1. Each question is to be answered with a Yes, No or as NA to indicate the item is not applicable. Any question marked no requires a risk rating. 2. Only complete sections applicable to your location. 3. Only complete sections marked ‘if applicable’ if they don’t apply to your location. 4. Any corrective actions which cannot be immediately resolved and are rated as ‘Extreme or High Risk’ are to be reported to SafeHold at the completion of the inspection to manage and progress towards resolution 5. If the corrective action is immediately completed please write ‘Completed’ in the Corrective Action column. 6. If a facilities helpdesk has been identified please enter the helpdesk number in the Corrective Action column. 7. Some items may be checked and tested by external contractors e.g. smoke alarms, air conditioning units.
WHS Signage
WHS Signage - If applicable
Return to Work Policy displayed (NSW SES)<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
Almost Certain (everytime) Likely (1 in 5 times) Possible (1 in 50 times) Unlikely(1 in 100 times) Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability) Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment) Major (injury requiring medical treatment) Moderate (injury requiring first aid) Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
WHS Policy Displayed (NSW SES)<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
Almost Certain (everytime) Likely (1 in 5 times) Possible (1 in 50 times) Unlikely(1 in 100 times) Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability) Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment) Major (injury requiring medical treatment) Moderate (injury requiring first aid) Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Work Cover if you are injured at work poster displayed<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
Almost Certain (everytime) Likely (1 in 5 times) Possible (1 in 50 times) Unlikely(1 in 100 times) Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability) Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment) Major (injury requiring medical treatment) Moderate (injury requiring first aid) Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
"Put a stop to workplace bullying" poster displayed (NSW SES)<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
Almost Certain (everytime) Likely (1 in 5 times) Possible (1 in 50 times) Unlikely(1 in 100 times) Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability) Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment) Major (injury requiring medical treatment) Moderate (injury requiring first aid) Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Hazardous Materials and Asbestos
Hazardous Materials and Asbestos
Hazardous Materials and Asbestos - If applicable
Asbestos Management Plan on premises, up to date and readily accessible
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequences
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Hazardous Materials Survey on premises , up to date and readily accessible
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequences
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
First Aid Kits
First Aid Kits - if applicable
First Aid Kit/s are locate in appropriate and easily accessible locations<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
First Aid Kit/s are adequately stocked (as per the schedule in the kit)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Fire Exits and Procedures
Fire Exits and Procedures
Fire Exits and Procedures - If applicable
Smoke detectors and alarms appropriately located and in working order<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Evacuation signage has been posted in the area<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Fire stairs/fire exits easily accessible and clear of obstacles<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Fire extinguishers readily accessible and surrounding area clear of obstacles<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Fire exits unlocked during business hours<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Fire extinguishers regularly serviced and service dates recorded on tags<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Select date
Evacuation drills held and members participation recorded<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Members trained in the use of fire extinguishers<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Fire wardens clearly identified (poster displayed)<br>
What is the Likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Emergency Risk Controls
Emergency Risk Controls - if applicable
Members have been informed about the emergency procedures and fully briefed accordingly<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Action
Assembly area for emergency evacuation is identified<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Action
Emergency procedures are clearly displayed in appropriate locations<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Action
Evacuation route has been identified and the needs of members with disabilities considered<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Action
Emergency Procedures Flipchart to be displayed in a prominent position and easier accessible<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Action
Exit doors are marked, clearly visible and closed but not locked<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the Consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Action
General - if applicable
Members carry official photo identification<br>
What it the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Action
Visitors, Contractors and others are accounted for (sign in register)<br>
What it the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Action
Office Workspace Layout
Office Workspace Layout - if applicable
Document holder provided for continuous typing and reading (only if required)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Frequent used items located within comfortable reach (e.g. mouse, telephone)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Computer cables are secure beneath the work surface<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Computer monitor is at the recommended ergonomic standards<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Keyboard positioned correctly as per ergonomic standards<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Chairs adjustable for heights and lumbar support as per ergonomic standards<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Foot rests available (only If required)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Sufficient leg room beneath the desk<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Adequate space between the workstation and other furniture items (filling cabinets under the desk)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Adequate space for staff and visitors in the work area passageways<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Walkways clear of any potential hazards<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Floors have even surface/devoid of trip hazards<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Photocopiers - if applicable
Photocopier equipment regularly maintained (maintenance register logs)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Noisy equipment enclosed or isolated from staff/members (if required)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Lighting and Indoor Climate
Lighting and Indoor Climate
Lighting and Indoor Climate - if applicable
Lighting adequate for all indoor use (e.g. lights working, sufficient light, bulbs working)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Overhead lights shielded to minimise glare (only if required)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Stairwells and exits well lit (e.g. lights area working in stairwells, exit signs illuminated)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Temperature maintained at appropriate (comfortable) level<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Air conditioning filters cleaned regularly<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Air quality acceptable (no fumes, odours, particles)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Adequate ventilation (e.g. air conditioning system that draws in fresh air)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Electricity and Electrical Equipment
Electricity and Electrical Equipment
Electricity and Electrical Equipment - if applicable
Electrical installations and equipment regularly inspected or test and tag carried out yearly and stickers displayed as "passed"<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
plugs, sockets and switches in safe places and free from obvious defects (loose, broken, overheating)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
electrical leads free from kinks, frays, loose or exposed wires or leads<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Adequate number of power points for appliances and equipment in use
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Electrical cords secured behind skirting cover or pinned (i.e. not dangling or trailing on ground)
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
electrical cords not exposed to moisture
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Earth leakage protection installed
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
main and isolating switches clearly signed and accessible
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
power boards, extension leads regularly maintained and in safe condition
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
all power outlets and switches are in good condition (not broken)
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
