Title Page
Document No.
WHS for coaches
Gibbs st PS
Conducted on
Prepared by Joe
What is the time and date of your clinic?
What is the address of the primary school?
Hazard identification, assessment and control.
You must conduct the audit checklist below before sharing it with your facilitator. If you identify any hazards by answering 'No' you must upload a photo of the risk and give an explanation in the box provided detailing the action you will take/have taken to minimise the risk. You must also include them on your lesson plan and follow the standard risk management procedure.
Is there adequate space to accommodate the registered number of students for today's coaching clinic?
Is there adequate supervision to accommodate the registered number of participants for today's coaching clinic?
Is the space free from any slip, trip or falling hazards on or around the area being used for the coaching clinic?
Is the space free from other fixed or mobile hazards in the coaching area? Eg playgrounds, sandpit, gardens, sporting equipment etc.
Is the field/area clear from pot holes and debris?
Is there a first aid kit present on site at the clinic?
Are the soccer goalposts safe? Eg not wobbly or damaged. Or are drills set up a safe distance if they are?
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