height as every other machine in the room?

  • Does each machine have the compulsory "Game Care" cards and holder attached on the right hand side, and at the same height as all the other machines? Also all machines have the compulsory 3-in-1 sticker?

  • All holders, all cards and all stickers correctly in place - score 10 points Only two of the items in place - 7 points Only one of the items in place- 5 points None of the items in place - zero points

  • Does each machine have a RESERVED sign attached?

  • Are the "Problem Gambling" brochures available in English and any other language applicable to the local community?

  • Is the volume level on the machines set to a sufficient level to hear and attract patrons?

  • Do machines readily accept notes and coins?

  • Are all fluorescent lamps and button globes operational?

  • Is there POS displaying link levels and parameters that clearly designate which machines are on the link?

  • Are sound levels on the link adequate to alert players that it has been won?

  • Are/is the link(s) fully operational - illuminated, with sound, and graphics clearly visible?

Room Presentation - inside, outside and DOSA, where applicable

  • Is the floor in all areas clean and free from rubbish?

  • Are all stools clean and the bases of each stool polished? Is the fabric not worn/torn, stained or with burn marks?

  • Stools clean, well maintained - score 10 pts Some clean or well maintained - score 5 pts All dirty, not well maintained - score 0 pts

  • Are the unused stools pushed in and aligned?

  • All pushed in and aligned - score 10 pts Some not pushed in and aligned - 5 pts All unused not pushed in/aligned - 0 pts

  • Are the machine bases clean and free from spills and base doors are all locked?

  • All bases clean, doors locked - score 10 pts Bases clean, doors not locked - score 5 pts Bases dirty, but doors locked - score 5 pts Bases dirty, doors not locked - score 0 pts

  • Are the bench sections of the unused machines clean or did you see them being cleaned?

  • Is the location of the toilets/cashier (and DOSA, if applicable) clearly indicated from the gaming room?

  • Yes - score 10 points One only - score 5 points No - score 0 points

  • Is the volume level on the machines set to a sufficient level to hear and attract patrons?

  • Was there "middle-of-the-road" background music playing that was barely audible? (The music should not be louder than the machines playing and appropriate to the clientele)

  • Appropriate, barely audible - score 10 pts Appropriate but louder than EGM's - 5 pts Not appropriate, but barely audible - 5 pts Not appropriate and too loud - 0 points

  • Do both the inside room and outside room (if applicable) have a thermometer fitted?

  • Are the walls and ceilings in all areas painted - no scratches, holes etc ?

  • Are all posters/POS related only to gaming, professionally generated, in frames and current (no old promotions)

  • Are all light boxes / plasmas in working order and have signage relevant to gaming only?

  • Is a clock visible from all poker machines and all within 5 minutes of each other and the correct time?

  • Did you observe any blown, broken or dirty bulbs or flouro lights, or any dirty vents as you entered the venue, in the gaming rom or toilets?

  • All lights working, all vents clean - score 10 Couple of lights not working, couple of vents dirty - 5 Several lights not working, several vents dirty - score 0

  • Are all glass/windows clean, free of redundant tape/decorations and no smudges?

  • Is the cashier station free from clutter with no unnecessary electrical cords showing?

  • Are there coin cups available?

  • Is the temperature inside okay - not too hot or cold? Ideally at 22 degrees in summer/ 24 degrees in winter. fans / heaters installed. look at airflow.

Outdoor gaming

  • Is the temperature outside okay - not too hot or cold? fans / heaters installed.

  • Is the air quality suitable - no overpowering smell of cigarette smoke or body odour

  • Is there an appropriate amount of ashtrays available? One ashtray next to every machine?

  • Are the ashtrays clean or being cleaned by staff?

  • Are there ONLY gaming patrons within the outside gaming area (or DOSA, if applicable). OR are security and staff clearing the room of non-gaming patrons?

Coffee Station

  • Is the coffee station clean and well stocked, and has multi-beverage capacity including tea and soup?

  • Is the coffee station well signed with a rubbish bin adjacent?

  • Are there packet biscuits, muffins or cakes at the station?

  • Is there complimentary food distributed by staff or appropriate signage displaying available times?

  • Do the coffee mugs have the hotel logo on them?

ALH compliance and staff knowledge

  • Are the gaming staff members on duty along with the manager on duty carrying the ALH "Know Your Code" <br>Yes - both have on them, or No- one or both do not have them

  • Does the staff member have knowledge of ALH's Responsible Gambling Code? (Can the staff member name a sign of distress? What is the process for self-exclusion? Who is the ALH contact for Responsible Gaming?

  • Maximum score is 15 points Name one sign of distress - 5 pts Explain self exclusion process - 5 pts Name the Responsible Gaming Ambassador - earn 5 points

  • Choose a machine in the room- Was the attendant confident when questioned about the machine operation like free games or second screen features?


  • Is the venue actively running promotions? <br>No loss of points if seasonally unfavourable to run them

  • Does the promotional material display mechanics, terms & conditions, closing dates, compulsory wording, and TPL number?

  • Are the mechanics of the promotion easily understood, and can they be explained by the staff?

  • Is there promotional gaming related signage in all areas of the gaming room- inside, outside & DOSA (if applicable)?

  • Are there props associated with the promotion visible? Eg fuel bowser, safe etc where applicable.

  • Does the venue use the PA system to announce upcoming promotions and events in the venue?


  • Were the following clean? <br>

  • Highest score possible is 12 points Basin clean? - add 2 points, Bench tops clean? - add 2 points Mirrors clean? - add 2 points Toilet bowls clean? - add 2 points Toilet doors clean? - add 2 points Bathroom tiles clean? - add 2 points

  • Do the rest rooms have a pleasant odour?

  • Is the toilet paper stocked sufficiently?

  • Is the hand soap available?

  • Is there towels/paper towels available, or hand dryers in working order?

  • Are sanitary bins and rubbish bins clean and not overflowing?

Overall Customer Eperience

  • Considering your experience at the venue today, how would you describe your experience to a friend? Very enjoyable - I was pleased with all aspects - score 10 points Pleasant - only a few minor things could be improved - score 8 points Satisfactory - it is like all other venues, nothing special - score 5 points Not Satisfactory - I was disappointed on a number of aspects - score 0 points

  • Did you feel safe in all areas of the gaming room and the venue as a whole?

  • Would you return to this venue and gaming room in the future?

  • Person conducting WTF

  • Venue staff member present at time of WTF

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