extension leads/power boards are used as designed i.e no piggy backing, no over loading, no makeshift leads or power boards
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Kitchen and Lunch Rooms
Kitchen and Lunch Rooms - if applicable
Suitable eating and tea break facilities provided (e.g. chairs, table, utilities)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Kitchen areas are clean and free of insects and rodents<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Food stored appropriately (e.g. refrigerated)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Cooking facilities are clean and in good working condition (stove top, ovens)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Exhaust fans above cooking unit functional and clean<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Anti slip mat used in wet areas (near the kitchen sink)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Fire blanket readily accessible in kitchen<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Floors free from water and grease<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Refrigerators regularly cleaned<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Dishwasher regularly cleaned<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Microwave/ovens regularly cleaned<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Tea towels regularly washed<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Paper towels available in kitchen<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Cleaning sponges regularly changed<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corective Actions
Toilets - if applicable
Toilet access for people with disabilities<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Toilet and bathroom facilities cleaned regularly<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Wash basins and soap available<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Paper towels or air dryers available and working<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Toilet paper available with spare rolls readily accessible<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Sanitary disposal units in women's toilet (regularly serviced)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Air quality acceptable (no fumes, odours)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Facilities well ventilated<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Stairs - if applicable
Good visual contrast between stairs<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Slip resistant strips on step edges (where appropriate)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Handrail/s installed on either sides of stairs and run parallel to the stair nosing<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Ramps installed for wheelchair access (if required)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods
Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods
Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Goods - if applicable
Chemical register folder (SDS) on premises and up to date and readily available<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Register of hazardous substances on premises (stored in chemical register folder)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
MSDS online register regularly updates (www.msds.com.au)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Hazardous containers are being used to store substances (poison, paints, rat sack) no food containers<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Hazardous substances are stored according to dangerous goods class (flammable liquids, gases, corrosives, toxic)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Chemicals are stored together according to compatibility (incapability report on msds online)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Dangerous goods class signage has been posted on storage areas<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Compressed Gases
Compressed Gases - if applicable
Cylinder contents are identified<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Cylinders are secured<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Cylinders stored according to dangerous good class<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Gas lines are free from leaks, kinks, wear and tear<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Building External and Boundary Perimeter
Building External and Boundary Perimeter
Building External and Boundary Perimeter - if applicable
Entrance and exits to the building are clearly marked<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
External lighting appropriate and working<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Entrance and exits to the building are well illuminated<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Surface of pathways and walkways are even and free of pot holes or other tripping hazards<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Continuous, clear, accessible pathways (i.e. no barriers or encroaching foliage)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Pathways free from raised curbs and projections<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Pathways well drained to prevent flooding and the pooling of water<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Waste bins provided and are regularly emptied<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Wall gates and fences in good condition without gaps or protrusions<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
After hours contact phone number/s clearly visible on external door<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Secuity - if applicable
Adequate locks on all external doors<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Adequate locks on all external windows<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Alarm system installed and functional<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Window and door security screens fitted<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Signs clearly visible to indicate security measures are in place<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Plant and Equipment
Plant and Equipment - if applicable
Area around plant/equipment clean<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Plant and equipment maintained and in good condition<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Plant cannot be operated/accessed when left unattended<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Emergency stops are working<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Plant guarding in place<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Log book maintained for use<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Warning labels / procedures on equipment<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Welding screens maintained and in good condition<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Electrical equipment tested, tagged and in date<br>
Select date
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Power leads in good condition<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Power boards used (no double adaptors)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Forklifts are maintained in accordance with manufacturers specifications with records kept<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Forklift operators have completed a recognised training course and hold appropriate licence<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Safety controls in place when a forklift In use (designated walkways)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Forklift is fitted with flashing light, seatbelt and reversing buzzer/beep<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Pallet racking secured to floor, safe working load signage no evidence of shelf bowing<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal Proective Equipment (PPE)
Personal Proective Equipment (PPE) - if applicable
PPE correctly stored (well ventilated area)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
PPE maintained and in good condition<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Signage of PPE requirements displayed<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Storage - if applicable
Materials stored in racks, cupboards, compactus, storage rooms to minimise manual handling (e.g. training material, records)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Floors in storage areas free from rubbish and packaging materials (e.g. store rooms)<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Mezzanine level have hand rails installed on either side<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Manual Tasks
Manual Tasks - if applicable
Heavy items stored at waist height<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Handling equipment available for heavy items and loads<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Ladders stored correctly and secured with a chain<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
Walkways / forklift area markings clearly visible<br>
What is the likelihood
Almost Certain (everytime)
Likely (1 in 5 times)
Possible (1 in 50 times)
Unlikely(1 in 100 times)
Rare (1 in 1000 times)
What is the consequence
Catestrophic (death or permanent disability)
Severe (injury requiring hospital treatment)
Major (injury requiring medical treatment)
Moderate (injury requiring first aid)
Minor (no injurieis/minor near hit)
Risk Matrix
Risk Rating
Corrective Actions
link copied
Dani Bourke
WHS Inspection RHQ/Unit
Unit inspection checklist
The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions.
The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice.
You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction.
You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.