
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Equipment being assessed

1.0 - Suitability of Work Equipment

  • 1.1 Is the equipment suitable by design, construction or adaptation for the purpose for which it is being used

2.0 - Maintenance

  • 2.1 Is the equipment subject to periodic inspection and maintenance

  • 2.2 Is there a system to record all maintenance work arising from the inspection or from planned maintenance work <br> <br>

  • 2.3 If “Yes” to above, is the log kept up to date

3.0 - Specific Risks

  • 3.1 Where the equipment is likely to involve a specific risk to health and safety:-<br>Is the use of the equipment restricted to nominated staff who have been trained and instructed in its use <br><br> <br>

  • 3.2 Are repairs, modifications, maintenance or servicing restricted to those persons specifically designated to perform these operations <br> <br>

4.0 - Information and Instructions

  • 4.1 Do all the people using the work equipment have adequate health & safety information

  • 4.2 Do all people who supervise or manage the use of the work equipment have adequate health & safety in formation and written instructions (where appropriate) for using the equipment <br> <br>

  • 4.3 Are the information and instructions readily understandable to those concerned

5.0 - Training

  • 5.1 Have all people using the work equipment received adequate training for the purposes of health & safety including the methods of using the equipment <br> <br>

6.0 - Conformity with European Community Requirements

  • 6.1 For work equipment first provided after 31st December 1992 does it comply with any relevant EC Directives

7.0 - Dangerous Parts of Machinery

  • 7.1 Are all dangerous parts of the equipment guarded or interlocked so far as is practicable to protect against danger

  • 7.2 Are all guards and protection devices suitable for the purpose provided

  • 7.3 Are all guards and protection devices Of good construction and adequate strength

  • 7.4 Are all guards and protection devices maintained in efficient working order and in good repair

  • 7.5 Are all guards and protection devices such that they do not increase the risks to health & safety

  • 7.6 Are all guards and protection devices such that they cannot be easily bypassed or disabled

  • 7.7 Are all guards and protection devices situated at a sufficient distance from the danger zone

  • 7.8 Are all guards and protection devices such that they do not unduly restrict the view of the operating cycle of the machine where a view is necessary <br><br>

  • 7.9 Are all guards and protection devices such that they are constructed so that they allow operations necessary to fit or replace parts and for maintenance without having to dismantle the guard

8.0 - Protection against specific Risks

  • For a person using the work equipment, Is the exposure to their health & safety from the following hazards prevented or where that it is not reasonably practicable, adequately controlled.

  • 8.1 Any article or substance falling or being ejected from the work equipment

  • 8.2 Rupture or disintegration of parts of the work equipment

  • 8.3 Work equipment catching fire or overheating

  • 8.4 Unintended or premature discharge of any article or substance which is used, produced or stored in the work equipment

  • 8.5 Unintended or premature explosion of the work equipment or any article or substance which is used, produced or stored in the work equipment

9.0 - High or Low Temperature

  • 9.1 Are all hot and cold parts of the equipment which are likely to cause burns adequately protected

10.0 - Controls

  • Is the work equipment provided with one or more controls to:

  • 10.1 Start the work equipment

  • 10.2 Change the speed or other operating conditions where such changes alter the risk to health & safety <br><br>

  • 10.3 Stop the work equipment in a safe manner

  • 10.4 Does the stop control, if necessary for reasons of health & safety, switch of all sources of power after stopping the work equipment

  • 10.5 Does the stop control operate in priority to any control which starts or changes the operating conditions of the work equipment

  • 10.6 If the equipment causes a hazard in operation is it fitted with an accessible and identified emergency stop which over-rides other controls on the equipment <br> <br>

  • Are the controls:

  • 10.7 Clearly visible and identifiable

  • 10.8 In a position where the person operating them is not exposed to a risk to their health & safety

  • 10.9 Does any person who would be exposed to a risk to their health & safety as a result of starting or stopping the work equipment have sufficient time and suitable means to avoid that risk <br><br> <br>

  • 10.10 Are all control systems safe such that any fault or damage to part of the control system or loss of power does not result in increased risks to health & safety <br> <br>

11.0 - Isolation from sources of Energy

  • 11.1 Where appropriate, is the work equipment provided with suitable means to isolate it from all its sources of energy which is clearly identifiable and readily accessible <br> <br>

  • 11.2 Is the means of reconnection not exposing any persons to any risks to their health & safety

12.0 - Stability

  • 12.1 Is the equipment stabilised, secured or restrained so far as is reasonably practicable to prevent a hazard

13.0 - Lighting

  • 13.1 Does a system exist to ensure that wherever and whenever the work equipment is used, the illumination will be sufficient to prevent hazards arising from poor visibility <br> <br>

14.0 - Maintenance Operations

  • 14.1 Is all maintenance carried out with the equipment stopped

  • 14.2 Where the above is not reasonably practicable, is maintenance work carried out without entry to the danger zone or by staff protected against the danger

15.0 - Markings

  • 15.1 Are all necessary health & safety markings fitted and visible

  • 15.2 Do all markings comply with the necessary standards such as BS5378 and the safety signs Regulations 1980

16.0 - Warnings

  • 16.1 Are all warning devices unambiguous, easily perceived and easily understood


17.0 - Action Steps

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.