Title Page

  • Client:

  • This report contains the preliminary findings of the recently conducted safety hazard survey at your company's facility or job site. It is intended to be used for the early correction of hazards, pending completion of the official report from the WorkWISE NH consultant. WorkWISE NH reserves the right to add to or alter the preliminary report according to their findings during the inspection. Any additions or alterations will be made on the official report from the WorkWISE NH consultant within 1 month of the date of inspection.

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  • Conducted: Andrew Lusignan

  • Prepared by: Andrew Lusignan, CSP

  • Location:
  • Company Representative(s):

Program Requirements and information

  • Confidentiality and Stipulations

  • Add signature

  • Would the company like a copy of the agreement sent to them by email?

Company Information

General Information

  • Would the consultants like to use the general information checklist?


  • Union or not union?

Company General Information

  • Age of Company

  • Company Services and Service Area

  • How many square feet is the site?


  • Number of employees on site

Opening Conference Checklist

  • General Notes

Opening Conference Chechlist

  • Would the consultant like to use the digital version of the checklist?

OSHA 300 Logs

  • Are they required?

  • Are they present?

Foreign Workers

  • Do you have any foreign workers who have a hard time or cannot read English?

  • Do you have a OSHA poster that they can read in the language they are most comfortable reading?

Reward System

  • Is there one in place?

  • Description

Disciplinary Policy

  • Is there one in place?

  • Description

Workplace Audits

  • Is there an audit system in place?

  • Are workers compensation carriers, private consultants or in house audits used?

Emergency Response

  • Is there a written program?

  • Do employees have a meeting spot during a fire or emergency?

Fire Extinguishers

  • Are they inspected annually?

  • Are they inspected monthly?

  • In the event of a fire will employees be able to use the extinguishers?

  • Are employees trained to use extinguishers?


  • Are they inspected prior to each shift?

Flammable material, liquid, gases on site?

  • Storage tank, refuel stations, portable containers?

  • Diesel

  • Stored in


  • Stored in


  • Stored in

  • Are employees trained?

  • Are daily inspection preformed?

Respirator Program

  • Do employees use respirators; including paper dust masks?

  • Are employees required to use these respirators, or are they using them voluntarily?

  • Is there a respirator program?

  • Have employees been medically evaluated?

  • Have employees been fit-tested for their respirators?

  • Have employees been medically evaluated?

Hazard Communication

  • Is there a written program?

  • Have all employees been trained on the new GHS system?

  • Have MSDS's been converted to SDS?

  • Are chemicals at the worksite labeled?

  • Do you have a plumbed or portable Eye Wash Station?

  • What a hazard inspection completed during the visit?

  • Items
  • Serious Hazards

  • Condition

  • Location

  • Picture of Hazard

WorkWISE NH Consultant Disclaimer

  • This report obtains the preliminary findings of the recently conducted inspection of your facility or job site. It is intended to be used for the early correction of hazards, pending completion of the official report from the WorkWISE NH consultant. WorkWISE NH reserves the right to add to or alter the preliminary report according to their findings during the inspection. Any additions or alterations will be made on the official report from the WorkWISE NH consultant within 1 month of the date of inspection.

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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.