
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel



InspectIon Report Issued To

  • Recipient's Names


Lighting Conditions

  • Internal/External Lighting Conditions

Site Conditions

  • Housekeeping/Site Neat & Tidy?

  • Ground conditions - eg: muddy conditions, ground stability

Waste Material

  • Designated Materials Storage Areas

  • Adequate Waste Control Facilities in place eg: Skip/Waste Bins/Wash Out (concrete/paint)

Air Quality

  • Is dust, vapours & fumes being adequately being controlled

  • No Smoking in Enclosed Areas (site buildings/sheds & confined spaces) Is this being adhered to?

Site Security

  • Are the site gates (pedestrian & vehicle access) being closed/locked

  • Site Perimeter Fencing/Hoarding in good order

Site Access

  • Access ways Neat/Tidy & Free of Equipment/Debris

  • Are Passageways & Emergency Accessways Clear

Site Sheds/Amenities

  • Are all site sheds/amenities clean/tidy & well maintained

Site Services

  • Is there sufficient site services (temporary power boards, water points & toilets)

Site Shed & Perimeter Signage

  • Up to date & well maintained

Sign In Register

  • FRNSW & Client Sign In Register being filled in daily

PPE Compliance

  • Is Mandatory PPE Requirements being complied with?

Noise Control

  • Is construction noise being monitored & adequately controlled

Fall Protection

  • Handrails/Protective Barriers/Mesh Required

  • Tripping Hazards

  • Harness Required

  • Correct Use Of Ladders

  • Deep Excavations Control Measures/Boarding Over Holes/Pits/Gaps

Scaffold Compliance (Mobile & Fixed)

  • Installed by Licensed Scaffolder. Does it have the required scaffold tags & signage

  • Is Scaffold Duty Adequate & Safe For Intended Use

  • Scaffolder Users Pre Start Toolbox Talk Conducted

  • Scaffold Inspection Checklist Used Regularly

  • Are exclusion zones In place with adequate signage

Site Safety Checklists

  • Daily/Weekly Site Safety Checklists Being Completed

Daily Site Diary

  • Is the daily site diary being filled in, printed off, signed & filed in the appropriate folder


  • Are all site personnel/visitors inducted

  • Are Inductions forms being correctly fill in & registered

Toolbox Talks

  • Are WHS Consultation/High Risk Activity/General Toolbox Talks being conducted

Risk Management

  • Is the Risk Assessment Register up to date

  • Is the Site Specific Risk Assessment up to date

  • Are Work Activity Specific Risk Assessments in place


  • SWMS Register up to date

  • SWMS Forms (SWMS's) in place

  • SWMS Acceptance Checklist being used

1st Aid

  • 1st Aid Kit in Place & Adequately Stocked

  • Is Ambulance/Emergency Vehicle Access adequate

Emergency Requirements & Equipment

  • Is the Emergency Evacuation Plan in place & up to date

  • Emergency Evacuation Assembly Area Signposted

  • Emergency Equipment in place (siren, fire blanket, fire extinguisher, spill kit)

Confined Spaces

  • Is Confined Space Signage ,Permits, Recovery Equipment & Air Monitoring In Place If Required


  • If asbestos has been identified on site is/has it been dealt with in the approved manner

  • Is There An Asbestos Register In Place If Required

Non Conformances

  • Are NCR's being issued appropriately when required


  • Are Injuries being registered, reported & investigated

Underground Services Identification

  • Has underground services been identified on this site(as builts, dial before you dig & services locator)

Electrical Compliance

  • FRNSW Electrical Register Up To Date

  • Is there adequate RCD protection on site

  • FRNSW Electrical Compliance ( tagging of all leads, electrical equipment & db's)

  • Onsite Generators RCD protected

Temporary Distribution Boards

  • Are Final sub circuit & CB clearly identified & labelled

  • Is The Temporary DB in a Suitable Location (does the DB have 1m clearance in front for access) & does the cover have a retaining hinge & is it lockable

  • Main Isolating Switch Within Temporary DB

  • Is the board secured to the wall or ground, does it have support brackets & cut outs for leads

Plant & Equipment

  • Is all plant on site inducted & registered?<br>Are the following details being provided, copied & filed;<br>Plant details<br>Licenses<br>Maintenance records<br>Operator licenses<br>Chains/slings/pipes etc records

  • Are All Guards/Screens on Equipment(eg. Grinders, drop saws, welding screens etc)

  • Welding/Cutting Equipment Secure & Isolated (eg. Oxy/acetylene bottles on trolleys/chained & not in passageways

  • Are surrounding conditions for plant & equipment safe ie: access, ground conditions & overhead factors

Hazardous Substances & Safety Data Sheets (SDS's)

  • Is the SDS Register & S DS data sheets up to date (are SDS's less than 5 years old)

  • Are there any hazardous/ dangerous goods on site & are these stored/ controlled appropriately

Work Permits

  • Are all necessary permits in place & registered. (FRNSW/CLIENT/LEGISLATIVE)

Traffic Control (AS1742.3)

  • Is the Traffic Management Plan up to date

  • Is a RTA traffic control plan required & if so are the necessary licenses in place

  • If required is the necessary signage & traffic control personnel in place

Formwork (must comply to (AS3610)

  • Has a Risk Assessment /Checklist been Completed

  • Is it Structurally Adequate/Designed/Built/Maintained so as to Support Loads that are to be placed on the deck

  • Are Formworkers Competent (Ticketed)

  • Access to Formwork/Handrails/Kickboards/Safety Nets/Exclusion Zones adequate

  • Are Materials Stacked/Stored on Deck Correctly (no overloading of materials)

  • Is the Access Under the Deck Closed During Concrete Pours (close off or exclusion zones)

  • Any Electrical Hazards Exist

  • Is Formwork Being Dismantled Safely

Site Management Plans

  • Are the Site Safety, Site Management, Environmental Management & Waste Management Plans on site & up to date

Environment Controls

  • Are adequate environmental controls in place ie: siltation, water, dust, noise & heritage

Other Observations



Conclusions & General Recommendations

  • Work to be immediately implemented to rectify the above defects to make the site safe as soon as possible

Sign Off

  • On Site Representative Signature

  • Author's Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.