Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Responsible Business Unit Manager
Have risks been identified on this inspection
List risks identified.
Previous inspection
1. Has the last inspection been reviewed
A. Layout and Communication of Safety Policy
1. Safety Policy is displayed in prominent position
2. Are there no outstanding actions.
2. Area is tidy through good housekeeping
3. Exit doors are unobstructed and open freely
4. Floor coverings are in good condition
5. Floor is free of obstructions
6. Ergonomic chairs are available
B. Environment
1. Temperature is comfortable
2. Lighting appears adequate
3. Lighting covers and fittings are secure
4. Noise level is acceptable/adequately controlled
5. Ventilation is adequate
6. Adequate storage facilities available (for office requirements)
7. Work surfaces are free from glare and reflections
8. Workers can control the amount of natural light
C. Emergency Management
1. Personnel are aware of the location of Emergency Procedures
2. Presence of evacuation signs in buildings with current date information
3. Fire Extinguishers are appropriate and easily accessible
4. Extinguisher tags have been checked in the last six (6) months
5. Processes exist for making visitors aware of Emergency Procedures
6. Records of alarms undergoing inspection(where applicable)
7. Escape routes are clear and egress/access is not compromised
8. Emergency and Hazard signage is clearly visible
9. All exit signs are illuminated
D. First Aid Facilities
1. First Aid kits are readily accessible
2. First Aid kits are stocked as per legislative requirements
3. Items in the First Aid kits are within expiry dates
4. Names and contact details of First Aiders are displayed
E. General Facilities and Environment
1. Facilities (washrooms, showers, lockers, dining areas, drinking water, etc) are clean and functional
2. Where applicable, lockers or equivalent are made available to staff
3. Safety Noticeboard is made available to enable the display of relevance Safety Information
4. Warning and Safety signage is in good condition
F. Manual Handling
1. Frequently used items are within easy access ( recommended to be: between knee and shoulder and less than an arm span away)
2. Heavy items are stored at waist height
3. Stepladders or equivalent are made available to access items stored above shoulder level
4. Trolleys or other mechanical aids are available for heavy items and loads
5. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are available
6. Where applicable, personnel using equipment follow SOPs
G. Electrical Safety
1. Power leads are in good condition
2. Power leads are off the floor and placed away from walkways
3. Safety covers are used where power leads are on the floor
4. Power boards are used (not double adaptors)
5. Residual Current Devices (RCD) are in place
H. Chemical Management
1. Health and Safety information on all chemical substances is readily accessible
2. Chemicals are labelled as per legislative requirements
3. Chemical Management procedures are available
I. Ergonomic Equipment
1. Workstations are designed for their intended purpose
2. Workers can easily access frequently used equipment ie: keyboard, mouse, and telephone
3. Training and instruction has been provided to workers to enable them to adjust their workstations
4. Equipment is adequately maintained
5. Chairs have a five (5) point base, are height and tilt adjustable and have lumbar support
6. The desk has adequate leg clearance
7. Computer monitors can be positioned directly in front of the user, with the top of the monitor at eye level
8. Footrests are available where required
J. Personal Protective Equipment
1. Where require PPE is appropriate to the task
2. PPE is accompanied by instruction and/or suitable training
3. Required PPE is readily available
4. Appropriate supervision is provided to ensure PPE is worn as required
5. PPE is maintained in serviceable condition
Sign Off
Health Safety Representative
Auditor's signature
Management signature
Inspection Actions Completed - Date and signature