WHS and QMS Compliance Audit 2025

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by.

  • Was the Auditor asked to sign in?

  • Co-located sites e.g. schools - Was the auditor instructed to sign in at the school reception?

  • Ask Manager about understanding of sign in process and requirements for that site

  • Was the Auditor's WWVP card checked?

Visual Observations

Work Environment (WHS Act s19)

  • Access and egress to the buidling - safe and accessible?

  • Are the paths, passageways and steps and wayfinding signage adequate and safe for the range of users?

  • Are the fixtures, fittings and equipment maintained in a clean condition and in a good state of repair and working order??

  • Has fault or maintenance reports been raised (and show evidence e.g. FMR reference number).

Hygiene practices - Safe Work Environment

  • Are there Hygiene processes evidence at the workplace?

  • Are employees provided training for use of any PPE provided, including information on the possible health effects and precautions for use? (if applicable) Training provided on infection control to all volunteers and employees.

  • Safe work practices for high risk activities such as handling and preparing food, changing nappies, handling contaminated linen, etc are in place?

  • PPE is provided (such as disposable gloves or aprons)

  • Infection Control - Has any training been provided on infection control in your centre? Is it recorded? Is the training register up to date?

  • Waste Disposal - Appropriate facilities to dispose of food waste; sanitary pads; or other biological waste ( i.e. seal item in a plastic bag before disposal)

Hygiene practices - Food safety preparation areas

  • Are Food preparation areas clean and tidy?

  • Cleanliness - Are the floors, walls and ceilings maintained in a clean condition and in a good state of repair and working order?

  • Has fault or maintenance reports been raised (and show evidence e.g. FMR reference number).

  • Hand Washing - Are food handlers able to wash and dry hands thoroughly using designated and appropriately located washing facilities?

  • Registration - Is the current certificate of registration displayed and current? The Food Act requires food businesses to publicly display their current certificate of registration at <br>the business’s premises (see s98A, Food Act).

  • Hygiene of Food Handlers - Do food handlers exercise good hygiene practices? Ask about processes at site.

  • Pest management - is it appropriate for the range of identified pests and safely managed?

Emergency preparedness - First Aid Arrangements

  • Does the workplace have adequate first aid facilities for the number of workers and type of work activity? WHS Act s19

  • Are your first aid kits clearly labelled with standard ISO signage and the kit is complete as the content lists indicates?

  • Are workers aware of where the first aid kit is kept? Sample at least 2 workers

  • Date of First aid kit inspections - inspect at least 2 kits

  • Show a record of first aid attendance (book in the kit or lodged report) - for events within 1 year.

Emergency preparedness - Fire and Emergency systems and equipment

  • Are fire extinguishers and fire fighting equipment are installed and signs erected to indicate their location?

  • Are Fire extinguishers located close to chemical storage areas or sources of ignition?

  • Are your fire extinguishers (and other emergency equipment) located as appropriate for the building area and accessibility requirements? Must have required clearances and storage for access.

  • Are your fire extinguishers regularly serviced and service dates recorded on tags?

  • Are emergency exit signs are installed?

  • Are the fire exits and/or stairwells uncluttered?

  • Are your fire exits unlocked during work hours?

  • If located in building, is your fire hose reel in date?

  • Are Fire blankets provided where appropriate and inspection tags in date?

Emergency Control Organisation - Roles: First Aid Officers and Emergency Warden

  • Is the QMS WHS Rep, Emergency Warden and First Aid Officer poster displayed and current?

  • Do you have appropriate coverage of Emergency Warden and nominated First aid officers? Evidence -Displayed Site poster

  • Are caps (or other identifiers) available and easily accessible to Emergency roles (FAO, Warden) to identify them in an emergency?

  • Manager: how is competency for the emergency roles kept current? (Adequate explanation or evidence of 1-2 team members)

Emergency Managment procedures (Emergency Preparedness & Response)

  • Manager - Are there appropriate Emergency and evacuation procedures in place for this site? WHS Act s19 Show evidence of where they are documented? (Local or QMS)

  • Question workers to see if emergency evacuation procedures are displayed, understood and easy accessible for all workers; (select at least 2)

  • Manager or Emergency Warden - Do you have regular emergency drills held and staff participation documented? Show evidence (e.g. Drill report with last year, emergency planning meeting minutes).

