Site - Month Year [e.g. Perth (Lvl 1) - Feb 2014]
Address [e.g. 502 Hay Street, Subiaco]
Conducted on
Prepared by [e.g. Megan Lane]
Previous Inspection
Has the last inspection been reviewed for the same location?
Have any outstanding actions been addressed/ closed out?
Internal Environment and Housekeeping
Is the loading area clean and tidy?
Is there adequate airflow and a comfortable temperature in the office?
Is there enough light to perform tasks without eye strain or glare, especially from screens?
Are light fittings clean and in good condition?
Is emergency exit lighting in good working condition? (E.g. green running man or exit signs)
Is furniture in sound condition?
Are photocopiers positioned to avoid fumes and with adequate ventilation/ air flow?
Are non slip coverings in good condition?
Is the office kept clean and tidy? (E.g. rubbish bins suitably located and regularly emptied)
Is there good storage for equipment, stock and products? (E.g. storage designed to minimise manual handling problems, easy access, shelf racks and pallets in good condition)
Are there controls that restrict items from falling on people? (E.g. good cannot fall from height, shelving securely fixed and not overloaded)
Slips, Trips and Falls
Are stairwells and risers safe and clear? (E.g. fixed handrails and anti slip flooring)
Are liquid spills removed quickly?
Is the office free of any slip or trip hazards when employees move around? (E.g. on oil, grease, water, leads, hoses, cables or uneven floor)
Can traffic and people move safely around the office? (E.g. walkways free and adequately marked with no obstructions and filing cabinet drawers closed)
Are electrical leads, plugs, sockets and switches in good condition? (E.g. not frayed or damaged)
Have electrical leads and power boards been tagged and tested? (Choose three work spaces/ desks in different areas of the office as a sample)
Is the office free of any electrical leads lying across floors or walkways?
Is the office free of double adaptors and piggy backing?
Fire, First Aid and Emergency
Is it easy to get in and out of the office safely? Are exit doors easily opened from inside? (E.g. exits clearly marked and unobstructed)
Are fire extinguishers available and clearly marked for type of fire? Does the extinguisher tag indicate servicing within the last 12 months?
Are fire extinguishers and hydrants kept clear of obstructions?
Are extinguisher indicator signs approx. 2.1m above floor level? (They should be above eye level and easy to see)
Are the names and locations of the First Aid Officers and Wardens clearly displayed and current?
is the location of the First Aid kit/s clearly marked and easily accessible?
Are the kit's contents kept clean and orderly? Or sealed where this applies?
Are emergency procedures and evacuation plan clearly displayed?
Are emergency numbers displayed?