Title Page

  • Period of Inspection

  • Area of Inspection

  • Prepared by

  • Any Other Personnel Present

Electrical & Gas

Gas & Boiler House

  • Gas appliances installed, fitted and maintained by competent persons

  • Gas appliances subjected to an annual gas safety test

  • Gas shut off valve installed and staff aware of its location

  • Only trained persons involved in relighting gas appliances and pilot lights

  • Boiler houses free of combustible materials

Electrical Safety

  • All emergency shut offs clearly identified, accessible and functioning

  • Portable electrical equipment in use with current PAT

  • Power cables safely routed and in good repair (no fraying, damage or exposed wires)

  • Extension reels are fully unwound when in operation

  • The use of extension leads is kept to a minimum, not overloaded and not ‘daisy chained’

Fire, First Aid & Medication

Fire Prevention

  • Fire call points tested weekly (call points numerated with a different call point tested following week) and recorded

  • Termly fire drill conducted and recorded with a suitable & timely evacuation

  • Fire alarm audible in all areas

  • Emergency lighting tested and recorded on a monthly basis

  • Fire exit doors operational and unobstructed

  • Doors with electromagnetic locks release on operation of fire alarm and loss of power

  • Current evacuation notices posted in each classroom and fire action notices adjacent to call points

  • Emergency exits / routes clearly signed and unobstructed

  • Appropriate fire extinguishers in place

  • Boiler room and electrical intakes free of combustible materials

Accidents, First Aid & Medication

  • Accident reports checked and trends identified

  • First aid boxes in appropriate places and contents adequately maintained (no unapproved content such as medicines etc)

  • Medicines stored safely and in original containers

  • Expiry dates checked on pupil medication

  • Prescribed medicines labelled with name of child / dose and frequency of administration?

  • Emergency medication (asthma inhalers epi-pens etc) readily available and not locked away

Hazardous Substances, Tools & Equipment

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

  • Inventory of chemicals, material safety data sheets & COSHH assessments available

  • All hazardous substances stored in a locked room / cupboards

  • All containers clearly marked with label to identify the contents

  • PPE available and suitably stored

Work Equipment

  • Tools & equipment (including ladders) stored securely & out of reach of unauthorised persons

  • Ladder register and checklist in place and reviewed at least termly

  • Sufficient access equipment, or suitable type (BS EN 131) to allow staff members to reach high areas safely

  • Operating instructions available and displayed adjacent to machinery (where appropriate)

  • Minibus checks conducted



  • Work areas free from rubbish and obstruction

  • Flooring in good condition and free of slip & trip hazards (no ripped or broken carpet tiles)

  • Effective cleaning schedule in place (including widow cleaning, emptying of waste bins etc)

  • Sufficient storage space available which is reasonably tidy and no accumulation of materials in working areas

  • Items stored at height are accessible, secure and safe

Outdoor Areas & Security

Outdoor Areas & Security

  • Pathways / walkways stable underfoot and without significant trip hazards (eg no potholes, no raised /sunken slabs)

  • Pedestrian routes clearly defined and segregated from vehicles

  • Adequate access for emergency services

  • Is outdoor play equipment adequately maintained and in good condition (checked annually by competent person, weekly checks by site staff)

  • Clear signage directing visitors to reception / other services on site

  • Gates and perimeter fencing of adequate height and in good condition

  • Gates locked when school not in use

  • Number of entrance points onto school site minimised (restricted to one during school day)

  • Clearly defined route between site entrance(s) and reception with access to children avoided where practicable

  • Number of freely available access doors minimised

  • External lighting adequate

  • Access to low roofs restricted (where anticlimb paint is used is it signed)

  • Fragile roof surfaces identified by signage on site

  • External storage / waste bins secured and located 4 to 8m away from builidngs

Welfare and Work Environment

Welfare & Work Environment

  • No smoking signage in place at entrances

  • Drinking water available and taps labelled

  • Rarely used water outlets identified and flushed through weekly

  • Hot water temperatures controlled (max 43° C in areas where vulnerable pupils may come into contact)

  • Water system flushed through after holiday periods

  • Finger guards in place on vulnerable doors i.e. toilet & classrooms in nursery, ks1 / special schools

  • Suitable area for staff members to rest and eat (clean, with seating)

  • Adequate toilet provision, clean and have soap, towels/ dryers and hot water

  • No complaints by staff members regarding lighting, heating and ventilation within the school

  • Adequate space for size of class and activities conducted

  • Walls / wall coverings clean and in good condition (eg paint not flaking, no damp etc)

  • Hazard areas (kitchen, labs / workshops etc.) locked when unsupervised

  • Lighting adequate for activities taking place

  • Handrails secure

  • Windows opening onto external walkways / play areas restricted or barriers in place

  • Safety glazing to BS 6206 or glazing filmed in vulnerable areas (e.g. panes >250mm wide in or adjacent to doors, PE areas etc.)

  • Sufficient equipment to assist with manual handling tasks (eg trolleys, sack trucks, hoists)

Notification of Change & Asbestos

  • Notification of Change form used on every occasion before any work is conducted on building fabric

  • All contractors read & signed the asbestos file prior to carry out works

  • Duty Holder in place and carrying out periodic inspections which are recorded

Additional Recommendations & Sign Off

Additional Comments

    Issue/Good Practice
  • Name/Signature of Inspector

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.