
  • Walla Walla University
    Semi-annual Laboratory Standard Compliance survey

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

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  • Personnel

The following survey is based on the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973 (WISHA) and regulations in Chapters of the Washington State Administrative Code WAC 296-828 and other relevant WAC Chapters. In addition, WISHA requires that laboratories be managed using procedures, practices, and equipment accepted by laboratory health and safety experts as effective at controlling employee exposures to hazardous chemicals. The National Research Council's publication, "Prudent Practices in the Laboratory, Handling and Disposal of Chemicals," National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1995 is recommended by WISHA for this purpose.


  • Written chemical hygiene plan (CHP)?

  • Enter remedial action, date and time completed and initials

  • Chemical hygiene plan reviewed yearly?

  • Chemical hygiene plan readily available to lab personnel?

  • Chemical hygiene plan content included in personnel training?

  • Members of the Chemical Management Committee (or their positions) listed in the Chemical Hygiene Plan?

  • Written standard hazardous chemical operating procedures in CHP and available to personnel?

  • Written criteria in CHP for personnel exposure monitoring, selecting and using exposure control measures when using hazardous or extremely hazardous chemicals (WAC 296-828-100 Table 2)?

  • CHP includes circumstances when specific laboratory operation, activity or procedures require prior approval from management before authorization?

  • Description in CHP of provisions for medical consultations and medical examinations for personnel due to chemical exposure?

  • Emergency action plans in CHP?


  • Postings on stockroom doors indicate hazards within (e.g. Bio hazards, flammable materials)?

  • Signs on refrigerator doors consistent with hazards within?

  • Signs indicate where SDS/MSDS binders are available and current?

  • Personnel know where SDS/MSDS documents are located (by interview sampling) ?


  • Lab personnel received training on lab hazards and lab safety prior to lab activities?

  • Lab safety retraining when policies, procedures, hazards or regulations change?

  • Personnel training includes methods and observations for detecting the presence or release of hazardous substances?

  • Personnel are aware of GHS hazard class, labels, pictograms and SDSs?


  • MSDS/SDS documents retained, replaced, archived as required?

  • Medical, exposure monitoring, & emergency response records maintained and available for inspection?

  • Major/minor lab incident reports on file?

  • Training records available and complete?

  • Hazardous chemical inventory records available and current?

  • Date of last hazardous chemical inventory?


  • Appropriate eye and face protective equipment provided?

  • Appropriate hand protection provided (suitable glove types for nature of risk)?

  • Lab coats, aprons and gowns available (when required by department policies and procedures)?

  • Shoes suitable for lab use or shoe protection provided?

  • Respirator/ventilation provided when an inhalation hazard is likely?

  • No food or drink in the laboratory?


  • Evacuation plan posted in each laboratory?

  • Emergency telephone numbers posted in each laboratory?

  • Fire extinguishers checked, charged at appropriate frequency?

  • Eye wash/shower station adequate?

  • Building emergency exit signs visible and functioning?

  • First aid kits available and adequately stocked?

  • Location of master gas shut-off valve identified?

  • Emergency antidotes and corrosive neutralizing supplies for extremely hazardous substances available?


  • Plans for hazardous chemical spill response?

  • Adequate and appropriate spill kits available in labs and restocked when needed?


  • Exposure to WISHA "Regulated Hazardous Chemicals" (WAC 296-828-100 Table 2) monitored for exposure?

  • Formaldehyde/Formalin use by employees in the lab monitored?

  • Exposure records, notifications and medical findings managed appropriately?

  • General hazardous material exposure evaluations performed?


  • Cart transport uses secondary containment?

  • Incompatible chemicals separated during transport?


Flammable Chemicals

  • Flammable chemicals stored in appropriate containers (e.g. self-closing metal cans)?

  • Adequate (self-closing, sufficient) flammable cabinets?

  • No material storage on top of flammable cabinets?

