
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site / Department

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Department Manager / representatives

Health and Safety Systems

  • WHS Policy statement displayed

  • MIRA Incident reporting poster available

  • Are See Something Say Something Posters in BOH area

  • Crisis Management plan current and available. Where is it available to view?

  • JSA record available and current

  • WHS committee member appointed for area

  • WHS minutes available in area

emergency procedures

  • there are fire extinguisher located in the area ( e.g. Plant rooms, workshop)

  • There are sign showing the location of fire extinguishers and other emergency equipment

  • Firefighting equipment serviced / tagged with in last 6 months

  • Extinguishers appropriate to hazards present in area

  • Emergency evacuation diagram is clear visible

  • Emergency exit signs clearly visible and not obstructed

  • There are no items blocking the fire extinguishers and other emergency equipment

  • Exit doors easily opened from inside

  • Exit path ways clear of obstruction

  • Alarm and communication system in area adequate

  • Are fire doors self closing and closed. have they been inspected in the last 6 months (observe tag on the door near frame)

  • Are all associates aware of emergency / evacuation procedures and know the location of the assembly point

  • Are all sprinkler heads free from obstruction (500mm gap)

  • Are housekeeping standards such that they preven the accumulation of stores, rubbish, combustible or flammable materials

  • Exit lights are working

  • Personnel trained in use of fire fighting equipment in the last 12 month. ( ask PASS method

Prevention of slips, trips and falls

  • electrical leads free from walkways

  • Floors free of water, oil and spills

  • Warning signs have placed around any wet floor

  • Trolleys are stored away from walkways

  • Corridors and doorways are free from clutter

Loading Dock / Bin Room

  • Loading dock is well lit

  • Is there a Traffic Management Plan (TMP)

  • Floors and surfaces are in good condition no cracks or peeling

  • Is there a clear visibility at the entrance of the loading dock for pedestrians and vehicles to enter and exit

  • Clear and adequate warning signage at the loading dock entrance

  • The door to the bin room is in good condition


  • Powerpoint's do not have double adapters attached

  • All cords, cables, and sockets have no loose wiring and appear to be in good condition

  • Test and tag guidelines
    - equipment does not move, non-hostile environment e.g. Computers - 5 years
    - guest rooms (except for hairdryer - 12 mths), 2 years
    - portable equipment - e.g. Hot box, vacuum - 12 mths

  • Test and tag inspections is up to date and being completed through hotel. All appliances have a coloured tag attached.

  • Electrical equipment has safety switches and emergency stop buttons

  • Is electrical equipment isolated from elements such as water and sharp edges

  • Lock out / Tag out procedures, danger tags in place

Mobile plant and equipment

  • Plant equipment in good condition

  • Daily safety inspection procedures / checklists completed. (Sighted)

  • Fault reporting. / rectification system in place

  • Operators trained and / or licensed ( sight forklift license)

  • Warning and instructions displayed

  • Warning lights operational

  • Reversing alarm operational

  • Satisfactory operating practices

  • Tyre satisfactory

  • SWP of lifting or carrying equipment displayed

Hazardous substances

  • All gas bottles are upright and secured by chain

  • Is signage visible

  • Can the white ECOLAB SDS a folder be located in the department <br><br>Check 3 random SDS and write down the name of the chemical and the expiry date in the comments

  • Note: safety data sheets (SDS) must be dated within the last 5 years.

  • Is appropriate Personal protective equipment (ppe) available, maintained and used

  • Is the chemicals stored appropriately according to SDS

  • Containers labelled correctly according to SDS

  • Chemical register with SDS Folder

  • Appropriate emergency/first aid equipment- shower, eye bath, extinguishers

Workplace ergonomics

  • Computer equipment is free from visible damage

  • Workstation and seating design acceptable.

  • Ergonomic factor considered in work layout and task design

  • Use of excessive force and repetitive movement minimised

  • Appropriate training provided

Personal protection

  • Employees are provided with PPE

  • PPE being worn by associates, contractors

  • Correct signage at area requiring PPE

Other hazards

  • Are shelves and storage racks secure with no breakages

  • Boxes and heavy objects are stacked on lower shelves

  • WHS signs are in good condition and clearly dispalyed

  • Associates are not moving trolleys around that have been stacked above eye level ( as observers during the inspection

  • Are associates satisfied with quality of air conditioning and thermal comfort

  • Is ventilation appropriate / adequate for type of work being undertaken

  • All restricted are locked and signage Is clearly displayed at the entrance to these areas

Visitor management

  • Visitors wearing passes

  • Employees familiar with locations of log books and passes

  • Employees familiar with procedures for escorting guests without passes

Key Security

  • Employees familiar with key control procedures

Manual handling

  • Mechanical aids provided and used

  • Mechanical aids in good working condition

  • JSA's in place for manual handling tasks

  • Risk Assessments conducted for manual handling tasks

  • manual handling controls implemented

First aid

  • Where is the nearest First Aid Cabinets?

  • Who are your nearest First Aid trained associate?


  • Adequate and free from glare

  • Lighting clean and efficient

  • Windows clean

  • No flickering or inoperable lights

Any additional information if required

  • undefined

  • Add media

Sign off

  • Departmental representatives

  • WHS Representative

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.