Title Page
Site conducted
This report documents a review of the Contractor's Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP).
Project Name:
Name of Contractor:
Contract Number:
Title of document reviewed:
Revision Number and Issue Date of document reviewed:
Conducted on:
Reviewed by:
Site Name:
Does the CEMP provided for review include a full set of all listed appendices and attachments, produced in legible format?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
The CEMP as submitted is incomplete. Email the Contractor and ask them to re-submitted with all appendices and attachments for further review, but carry on with inspection of the current document
Project Information
Does the Plan include a general description of the scope of works and the work methods that will be adopted to deliver the works?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Tick this box to show an example of a CEMP Site Plan
Does the Plan contain a description of the site location (including site access routes) and the general environment of the site and surrounds, with maps showing compound sites, stockpile areas, access roads, and areas of environmental sensitivity?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan identify the owner of the land where the work will take place?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Is WaterNSW the owner of the land where the work will take place?
Does the Plan include or reference consent obtained from the owner of the land, for the work to take place?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Note that if the work is in proximity to other infrastructure including water, stormwater or sewer mains; power lines or telecommunications facilities, then the relevant infrastructure owner or authority should be contacted before the work commences
Does the Plan include a description of the temporary site infrastructure that will be established for the delivery of the works?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
(Consider site offices, amenities, fencing and gates, water and energy supplies, drainage, wastewater systems, pathways and roads, vehicle parking areas, material storage and laydown areas, fuel and chemical storage facilities, waste storage or processing areas, vehicle servicing, refuelling and washing facilities, and other similar temporary infrastructure)
Plan objectives
Does the Plan include a statement of the Principal Contractor's Environmental Management System / Policy?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan include a statement of objectives?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Roles and responsibilities
Does the Plan include details of the Principal Contractor including business name, name of representative and contact details?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan include the names, positions and environmental management responsibilities of all persons at the workplace whose positions or roles involve specific environmental management responsibilities? This should include: - a clear organisational structure (table or flowchart) relevant to the project with names and positions of persons responsible for environmental management; - a description of roles and responsibilities for each person and subcontractors, and contact phone numbers for each; and - nomination of a person tasked with ensuring that the CEMP is implemented and maintained.
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Planning and other approvals
Has a documented "Environmental Impact Assessment for Minor Works (EIA)" or "Review of Environmental Factors (REF)" been prepared and approved for the work, with a listing of the final conditions of approval or consent (if any) from the EIA or REF? The WNSW Project Manager must provide these to the Contractor. Any additional or amended conditions of approval between a draft EIA/REF and a final EIA/REF is to be reflected in the CEMP.
Does the Plan include a detailed listing of the conditions and specific requirements documented in the EIA or REF?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
The work must not proceed without a documented and approved EIA or REF
Does the Plan include a list of any approvals, licences or permits that are required for the work? This should include: - a table listing the legislation relevant to the project and any licences, approvals or permits required under that legislation; - identification of the person or role responsible for obtaining the licence, approval or permit and when they should be obtained/renewed; and - description of any other requirements that apply to the project (e.g. stakeholder agreements).
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe the reports that will be prepared about environmental aspects; identify who is responsible for preparing those reports, and when; communications protocols establishing who is responsible for distributing information, what is to be distributed and to whom, and the frequency of communication; and document control procedures?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe arrangements for providing information, training and instruction to workers (including subcontractors and visitors), having regard to the nature of the work, the nature of the risks associated with the work, and the control measures implemented?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Site environmental management procedures
Does the Plan include any site-specific environmental management rules, and the arrangements for ensuring that all persons at the workplace are informed of these rules?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Emergency and incident response
Does the Plan describe arrangements for managing any environmental harm or incidents that occur, including the contact person for emergencies who is always available and has the authority to stop/direct works?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Click checkbox to see the definition of a notifiable environmental incident
An incident is reportable under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 if any of the following applies:
1. Require assistance from other agencies to contain, isolate or clean-up?
2. Pose any actual or potential harm to human health that is not trivial?
• Is it located within 100m of a school, childcare centre, and aged care home?
• Could it impact on users of public areas such as ovals, reserves, waterways?
• Could the impact spread and potentially harm occupants of nearby properties?
3. Pose any actual or potential harm to ecosystems that is not trivial?
• Could the incident flow / impact on a water body or drainage system?
• Could the incident flow / impact on environmentally sensitive land?
4. Result in actual or potential loss or property damage of an amount over $10,000? -
Does the Plan define accountability and process for reporting notifiable environmental incidents as required under the POEO Act (both to relevant regulators and to WNSW) and emergency services contact details; the location of on-site information on hazardous materials (e.g. MSDS and spill containment materials) and response personnel responsibilities. A table showing agencies to be contacted and phone numbers should be included. This should also include the WNSW Project Manager’s name and phone number?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
Note: WaterNSW 's Environmental Incident Management Protocol should be included as an Appendix to the CEMP
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan define accountability and process for reporting all other (non-notifiable) environmental incidents to WNSW?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
Note: WaterNSW's Discovery of Unexpected Aboriginal Objects Procedure should be included as an Appendix to the CEMP
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan include a details of the procedures to be followed should Aboriginal objects or sites be discovered?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan define accountability and process for responding to environmental incidents, for investigating incidents and for producing a report about the investigation?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe how emergency response plans will be communicated to persons working at the site?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Procurement and subcontracting
Does the Plan describe how suppliers and subcontractors will be assessed for their ability to comply with the Principal Contractor's environmental management requirements for provision of plant, materials and services?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe processes for identifying potential environmental risks that may be introduced to the site through supplied plant, materials or services?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe processes for verifying that all supplied plant, materials and services comply with relevant environmental management requirements (including conditions of environmental or planning approvals and contract requirements)?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Risk management
Does the Plan describe how the Principal Contractor will identify reasonably foreseeable hazards that could give rise to environmental risks, and assess those risks? This should include a list of the activities to be carried out; identification of the risk/potential impacts; and risk analysis of the impacts
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Note: the EIA (usually in the form of a REF) would include an assessment of any relevant environmental impacts. The risk assessment in the CEMP should translate the EIA and any conditions of approval into actual construction or operation techniques. At a minimum, the environmental factors which should be considered in the CEMP are those identified in the EIA, conditions of approval and any other relevant factors identified by the contractor. A tabular format for this works well.
