
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

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  • Personnel


  • Is the route to breakfast clean and tidy, no litter on the car park etc?<br>

  • Is the 'please wait to seated sign' at each entrance to breakfast?

  • Are there enough tables set up for service?

  • Is every table set to standards?

  • Are all tables and chairs clean?

  • Is the floor clean and safe with no litter?

  • Are all walls, ledges, windows sills and bric-a-brac clean?


  • Is everywhere clean and in good condition; with no graffiti? Are your tiles sparkling?

  • Are your floors and skirting boards in good condition and really clean, right into the corners? Are they free from litter, leaks and puddles?

  • Are all your cubicle doors in good condition, with working locks and hooks for coats or bags?

  • Are all hand dryers working?

  • Does the room smell clean and fresh?

  • Are all your lights clean, in good condition and working?

  • Are there plenty of toilet rolls? Are your soap dispensers full?

  • Are there baby changing liners in the baby changing unit?

  • Is there a sanitary bin in every ladies’ toilet cubicle?

Buffet Tables

  • If the buffet table is being covered with the brand nominated cloth, is this clean and in good repair?

  • Is the rotary toaster resting on a stable surface with 'Careful Hot' notice?

  • Is there white, brown bread and crumpets?

  • Are plastic tongs provided (not metal for safety)?

  • Is there a selection of jams, marmite, honey and marmalade? <br>

  • Are butter and sunflower spread portions available?

  • Is there a granola and dried fruit display unit and dispenser provided? Are there serving spoons, pumpkin seeds plus 3 other granola toppings available?

  • Are Yeo Valley natural plus 3 other flavours available?

  • Is there a supply of teaspoons next to the yoghurts?

  • Are the teas stocked to standard? Decaf tea, peppermint, pure green tea (not flavoured), camomile, lemon & ginger plus 2 other flavours on display?<br> <br>

  • Are the everyday tea bags in sachets/envelopes? <br>

  • Are all milk jugs next to the cereal labelled ie. skimmed, semi skimmed and wholemilk?

  • Are all cereal bowls, side plates, mugs, teaspoons clean and in good repair?

  • Are all cereal bowls, side plates, mugs, teaspoons clean and in good repair?

  • Is there a minimum of 6 teapots and small milk jugs available, clean and in good repair (lids fit securely)?

  • Are there napkins available beside the plates?

  • Are all air pots positioned safely, back from the edge of the table?

  • Is there a metal table tidy for disposal of tea bags, sugar sachets etc available? Code 49732

  • Are there brand designated coasters for wholemilk/ semi skimmed milk/skimmed, coffee, hot water (for airpots) and juices available, clean and in good repair?

  • Is therer semi skimmed milk available by the beverage station? Is it labelled?

  • Is decaffeinated coffee available?

Buffet Sites (Quality Checks)

  • Is the hot buffet only be used during peak periods, otherwise plated at all times? When the hot buffet is on, is the High volume/Low volume model being followed?

  • Brewers Fayre only: Is the breakfast counter set up according to the Vesta planogram?

  • If you have a Rational, is it being used to cook breakfast ? Is the food spec for Rational being followed?

  • Check bacon for quality, temperature, appearance & taste ( No excess white)

  • Check sausages for quality, temperature, appearance & taste

  • Check fried eggs for quality, temperature, appearance & taste

  • Check hash browns for quality, temperature, appearance & taste. They must be crispy!

  • Check scrambled eggs for quality, temperature, appearance & taste

  • Check grilled tomatoes for quality, temperature, appearance & taste. Remember the standesrd is 2 halves

  • Check mushrooms for quality, temperature, appearance & taste.

  • Check beans for quality, temperature, appearance & taste

  • In buffet restaurants, are you seeing the team probing constantly to ensure the food is always kept hot?

  • Is there a Breakfast Spec Cookbook February 2015 available? Is breakfast being cooked to spec?

Your Team

  • Is everyone’s uniform clean, ironed and in good condition? Is it in line with your specific brand standards?

  • Is everyone wearing a name badge in line with brand standards?

  • Does everyone’s hair look clean and tidy. If it’s longer than shoulder length, is it tied back?

  • Are the only earrings being worn, studs, sleepers or similar? Are servers who prepare and serve food not wearing jewellery except a wedding ring?

  • Is everyone wearing natural or black tights with skirts and black socks with trousers?

  • Is everyone wearing clean, black, low-heeled, closed-toe shoes?

  • Do we have plenty of brand loyalty card out and are the team are ready to let our guests know of the great benefits they have?

  • In the event of a complaint, are your team able to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of the guest? Firstly apologise, secondly, offer to replace and thirdly, ensure it is to standards whrn serving it again to the guest.

  • Is the Duty manager always present on the floor? Do they look smart and professional? Are they leading the team and setting a great example?

Comfortable Atmosphere

  • IS the CD/Radio station you’re playing suitable for breakfast?

  • The TV must not be on in areas that are set for breakfast, please check?

  • Is there always music on? Is it not too loud and not too quiet?

General Observations

  • Have your priority action/s from the last Guest Promise Check have been actioned?

  • Is there a recent self assesment action plan on display for the team to see?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.