  • How are team members (staff) accounted for at the beginning and end of shifts? (explained or demonstrated protocol or system e.g. sign in/out document systems)

Animals - Safe Work Environment, Animal Welfare

  • Are the animals at the site kept in a clean and healthy condition?

Electricity and Electrical Equipment

  • Has all heating and cooling equipment been guarded and secured to prevent unauthorised access?

  • Have all electrical leads been tagged and tested and are in date? Sample observations of at least 5 items of equipment.

  • What fault reports for equipment have been lodged in last 3 months or are outstanding? -What is their status (inspection and maintenance protocols)

Plant and equipment - Children's or client equipment

  • Observation: Is the equipment that clients use in good working order e.g. furniture, play structures, hoists/benches and seating?

  • Storage sheds - is access easy to obtain and move equipment, is the floor and door closure in safe order?

  • All sites: What practices are used to inspect the site and equipment regularly or day to day? Who is responsible? Show evidence (e.g. instructions, protocols, daily checklists)

  • If used, Wading Pools adequately cleaned or emptied every day?

  • Is the sandpit covered after use (to prevent access by animals and vermin) and regularly checked and topped up with fresh sand?

  • Are there remote workplaces or vehicles used by the team?

Induction and Training - Obligation WHS Act

  • Manager - Able to describe how are all workers inducted to cover their duties, risk and site arrangements for WHS? (WHS Act s19)

  • If kept locally is your induction register up to date? Show evidence to assure induction is completed for all workers. Show evidence of induction record for at least 2 workers who commenced in the last 12 months.

  • Induction and Training of Workers - ask workers - what was the last induction or training course you completed e.g. Go one, Etrain , other

  • Is there a training plan for workers that is role based, and aligned to the risks of the work and workplace?

WHS Management systems - Information access

  • Are the correct QR codes on display for notification reporting and information access? (Communities at Work report OV etc, injury notifications, WorkSafeACT )

  • Do workers have access to the WHS Legislation? (displayed in staff room or in folder)

  • Does the Workplace have a WHS Policy Statement displayed? How do you locate it? (through the QMS drive or refer to manager)

  • Does the site or program have a WHS Procedures Manual e.g. Documents folder or alternatively QMS Documents)

  • Are workers consulted on all WHS issues relating to the managed premises? - Show evidence

  • Are the GIO Workers Compensation Act & RTW document on display?

Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Management- Obligation WHS Act s 17, s19, s49

  • Does your centre or program have a risk assessment/management plan for the activities you do here? A current record should be provided for brief quality review.

  • Quality - Is the risk management plan include the full range of activities and worker tasks? Are the risk treatment actions allocated to a responsible role and tracked to completion? Duty WHS Act s17, 19

  • Compliance - Are hazards specifically identified and linked to risk controls? Specific hazards are identified and addressed by risk control; Evidence that QMS/ Hazard identification guidance has been applied.

  • Compliance - is there evidence of consultation on the record?

  • When was the assessment last updated? Should be within 2 years (show review evidence)

  • How do you make sure work can be done safely? (Talk to practices for risk management or monitoring safe work practices)

Psychosocial Risk Factors - high exposure risk

  • Can the manager demonstrate an understanding of what psychosocial hazards are and how to manage and report them e.g. ask - what type of things could lead to psycological harm for workers around here?

  • Ask a worker - what type of things could lead to psychological harm for workers around here? Able to list at least 2 hazards or psychosocial risk factors. Do this separately to the Manager if possible.

  • Is there evidence that psychosocial hazards or contributing risk factors are identified and controlled e.g. risk management plan or instructed practices? (ACT 19 (3)(c))

  • Ask manager: How would workers report an issue? (formal reporting forms, verbal reports and action response able to be described)

  • Do the workers know how to report OV, Bullying or sexual harassment? Ask at least 2 team members separately. (Specific report for this via intranet or QR codes).

  • Is there evidence that workers are made aware of an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? Verbal confirmation that managers/supervisors are aware and encourage staff to make use of EAP as appropriate

Occupational Violence - high exposure risk

  • Can the manager describe the prevention/risk management processes applied locally consistent with the relevant occupational violence management plan?