  • Possession limit established for total flammable chemical inventory?

  • Flammable storage adequately separated from strong oxidizers and ignition sources?

Compressed Gases

  • Cylinders stored properly and capped when not in use?

  • Cylinders properly labeled?

  • Gas cylinders securely attached to a wall or lab counter when not being transported?

  • Compressed gas cylinders transported on appropriate cart and secured with a chain?

Chemical Storage

  • Chemicals segregated and separated by hazard class?

  • Chemical storage containers compatible with contents?

  • Corrosives and flammables are stored below eye level and away from shelf edge?

  • Storage on counters and bench-tops when chemicals are in use?

  • Secondary containment used when necessary and in good condition?

  • Containers closed when not in use?

  • Containers in lab prep area returned to storage after use?

  • Acids stored in dedicated Acids Cabinet?

  • Nitric acid stored separate from other chemicals?

  • Chemicals stored in laboratories (outside of the stockroom) limited to small quantities and low hazard chemicals?


  • Primary and secondary containers labeled properly (GHS compliant where required)?

  • Labels legible and full name(s) of ingredients?

  • Materials with specified maximum shelf-life labeled with acquisition date?

  • No unlabeled temporary containers left unattended after use?

  • Secondary containers labeled with full chemical name(s), date and user name when not under direct supervision?


  • Fume hoods used for storage only when appropriate?

  • Sash at proper height when used and when not in use?

  • Personnel trained in use of fume hoods?

  • Hood CFM > 100 performance evaluated annually and after service and sticker attached?

  • Containers in the hood closed when not in use?

  • No "disposal by evaporation" in fume hood?

  • Fume hood baffles/vents unobstructed?


  • Stations identified with appropriate signage?

  • Station access not blocked?

  • Station performance checked weekly and check recorded on tag?

  • Eye wash water free of contamination?


  • Shower stations identified with appropriate signage?

  • Shower station access not blocked?

  • Shower stations checked annually as required and checks recorded on tag?

  • Shower water uncontaminated and water flow > 20 gallons per minute?


  • Central hazardous waste accumulation area labeled as hazardous waste storage area?

  • Hazardous waste accumulation area door posted with precautionary warnings and emergency contact information?

  • Central and satellite hazardous waste accumulation areas surveyed weekly and surveys logged?

  • Weekly survey log or report records resolution/correction of negative findings with initials?

  • No unauthorized disposal of hazardous materials into sink or sanitary sewer?

  • No disposal of unwanted hazardous chemicals by evaporation?

  • Hazardous wastes properly segregated by hazard class?

  • Hazardous waste accumulation start date on labels in central accumulation area?

  • Label shows hazardous material container contents (full chemical names) and quantities/concentrations/percentages?

  • Hazardous waste container labeled with hazard?

  • Flammable hazardous waste kept in flammable cabinet?

  • Hazardous waste container labels are WWU-approved labels?

  • Hazardous waste receipt and shipment records adequate?

  • Hazardous waste shipment manifests indicate delivery to licensed disposal site in < 35 days?

  • Hazardous waste and waste stream designation adequate?

  • Halogenated waste kept to minimum and clearly identified?

  • Satellite accumulation areas properly maintained (secondary containment, flammable storage, labeling, etc.) ?


  • Broken glassware managed properly, containers for broken glass used?

  • Adequate ventilation?

  • Chemical storage shelves stable and not overloaded?


  • Suitable, labeled sharps containers?

  • Sharps disposed as required when full?


  • Biohazard containers/bags marked and used properly?

  • Biohazard material sterilized/disposed appropriately?

  • Biohazard work areas cleaned and disinfected after use?


  • Lab doors locked when not in use?

  • Restricted access to hazardous chemicals?


  • Custodial personnel trained for safe work in laboratory areas?

  • Clutter and nonhazardous lab wastes properly managed?

  • Comments

  • Photos

  • Surveyed by

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