IMC Wheel Multi-Spindle LHS
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Inspection Details
Main Equipment
Are the spindles operational?
What specific issues were noted during inspection?
What actions are recommended?
Is the hoist operational?
What maintenance concerns were noted?
What actions are recommended?
PowerMacs4000 (Master & Slave) Controllers
Are the controllers operational?
What specific issues were noted during inspection?
What actions are recommended
Drive Motor
Is the drive motor operational?
Were there any specific concerns with the brake system?
What actions are recommended?
Forward & Backward Cylinder
Is the forward/backward cylinder operational?
Are there any issues with the forward/backward stoppers?
What actions are recommended?
Pneumatic System
Spindle Pitch Changer Solenoid Hub
What is the condition of the solenoid hub?
What actions are recommended?
Spindle Pitch Changer Cylinders
What is the condition of the cylinders
What is the condition of moveable parts
FRL Unit
Is the FRL unit functional?
What actions are recommended
Pneumatic Tubes & Fittings
What is the condition of Pneumatic Tubes & Fittings
What actions are recommended
Electrical System
Electrical Panel
Is the electrical panel in working condition?
What actions are recommended
Operator Panel/Stack light/Indicator Box/Operator Handle
Are all accessories are functional?
What actions are recommended?
Spindle Cable/Sensor/Limit Switches & Controller Cables
Are cables and sensors in good condition?
What actions are recommended?
Equipment Overall Inspection
Moveable Parts
Are all moveable parts functioning properly?
What actions are recommended?
Input Power Supply
Input Power Supply?
Input Air Supply
Input Air Supply
Recommendations Summary: