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Walking/Working Surfaces
Are aisles and walkways kept clear and open?
Are aisles marked as required, and are markings in good condition?
Are the floors clear of tripping hazards?
Do work areas have adequate lighting?
Are sidewalks and employee entrances free of tripping hazards?
Are all exits kept free of obstructions and available for instant use?
Is a clear working space of at least 36 inches provided around all panels and electrical shut offs?
Are all exits marked with an exit sign and illuminated by a reliable light source?
Are pallet, boxes, and other goods stacked properly?
Are racks in good condition and anchored to the floor?
Are material storage areas clean and orderly?
Are toilets and wash areas clean and sanitary?
Are ladders in good condition (rungs, hinges, cracks, etc.)?
Are guards correctly in place on all machines?
Is PPE available at the battery charging station?
Are fire extinguishers free from all obstructions and immediately available?
Are first aid kits accessible and properly stocked?
Are eyewash stations available & properly maintained?
Are all extension cords being used correctly and in good condition?
Air hoses have pressure release holes?
Are flammable/combustibles properly covered and stored?
Are compressed gas cylinders labeled and secured?
Are all chemical containers properly labeled to include the name of the material and hazards?
Are all chemical containers properly labeled to include the name of the material and hazards?
Are step ladders and step stools free of visible damage?
Are lanyards and fall harnesses being used as required?
Are forklifts being used safely?
Is all lifting equipment, including chains and slings, in good condition and visually inspected before each use?
Are employees using good mechanics when lifting objects?