Does the Plan describe how the Principal Contractor will select and implement environmental risk control measures?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe how environmental risk control measures will be monitored and maintained to ensure that they remain effective?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe how and when environmental risk control measures will be reviewed?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
This should include requirements for review of controls when:
- results of monitoring indicate that the control measure does not control the risk, or
- an incident occurs because of the risk, or
- a change occurs to the work or the work environment or the work method, or
- a new relevant hazard or risk is identified -
Does the Plan describe the actions to be taken, including for cessation of work, if a worker has a reasonable concern that the work would create a significant environmental risk?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe a process for identifying, assigning and implementing corrective actions if the environmental risk controls are found to be ineffective or incorrectly applied?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Plan Communication, Monitoring and Review
Does the Plan describe how each person who will work at the site will be made aware of the content of the CEMP, before commencing work?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Does the Plan describe procedures for reviewing the CEMP to ensure it remains up to date, and for revising and communicating any revisions to all relevant persons?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan describe how environmental management activities and controls will be monitored, including: - procedures for periodic monitoring, follow up action and responsibilities; and - detail how monitoring records will be collated, distributed and stored?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan provide procedures for dealing with non-conformances and how preventative and corrective actions are to be provided?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan provide a program and procedures for periodic auditing of the CEMP's implementation and effectiveness, including a detailed outline of the scope (audit criteria), frequency, methods, responsibilities and requirements for conducting audits and reporting results?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan include details of the forms, reports or registers to be used for environmental reporting purposes e.g., non-compliance and corrective action; waste register, dangerous goods register, environmental hazard reporting, complaints register; training records, implementation of safeguards, etc?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Environmental impacts
Does the Plan include a listing of the environmental aspects and significant related impacts associated with the work?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Do the environmental aspects and impacts listed include:
specific requirements from the approved EIA or REF?
conditions attached to any pollution control approvals / licences / permits?
any other conditions or requirements contained in the WaterNSW contract documents?
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Does the Plan include Environmental Control Plans or maps showing environmentally sensitive locations on or near the site (e.g. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Waste Management Plan)? Sub-plans may be provided as appendices to the CEMP. Note: required sub-plans may have been identified in the EIA.
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Sensitive locations typically include waterways and drains; areas requiring sedimentation and erosion controls; vegetation that requires protection; indigenous and non-indigenous heritage locations or artefacts or structures that require protection; work areas; machinery and vehicle routes and parking areas; fuel and chemical storage areas; spoil and other waste handling areas; locations considered sensitive to construction noise, odour, vibration or dust; and monitoring locations
Will the work involve potential erosion or sedimentation impacts?
Will the work require disturbance of a ground area exceeding 2500 square metres?
Note that a detailed Soil and Water Management Plan is required for this work
Does the Plan include site-specific controls for erosion and sedimentation impacts?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Will the work involve potential water quality impacts?
Does the Plan include site-specific controls for water quality impacts?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Will the work involve potential groundwater impacts?
Does the Plan include site-specific controls for groundwater impacts?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Will the work involve potential air quality impacts (including dust, emissions, fume or odours)?
Does the Plan include site-specific controls for air quality impacts?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Will the work involve potential flora or fauna impacts?
Does the Plan include site-specific controls for flora and fauna impacts?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Will the work require rehabilitation of the site?
Does the Plan include site-specific rehabilitation plans?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Will the work involve potential indigenous heritage impacts?
Does the Plan include site-specific controls for indigenous heritage impacts including procedures for suspending work and reporting any discovery of suspected heritage items?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Will the work involve potential non-indigenous heritage impacts?
Does the Plan include site-specific controls for heritage impacts?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Will the work involve potential noise or vibration impacts?
Does the Plan include site-specific controls for noise and vibration impacts?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Will the work produce waste materials?
Does the Plan include site-specific controls for waste handling and disposal?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Will the work involve hazardous materials or chemicals?
Does the Plan include site-specific controls for managing hazardous materials and chemicals?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
Will the work create significant traffic impacts including en-route to or from the site or near sensitive locations?
Does the Plan include site-specific traffic management controls?
- Yes (no further comment or suggestion)
- Yes (comments or suggestions as noted)
- No (missing from Plan)
Ref CEMP section / page number:
My comments or suggestions about this section are as follows:
Action is required - the Plan should be revised to include this topic
My comments or suggestions are as follows:
I have reviewed this Construction Environmental Management Plan and recommend that:
- The CEMP is suitable and acceptable and can be adopted without change
- The CEMP is generally suitable but requires minor additions or revisions as described in this review. It should be amended and re-submitted for further review
- The CEMP is not suitable or acceptable and requires significant amendment as described in this review. It should be amended and re-submitted for further review