Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Internal Audit
Is the Auditee aware of the AS4801 WHS Management system?
Is the Auditee able to find the WHS Management System, and navigate to the documents?
1.0 Policy and Commitment:
1.1 Is there a WHS policy?
Review date?
Photographic evidence?
Is the policy documented, implemented, communicated, accessible to all employees and maintained?
Validation notes? (any notes to validate answer)
2.0 Planning:
2.1 Has the organisation established, implemented and maintained documented procedures for WHS?
What does the host use to manage WHS on site?
Action plans
Planning schedule
Risk assessments
Corrective action registers
Objectives/ targets
WHS goal -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
2.2 Is there a risk assessment and planning process?
Does the host use?
Site risk assessments -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
2.3 Are there any Safe Work Method Statement/JSA's available?
Are there the following in place?
If so, Are they job specific?
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
2.4 Does the host keep up to date with current legislation?
Host keeps up to date by using?
IMS Management System
WHS training
Client -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
3.0 Implementation:
3.1 Do officers and workers know their WHS roles and responsibilities?
The following are used to inform officers of their responsibilities?
WHS procedure
Job description include WHS
Training outlines
Organisational chart include WHS and IM -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
3.2 Does the SMS/IMS include supporting procedures relevant to the host and its risk exposures?
Does the host use?
Document listings
Supporting procedures
WHS IMS Software -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
3.3 Are there any Safe Operating Procedures in place?
Types of SOP's include
Written documentation (safety plans) -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
3.4 Do documents have appropriate document control?
Does the document control have?
document name
numbering system
version control
review date -
Validation Notes?
Photographic Evidence?
3.5 Are workers consulted regarding WHS?
Workers are consulted using?
Consultation procedures
Toolbox meeting minutes
Management meeting minutes
HSC minutes/HSR -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
3.6. Are arrangements/processes in place to resolve WHS issues?
Does the host use?
Issue resolution procedures -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
review date?
3.7 How does WHS information get communicated to workers?
WHS is communicated by?
Communication procedure
News letters
Notice boards -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
3.8 Do workers receive necessary safety training?
Training is delivered by?
Training plans
Training register
Training records
Toolbox minutes -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
3.9 Is there an induction process?
Does the host have the following?
Induction procedure
Induction checklist
Site inductions
Workers files -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
3.10 Are hazards and risks controlled?
The host uses the following to control risks?
Hazard management procedure
Hazard reports
Corrective action register
Worksite inspections
Contractor management documentation -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
3.11 Are there first aid arrangements are in place?
Host uses?
First aid procedure
Safety handbook
Safety management plan -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
3.12 Are potential emergencies identified and planned for?
Emergencies are planned for by?
Emergency procedure
Emergency plan
Evacuation plan
Emergency test results
Permit to work
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
4.0 Measuring Performance:
4.1 Is all testing and tagging of flexible cords, portable RCD, fixed RCD up to date?
How is this recorded?
Registers -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
4.2 Are accidents and incidents investigated?
Accident are investigated by?
Investigation procedure
Evidence of statutory reporting -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
4.3 Is there environmental/health monitoring for the worksite and workers?
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
5.0 Review performance:
5.1. Does the host review it's performance and overall safety management system?
Performance is reviewed by ?
Management meeting minutes
Targets and objectives
Outcomes -
Validation notes?
Photographic evidence?
Office use only:
Date of audit?
Host signature
Assessor signature
Version 1.1 - Created 01/09/2019