Title Page

  • Date answered

  • Employee name

  • Manager name

Workplace Culture Survey

  • Employees should answer each field with full honestly. Add comments if needed.


  • Our culture is formal and very set in its ways.

  • Our culture has a set of rigid rules that cannot be modified no matter what.

  • Our culture is very open and flexible. We respond to changes in our environment accordingly.

  • Our culture encourages each and every employee to speak up because they will be heard no matter what. All opinions will be heard equally.

  • Our culture promotes an environment where people are passionate or motivated about their work.

  • Our culture promotes diversity and has efforts and practices in place that show this.

  • Overall, I am happy with our culture.


  • Our culture provides equal opportunities for all sexes, genders, races, and religious beliefs.

  • Employees are on good terms with each other outside of work tasks.

  • My work makes me experience a low level of stress

  • My work makes me experience a high level of strees

  • I feel I am fulfilling my responsibilities to the best of my abilities.

  • My mental health and physical health are both considered priorities.

  • The volume of work in my role is too much for me to manage.

  • The volume of work in my role is too low.

  • Our organization makes it easy to cooperate and communicate with other teams.

  • Our organization encourages us to voice out opinions and suggestions freely.

  • My leaders and managers give me the best support I need for different needs.

  • We are provided with the best resources to maintain a healthy work-life balance.


  • I understand my role's contributions to the organization and I can see the results of my hard work.

  • With the right opportunities, I believe there is room to grow and advance in my role.

  • I feel that my organization supports our individual developments.

  • I would describe myself as "highly engaged" in my role.

  • I would describe myself as "highly engaged" in our organization.

  • I can see myself remaining with this organization in the future for at least another year.

  • Generally speaking, I am satisfied with my role and my contributions.

  • Overall, I am satisfied working for our organization.


  • Employees can use this space to tell leaders additional comments, suggestions, and concerns,

  • Emploeyee name and position

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.