  • Manager - can identified how to find the Occupational Violence Management Policy? Where?

  • Have the workers received training in preventing or managing risks of Occupational Violence? (OV). Show evidence (induction completion, Certified or required training courses)

  • Is the work environment design adequate for risk management of Occupational Violence?

  • Is the work design adequate for risk management of Occupational Violence?

Manual Tasks including manual handling - high exposure risk

  • Has a risk assessment on manual tasks performed in the workplace been completed? Outcome: Were any hazardous manual tasks identified?

  • Is the plant, equipment and environment available and designed to reduce manual handling? Observe any aides that help with manual tasks e.g. trolleys, lifting devices etc.

  • Are workers provided with training in Manual task risk identification and manual handling (for hazardous manual tasks) ? Evidence of Training & Competency.

  • Are work instructions in place to control the risk whilst performing manual tasks (e.g. moving children on and off change tables) ? ( ACT 19 (3)(C)) Evidence of compliance means written instructions or induction records; or workers (at least 2) are able through the practices?

Incident Management

  • Is the Manager able to identify incident reporting requirements?

  • Demonstrate how to respond to an incident. Show evidence of a response by managers (documented or talk through); recent Incident risk assessment/Investigation, Corrective & Preventative Action, care for involved people

  • Regulatory notifications - Is there a system for ensuring notifiable incidents involving workers or third parties are reported to Worksafe ACT? Explain what a notifiable incident is under the WHS ACT (Part 3) including sexual assault and duty to preserve site if a notifiable incidents occurs.

Injury Management - workers (Manager /Team lead)

  • Manager /Team lead able to describe- Fit for Work - What happens if a team member is injured outside of work (non-compensible, medical conditions)? Show evidence or be able to explain QMS policy and procedure.

  • Manager /Team lead able to describe -Injury Management - Do you know how to manage an injury incurred by your workers whilst at work? Show evidence or be able to explain QMS policy and procedure.

  • Manager - what is your role during a return to work plan for a worker? Show evidence or be able to explain QMS policy and procedure.

  • Discuss QMS policy and procedures and application in local context.

Hazardous Substances (Chemical Safety)

  • Does the Manager in control have a current chemical register?

  • Does the Workplace have the appropriate Safety Data Sheets? and accessible to all workers?

  • Are the Safety Data Sheets in date?

  • Does this site have a hazardous material survey or any asbestos containing material?

  • Is the survey and management plan current (5 years)

  • Are there procedures in place for cleaning up spills and breakages?

  • Have Workers been trained in storage, use, disposal and emergency procedures relating to any chemicals use in the workplace? Chemical Safety Procedure (and attachment guidance for induction of workers)

  • Are all chemicals used on site clearly labelled?

  • Are all chemicals safely stored? Check all chemical storage sites and the cleaner's storeroom?

  • Spill kit - Provide the contents list. Locate and inspect that the kit is accessible and the contents listed are all in the kit in good order.

Consultation and Change communication (WHS obligations, risk factor psychosocial)

  • WHS committee minutes accessible to workers at the site

  • Manager and team - How are workers consulted on WHS issues relating to the managed premises? E.g. in staff meetings or inservice training - Show evidence.

  • Planning for changes - Is there involvement with the team when planning for change and discussion with the team about any risks? Planning Identification of hazards, assessment & control of risks. Ask 2 team members.

  • Change communication - Ask Manager - What was last communication you received from line management e.g. if tasks or work arrangements were changed at the site, new procedures were required? Sight written evidence e.g. regular meeting, WHS meeting agenda item, induction or performance feedback and team talks which are signed off.

  • Communciations about WHS matters - Sight evidence for WHS communication, safety newsletters, website information, WHS committee meeting minutes etc.

Performance, Monitoring and Continuous Improvement (WHS policy v2.1; WHS policy statement; Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Section 27

  • Responsibility - Promote a safety culture within the organisation - provide an example.

  • Performance Monitoring and Continuous Improvement - Name one example of a risk control improvement either completed recently or in progress. Provide a reference or evidence e.g. Incident response/action; Risk treatment action, evidence of outcome.

  • What is monitored and measured in the program/service e.g. for WHS performance or legal obligations (for WHS risk management)?


  • Date and time of approval

  • Approver's signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.