Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Location

  • Service Order

  • TSC Name

  • Mentor Name

Appropriately prepared for work.

  • TSC wearing correct PPE including correct armband

  • TSC has a valid PTS card with TSC competency

  • TSC has a fully charged mobile phone in event of emergency

  • TSC is not showing signs of tiredness or fatigue (i.e. excessive yawning, eye rubbing)

  • TSC understands the importance of working safely at all times, complying with the NIR rule book and Health and safety legislation.

Understands how to set up a Safe System of Work.

  • TSC can set up a SSOW by making the necessary arrangements with the worksite ES.

  • TSC is aware of the individual roles and responsibilities of key personnel in the safe system.

  • TSC can complete the TSC briefing booklet and deliver a clear and concise brief to everyone.

  • TSC checks everyone going on or near the line has a valid PTS card and any other relevant competency.

  • TSC can communicate the SSOW to the working party.

  • TSC can communicate clearly with the worksite ES

  • TSC understands that your working group must not access track until the ES has set up their worksite and they have signed onto the ES form.

  • Understands what lines will be affected by rail mounted machines within the green zone and the limits of the worksite and this must be briefed to the working group

Completion of works.

  • TSC can handback the site accordingly and checks that the track is left safe when work is complete, ensuring the track is clear of the working group, plant, materials, tools etc and is safe for the passage of trains.

  • TSC understands the need to sign ES certificate on completion of works.

Feedback & further mentoring


  • Please provide any further observations or feedback below:


  • Does the learner require more mentoring?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.