Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
First Aid / Blood borne Pathogens
Are there adequate supplies in the first aid kit (does it contain latex gloves, a face mask and goggles)?
Is the first aid kit located on a wall in a visible and unblocked area?
California ONLY - The Injury, Illness Prevention ("the IIP" or "the Book")
Is a copy of the Book displayed in the Manager's office?
Can the manager quote their duties as described in the IIP?
Certified Driver
Is the current Certified Driver Report displayed on the poster?
Chemicals / Food - Eating & Drinking in Chemical Areas
Are "Chemical Area" warning posters displayed? (Note: Order additional signs from
Is there a designated eating & drinking area with signage ("Designated Eating / Area")?
Storage: have all food storage items (includes: soft drinks, paper products & utensils) been clearly separated from chemical storage items?
Are all secondary containers labeled (At a minimum they must list the company name and product name).
Compressed Gases
Are all compressed gas tanks stored upright and chained?
Electrical / Extension Cords
Have you removed any extension cords that have broken grounds, twists in the cord, exposed wires, or repairs (note: we can't use cords wrapped with electrical tape)?
Exposed wires: are all electrical outlets or junction boxes covered and in good repair?
Fuse box obstructions - Is the area (within 36" in front) of any/all breaker boxes clear and free from storage of any kind?
Emergency Action Plans
Is the property diagram displayed in at least one employee visible area?
Has the Emergency Action Plan been trained to all employees? (For example: designated meeting area, remain in safe area until dismissed, who can/cannot use a fire extinguishers)
Are areas around all hydraulic systems (example: power packs) clean and dry?
Eyewash Stations
Are the eyewash stations clean, unblocked (minimum 36") and in good working order?
Are the caps/covers in place over the eye flushing spouts?
Fire Extinguishers
Are all fire extinguishers mounted on the wall, accessible and unblocked (minimum 36")?
Manager's Inspection (note: This is not the 3rd party tag-company. This is Location Management) - Has Management initialed AND dated each extinguisher tag monthly as required? (Make sure the extinguisher has pressure, is unblocked (minimum 36") and has a current inspection tag)
Flammable Storage
Are all paint cans located in one isolated area well away from combustible materials?
Are all gas cans metal and are they stored in an area that are isolated well away from combustible materials?
Is there adequate stock of Safety AND Employment Handbooks?
Have all employees been given both handbooks and signed the acknowledgments?
Heat Illness Prevention
Are Heat Illness posters posted?
When in use, are all water coolers cleaned and disinfected daily AND as needed?
If June - September, has store management held at east one, if not several, storewide (all employees) Heat Illness Prevention training talks this month?
Housekeeping - Are the following clean and in good order?
Chemical Room(s)
Behind the building
Storage Room(s)
Employee Break Room(s) (Note: hygiene is a critical OSHA priority)
Lock Out / Tag Out
Are the tunnel keys in place?
If nonfunctioning equipment has exposed wires, covers removed, or guards removed then the equipment must be tagged out. Has this been done?
Are all guards (covering any moving machine parts) in place?
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Is the MSDS book well located in an unlocked and visible area?
Is the MSDS book up to date and complete? (Should include a data-sheet for every in-stock chemical listed on your Monthly Chemical Inventory Form)
Noise Exposure and Personal Protective Equipment ("PPE")
Are ear plugs located near the blowers?
Are all the exit-end employees using hearing protection?
Are the detail bays supplied with goggles, hearing protection, gloves, and masks?
Are the employment posters and Wash Depot posters located in the break-room? If not, contact:
Have all non-management employees been shown the Non-Management New Hire Safety video?
Are all new employees given a safety walk-thru tour of the property? Include: what areas of the property need extra care any why, what areas are off limits, where is the emergency meeting location, tunnel lock-out requirements, etc.
Are the grates well fitted and safe?
Trip Hazards
Are the customer walkways clear and well defined?
Are all steps non-slip? Do they need a non-slip tape or treatment?
Unimac Lock
Are the Unimac 202 locks in good working order?