Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Site name

  • Prepared by

  • Inspected by

  • Location



  • Entry doors are locked and in working condition?

  • Entry areas are clean and in a safe condition?

  • Entry call buttons are in working order at time of inspection?

  • Lobby areas are clean and free from safety concerns or issues?

  • Hallways leading to client areas are clean and free from safety concerns or issues?

  • Postings related to client rights, accreditation, required notices, and license are present in common areas?

  • Any additional safety, security or cleanliness issues related to entry and lobby areas?

Exam Room

  • Furniture in the exam room is clean, safe and in good condition?

  • Items stored in the exam room are stored under safe conditions preventing risks to patients?

  • Medical equipment has been inspected, is properly tagged with inspection date, and date is not expired?

  • Any additional safety, security or cleanliness issues related to the exam room?

Common Areas- Client Care

  • Furniture in client common areas is clean, safe and in good condition?

  • Common areas appear clean?

  • Common area is free from safety issues?

  • Common areas vents are free from dust and/or dust build-up?

  • Trash in common areas is contained?

  • Posting in common areas are present, including client rights and unit schedule? There are cues to alert clients of date and time?

  • Group areas are clean, safe and in good condition?

  • Areas deemed as "secure" are locked upon inspection? (Examples: Medication closets, bathrooms, utility closets, janitor closets, etc.

  • Temperature in client care areas is comfortable to season?

  • Any additional issues related to safety, security or cleanliness in common and group areas?

Unit Bathroom

  • Client bathrooms are clean?

  • Client bathrooms are safe?

  • Trash in client bathroom areas is contained?

  • Any additional safety, security or cleanliness concerns related to client bathroom areas?


  • Laundry Room is locked at time of inspection?

  • Lint is not present in the lint trap?

  • Clothes and client items are not stored on the floor?

  • Items are not stored within 18 inches of the ceiling?

  • Any additional safety, security of cleanliness concerns related to laundry room?

Kitchen Areas

  • Kitchen areas are locked?

  • Kitchen areas are clean?

  • Refrigerator logs are present and completed to date?

  • On inspection, refrigerator is holding proper temperature?

  • Refrigerator is free from expired items?

  • Food stored in kitchen is being stored at proper temperature and condition?

  • Ovens and dishwashers are clean?

  • Client care items are not stored under sinks?

  • Any additional safety, security or cleanliness concerns related to kitchen areas?

Patient Rooms

  • Furniture is in good condition and is safe for client use?

  • Overall the room is clean for client?

  • Overall the room is safe for client care?

  • Bathroom in client room is safe and in good condition?

  • Doors and light fixtures are safe and in working order?

  • Temperature in patient rooms is comfortable to season?

  • Any additional safety, security or cleanliness concerns related to kitchen areas?

Seclusion and Restraint

  • Seclusion room doors lock according to design?

  • Doors are in good condition and free from safety issues?

  • Rooms are safe and appropriate for seclusion and/or restraint?

  • Beds stored in S/R room are safe and in good condition?

  • The bathroom in the S/R area is clean?

  • The bathroom in S/R is safe?

  • Lighting in the S/R area is adequate and in working order?

  • Temperature in the S/R is comfortable to season?

  • Any additional safety, security, or cleanliness issues related to S/R area?

Additional Areas

  • Storage areas are orderly and free from excessive clutter?

  • Ceiling tiles are present and free from stains?

  • Flooring is in good condition and free from trip hazards?

  • Overall walls are clean and in good condition?

  • Entry and exits are not blocked at time of inspection?

  • Exit signs are in working order?

  • Items in storage areas are not stored within 18 inches of the ceiling?

  • Utility Rooms are labeled with shut-offs?

  • Fire extinguishers are labeled and have monthly inspection?

  • Exam room is clean, safe and in good condition?

  • Areas storing hazardous waste is marked?

  • Clean utility is separated from dirty utility storage areas?

  • All clean utility areas are stored under proper conditions?

  • Hazardous waste is stored under proper condition?

  • Any additional safety, security, or cleanliness issues related to the general areas?

Exterior Building

  • Sidewalks leading to the building are safe and in good condition?

  • Lighting to the building is in good working condition?

  • The exterior if free from holes/hives/ nests or damage related to pests?

  • Entry ways are free from tripping hazards and maintained according to season?

  • Exterior paint, caulking and tuck-pointing is in good condition?

  • Fences/retaining walls are in good condition?

  • Exterior windows are in good condition?

  • Gutters and downspouts are in good condition?

  • Any additional safety, security or cleanliness issues related to exterior spaces?

Site Summary

  • Site Summary

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.